Showmen's Trade Review (Oct-Dec 1939)

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Page 34 SHOWMEN'S TRADE REVIEW October 14, 1939 EQUIPMENT LITERATURE BUREAU SEAMLOC CARPETS: This carpet first attracted our atlention Idiir or five years ago and in it we saw great possibilities for theatres to achieve unusual effects in their carpeting, especially in foyers, mezanines and rear orchestra sections without any great cost to them over what they would spend for ordinary carpet covering. Today the idea has been advanced to a point close to perfection and certainly worthy of theatrenien's attention for its vast possibilities. Vou'll never really know enough about it until you've investigated. We have a folder which will tell you all about it furnished by the L. C. Chase Co. Can we send you one? HEARING AIDS: It's a sign of smart showmanship to be able to ofifer the hard of hearing opportunity to enjoy motion pictures in your tlieatre, as well as being the means to more revenue at the box ofTice. Dictograph Products has published a booklet on the equipment specially designed and built for theatres and another booklet telling how to exploit the hearing aids as a community service. If your theatre is not equipped with hearing aids we recommend that you investigate, and you can do so with a minimum of efifort and no cost by sending in your request to receive these booklets through us. STAGE DRAPES: A new; dress for your stage will go a long way toward making your theatre look the part of starting a new season with fitting emphasis on improvements not only in pictures but their presentation. Novelty Scenic Studios are veterans at the job of obtaining elaborate ef„ects at small cost by clever arrangements in proscenium decoration. A booklet issued by this company discusses various types of proscenium and wall decoration. We are sure you will find this interesting. BOOTH ACCESSORIES: There's always room for improvement in the proiection room, atid here's a catalogue of equipment that will make work more eflicient up there where the picture coines from. You'd be surprised how many excellent aids to more efliciency in the projection room are available, and if you're really interested in better projection send for a booklet which GoldE Manufacturing Company has agreed to supply us for distribution to a limited number of enterprising exhibitors. Make a note on the coupon below and send for yours now. UNIFORMS: Nothing like being provided against the time when you will be in the position of having to select a new set of uniforms for the house stafi". So we are offering with the cooperation of Russell Uniform Co., a foremost designer and manufacturer long experienced in theatre uniform requirements, this recently released book illustrating different types of iniiforms. SOUND SERVICE: Simplifying the subject as to whether you need sound servicing by a specialist concern, Altec Service reduces the whole business to a series of questions and answers that will take you more quickly to a conclusion than reams of reading matter. We don't think any live-wire theatre outfit should be without a copy of this valuable booklet and urge you to provide yourself with one by requesting us to send a copy. LIGHTING PLANTS: (Emergency) STR has long advocated the installation of emergency lighting equipment both for theatres in towns where current failure has been a regular occurrence as well as in other places where even the remote possibility of such a thing would mean a large loss in revenue, and the use of refunds. Kohler and Kohler has made up a condensed pamphlet on the subject that will tell you all you need know for your introduction to the subject. SHOWMEN'S TRADE REVIEW maintains a complete library of literature pertaining to equipment and the maintenance thereof. Theatremen are urged to keep themselves well informed on the latest trends in equipment through this bureau which operates as one of the services of this publication. There is no obligation involved in your request for as many of these booklets as you desire. Items of equipment not listed may likewise be requested just the same and we will endeavor to secure whatever you ask for. Readers who desire special information on any subject may address their requests to the Bureau where they will receive prompt attention. THEATRE SEATS: No matter how much you may know about theatre seats there is a booklet you can have for the asking that will tell you things you never even thought of in connection with these man-made devices that help nature make you comfortable when you crave a good "sit down." American Seating Company, to whom the picture industry has learned to look for the unusual, has ---epared this new booklet. It is the company's "confession of faith." and by illustration takes you behind the scenes in the testing laboratories and factories where everything that goes into a theatre seat, from the smallest screws to the solid standards, is given the severest test and the most careful handling to make an article that will stand up to the wear imposed by frequent iise, aflord the greatest comfort and style. It's as entertaining as a lively newsreel, as informative as a text book. Send for your copy. UNIT HEATERS: This illuminating catalogue concerning unit heaters recently was issued by Carrier Corp., Syracuse, N. Y. Photographs, diagrams of special applications and typical installations highlight the 16-page bulletin. Engineering talks of capacities, pipe sizes and ratings make this new catalog valuable for reference. Among the new features included are : two fan units, slow speed units, units for vertical discharge, even additional sizes (twenty-two sizes in the complete line), three-section louvres, non-corrosive applications and a tubular motor bracket. In addition to the steam and hot water types, the new Carrier gasfired and direct type unit heaters are also announced. Whether you wish it as a reference book, or whether you're contemplating heating equipment installation, this catalog is