Showmen's Trade Review (Apr-Jun 1939)

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.1/(1 V 6, lOS'^ SHOW M 1-: N ' S '1^ R A I ) l<: K I'. V 1 K w Page 45 Enjoying a joke Leo Carrili.o and Director Lew Landers have an informal chat zi'hilc camera equipment is being set up for the next scene in "The Dove,'' gay RKO Radio offering of Old Mexico in which Carrillo, as a dashing "Robin Hood," is supported by Steffi Duna and Tim Holt. Robert Montgomery to Make Two Pictures in England for MGM Robert Montgomery will be the next star to 'be sent to England to appear in films at the MGM British Studios in Denham. Montgomery will be seen in two pictures, "Busman's Honeymoon" by Dorothy Sayers and "The Earl of Chicago" by Brook Williams. Victor Saville, producer for MGM British, is now in Hollywood discussing production plans for the two pictures with Montgomery and Ben Goetz, managing director at Denham, who recently brought to America the print of "Good Bye, Mr. Chips", which stars Robert Donat and Greer Garson. Montgomery will leave for England as soon as final scripts are prepared. Considine to Produce "Blackmail" John Considine, Jr. has been assigned to produce MGM's "Blackmail" which will have Edward G. Robinson in the leading role. Robinson, who is under contract to Warner Bros., had the top role in MGM's "The Last Gangster" about a year ago. Vehicle is now being prepared for the cameras and will be directed by Henry C. Potter. "Sorority House" Sequel Planned RKO will follow "Sorority House" with another picture of collegiate life, entitled "Final Exams", and has assigned Dalton Trumbo to write the story. Anne Shirley and James Ellison, stars of the other production, will also have the leading roles in the sequel. Cast for "Way Down South" W ith the signing of Ralph Morgan, president of the Screen Actors Guild, to portray the father of Bob Breen in "Way Down South", Sol Lesser completed casting on the production. Morgan checks in at the Lesser lot immediately upon completion of his featured role in "Geronimo" at Paramount. Picture is now before the cameras under the direction of Bernard Vorhaus. Edward Ellis to Play Title Role Edward Ellis, who scored heavily as Andrew Jackson in "Man of Conquest", has been signed by Republic to portray the title role in "Abraham Lincoln Boggs", which is scheduled for early production. Ellis has played numerous featured roles in pictures during the past few years in Hollywood, but it was not until his triumphant performance in "A Man to Remember" that producers became aware of his real potentialities. Republic to Up Budgets On All Future Product Hkrbkrt J. V'aies, cliairnian of the board of Republic Pictures, announced this week that the studio would increase budgets on all product for the coming season, in addition to six pictures to be made on the same scale as "Man of Conquest", and four Anniversary specials. The budgets on the Gene Autey pictures will be increased one-third. Yates set to rest rumors of a shakeup in the studio personnel. M. J. Siegel leaves for a month's talent and story search in New York, and during his absence, E. H. Goldstein will be in charge of studio affairs. Republic's income has been increased in the past eight months because of better product, with foreign grosses showing an increase of almost 100%, despite unrest and precarious conditions in Europe. Yates will accompany Gene Autry on a six weeks' personal appearance tour of Great Britain, leaving around the first of June. Looks Like Hot Work Producer-director Rowland V. Lee goes over same new scenes zvith the cast of Universal' s "The Sun Never Sets", while zvorking on the African Gold Coast location about 20 miles from Hollywood. Left to right in the picture are Basil Rathbone, Lee, Ramsay Hill (technical adviser), script girl, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., Barbara O'Neill and Melville Cooper. Paramount Workmen Busy On New Construction For More Production More than 100 workmen are busy at Paramount on four new construction projects ordered to facilitate the handling of increased summer production. Construction of a 90-ton steel rocker in the "A" tank for "Ruler of the Seas", is one of the major jobs. A ship unit matching the huge sailing boats at Los Angeles harbor will be built on the tank, when the steel foundation is completed. In addition to the above, the studio is enlarging the camera department, the switchboard room and the operating quarters in the transparency building. 12-Week Shooting Schedule A 12-week shooting schedule has been allotted the forthcoming Warner Bros, production of "The Knight and the Lady", to be filmed in Technicolor with Errol Flynn and Bette Davis as its co-stars. Michael Curtiz will direct the story of Queen Elizabeth of England with starting date set for May 8. HCLLrWCOD with the "Oldtimer" Thai little chat with Herbert J. Yates, chairman of Republic's board, cleared up a lot of rumors about a shakeup in the studio personnel and also confirmed the news that the company is going in for higher-budget pictures for the coming sea.son. How about a few more like "Man of Conquest'*'/ Visited the Goldwyn back lot for a "looksee" at the sets being used in the filming of "The Real Glory," Gary Cooper starrer, and now we know what a real jungle looks like. All it needs, from our observation, is a few of the Philippine mosquitoes ... it has everything else. Hollywood glamour boys are gnashing their teeth because Ann Sheridan, the queen of "OOMPH", will be on ice for the next three weeks with the Walter Wanger "Winter Carnival" company. Miss "OOMPH" will spend most of the time in a refrigerated stage. Here's hoping the ice doesn't melt. And speaking of "glamour," what are the girls going to do when they find Ty Power doing a combination of Truckin', Suzy Q and the Lambeth Walk in his new picture, "Second Fiddle." Ty has begun rehearsals for his first ventme into Jitterbugging, with the aid of 40 of Hollywood's most beautiful dancing girls ... not forgetting Sonja Henie. Tickled to see Charles Leonard back in circulation again. Charlie, formerly Coast ad head for United Artists, was named RKO producer — home office representative for Herbert Wilcox Productions and Max Gordon plays and Picture Corp. Best of luck on your new assignment. We understand that Paramount has a sweet piece of entertainment in "The Gracie Allen Murder Case," according to our "snooping" reporter, who spotted Director Al Green with a big grin on his face. Wonder if George Burns, or brother William, will take any of the credit for their kibitizing? With His Animal Cast Director Frank Capra makes friends zvith tzvo animal actors betzveen scenes of Columbia's "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington," in ivhich Jean Arthur and James Stewart are co-starred.