a source of valuable information you shouldn't be without. Send for a copy now. FLOOR PAINT: There's many a good decorator who has claimed that the decoration of a room begins at the floor, and no matter how spic and attractive the wall treatments and draperies may be, any part of your lobby, auditorium or rest rooms that shows scratches or scars in the paint is enough to spoil the effect of the entire room. There are floor paints that have been especially prepared for theatres and other public buildings, and information about them is to be had by anybody who will glance through this folder prepared by Devce & Reynolds Co. PROJECTION LAMPS: No theatreman needs to be told about the high standing of the lamps manufactured by the Strong Electric Company, but many theatremen should investigate improvements that have been made in this equipment. There's no quicker way to inform yourself on that matter than by sending for a copy of a booklet which Strong has published. REQUEST FOR LITERATURE Equipmenl Literature Bureau io/i4/30 Showmen's Trade Review, 1501 Broadway, New York City I am interested in the equipment data mentioned in the Literature Bureau column. Send me booklets on the following subjects, immediately: Name Theatre Address (print n.-^me and address) City . State SCREEN SLIDES: Nothing hke "personalizing" your screen as a medium of expression and contact between you and your patrons, with messages of local interest, news or facts about your theatre. Here is the means of telling the audience the latest weather report, announcing meetings of important civic bodies such as Women's Clubs, etc., with a slide that can be run through your typewriter and projected on your screen, described in a folder of practical ideas prepared by Radio Mat Slide Co. Just write your request for one on the form below and we will send you this serviceable idea-source. We'll also send you a sample slide. TICKET REGISTERS: Something new for the theatre is the Automaticket Sales Register equipped with a visible indicator on which the sale is flashed in light that shows the customer precisely the amount registered by the cashier. This innovation in the field of registers is described in a folder just issued by General Register Corporation and you will find it a most interesting source of information on a notable improvement of much needed equipment for every theatre. Send for a copy. MARQUEE SIGNS: Mavbe your theatre needs what milady calls a "facial ;" in other words some beautifying to give a different and a "come hither" look. Something modern in marquees will do the trick. Anyway, investigate the idea by sending for a swell book we can deliver to you through the courtesy of Wagner Sign Service. It deals with the signs that are available for brightening up the front, and you should have it for present as well as future reference. So send in for a copy. MOTOR GENERATORS: One of the oldest firms in its special line of theatre projection equipment offers a series of folders describing various features of this apparatus. Theatremen who have obtained copies tell us this is especially interesting and informative material, and we believe all exhibitors should have copies of these folders on hand. SIGN FLASHERS: The latest folder-catalogue from Betts & Betts is now ready for distribution to those who want to know mere about the use of flashers or flashing equipment for marquees, signs, animated displays, etc. It covers the subject thoroughly and intelligently and judging from requests for the original folder announced last December, we know you will want a copy of this one. PROSCENIUM EQUIPMENT: Interesting and informative for your immediate attention and a most valuable reference work on curtain control devices is this excellent booklet prepared by Vallen, Inc. Profusely illustrated with diagrams and photographs, and containing engineering data as well as description, here is a most important addition to the reference library of every alert showman. RECTIFIERS: A subject on which there is room for much improvement in the understanding of theatre owners is that of the rectifier, and the booklet describing and illustrating a new rectifier manufactured by Ashcraft is one we recommend to the attention of all exhibitors. It always pays to investigate new equipment, and you will act wisely if you ask us to send you a copy of this Ashcraft booklet. PUBLIC ADDRESS SYSTEMS: RCA Mfg. Co. has prepared one of the most comprehensive books on this important subject which, in addition to listing the various types of FA equipment with prices, explains many of the other things you will want to know. PROJECTOR MECHANISMS: Profusely illustrated, this is a pictorial description of the very heart of your projector, the mechanism, and whether or not you're mechanically inclined it is something for which you should thank International Projector, because the folder here recommended very highly for your attention makes the mechanical action of a precision machine clear and understandable. To familiarize yourself with mechanisms and for a refreshened grasp of their workings, which may come in handy if you are to be faced with making a decision regarding replacements and repairs to your projectors, we advise you to send for this folder. HEATING: There is so much that theatremen should know about heating, boilers, radiation, etc., we heartily recommend that they ask us for a copy of the fine book that has been made available through the courtesy of the American Radiator Co. "ON THE SPOT," is the title of a vitally important booklet issued by the L. C. Chase Co.. for the purpose of telling you how to keep your furniture upholstery and drapes clean. The contents cover every conceivable type of stain that can mar the beauty and appearance of your coverings. TICKET MACHINES: Interesting booklets issued by National Theatre Supply Co., dealing with the Timco Ticket Registers and especially useful if you are considering the purchase of new ticket machines. You can have them upon request of STR.