Silver Screen (Jun-Oct 1940)

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Silver Screen for June 1940 75 ior the plucking. They are a generous lot, t's well known, inclined to be too easygoing for their own good, and for that •eason are imposed upon as no other class )f people. Some time ago, for instance, when Anita l^ouise made a New York radio appeartnce, she met a young actress in the )roadcasting station whom she believed inusually talented. She said as much, and old her, with her ability, she should some lay go to Hollywood. Later, the girl communicated with Anita ind wrote she was taking her advice. Vnita immediately wired an invitation to fay with her while getting settled. Not only did the girl take advantage if this offer, but continued on as her guest s the weeks rolled into months. Indeed, astead of trying tofind work, she made ot the slightest effort toward furthering er actress career. Anita, who wouldn't sk her to leave even though her welcome mg since had worn thin, rid herself of his individual only by being called back 0 New York for further radio work and losing her apartment. In all, the girl relained with Anita for more than four lonths ! Wayne Morris one morning was jaunty sauntering down Hollywood Boulevard, le passed a tailoring shop. "Mr. Morris," he heard a voice all. ... "I have something for you." Turning, he saw it was the proprietor, 'ho rushed out and grasped him by the rm, piloting him then inside. Wayne, ;ill fairly new to Hollywood and with a hild-like faith in humanity, although he ad achieved some degree of fame on le screen, felt flattered, and when the iilor brought out a top coat and slipped on him he made no protest. "Isn't it a beauty?" the man asked. It as. Fit him perfectly. He truly looked ke a movie star in it. "And it's yours," beamed the tailor. I've been saving it for you. You're my jtvorite actor, you know, Mr. Morris." Wayne started to expand. So, this was Lollywood. This was what fame did for |iie. Right now it had got him the present If a snappy top coat. He'd heard of other ptors who'd had things given them. He anced at several other men in the shop, id grinned. They smiled back. This was le life, all right. "You'll take it?" the tailor asked, anxpusly. Poor fellow, he wanted so to do j)mething for Wayne. 1 "Sure, I'll take it, gladly. And many lianks." I The coat was put in a box, handed to j^ayne. I "That'll be just one hundred and venty-five dollars," the man said. And Kayne had to pay. He didn't dare back it before all those people, although parting under the injustice of the moment. The man deliberately had humili' ed him into purchasing the garment, i Warner Baxter calculates he receives :quests mounting upward of $200,000 a :ar from utter strangers, but he was irtated beyond his customary good humor -and rightfully, I think you'll agree— hen he opened his mail recently and a le dollar bill fell out, accompanied by Le following note: "This is the last cent I have. It is a NO UNDERARM ODOR AFTER! Again, Yodora proves its power to protect in difficult conditions! A nurse supervised this gruelling test, in the Caribbean tropics . . . Under her direction, Miss M. K. applied Yodora. Then played deck tennis for three hours in the blazing sun! Result . . . not a hintof underarm odoriThough amazingly efficient, Yodora seems as gentle and silky as your face cream. It is soft, non-greasy. Yodora leaves no sickly smell to taint your clothing. It will not rot fabrics. lOt', 25c or 60C1 jar, or 25t'' tube. McKesson & Robbins, Inc. YODORfl DEODORfMT CREAM gesture of my great desperation. I need $125. Please send immediately." Nor was Richard Arlen's faith in human nature increased the day after he had loaned an acquaintance $200 on a hard-luck story that the man had to send his wife to the hospital for an operation. Arlen, you know, is regarded as a "touch" whenever sickness is concerned. The following morning, the actor was at his tailor's when in strutted the borrower of the day before, and, unaware of Arlen's presence, ordered two expensive suits to be made up! Glancing over the mail placed before her by her secretary, Claudette Colbert had the surprise of her life when she read: "For professional services rendered, $1500." The bill came from a man in Kansas City. It developed that some time before Claudette had received a note {her secretary had tossed it away without bothering to show Claudette) to the effect that this man had read she was suffering from a sinus infection. He proclaimed this was caused by certain impurities, and that he would work on it for her. "I'm working on you," a second epistle stated. Then, the bill. ... How admiring fans may be source for considerable inconvenience is evidenced in the time Ray Milland severed an artery in his hand and his wife rushed him to the hospital, not daring to wait for either the doctor or an ambulance. As Milland jumped out of the car in front of the hospital, half a dozen women surrounded him and refused to let him go until he had given them his autograph. Only the timely interference of Mrs. Milland; who explained the emergency of the matter, prevented possible serious complications. On another occasion, Clark Gable and a friend dashed out of the Waldorf-Astoria in New York and entered a taxi, on their way to the broadcasting station. Clark was due to go on the air in a national hook-up, and they already were frightfully late. The crowd espied Gable. And that was that. They threatened to overturn the SATISFY YOUR SUPPRESSED DESIRES at the MOVIES! Dr. A. A. Brill, WorldFamous Authority on Human Behavior, is interviewed by Betty Shannon. Result — a tremendous, powerful scoop for Screenland! America's greatest movie magazine again rings the bell with a sensational story! READ IT NOW! ONLY IN THE BIG JUNE Screenland lOc-tfOW ON SALE-Wc Relieve Pain in Few Minutes or Money ffjc/L Rheumatism To relieve the torturing pain of Neuritis, Rheumatism, Neuralgia or Lumbago in few minutes, get NTJRITO, the fine formula, used by thousands. No opiates. Does the work quickly — must relieve cruel pain to your satisfaction in few minutes or money back. Don't suffer. Clip this ad now as a reminder to ask your druggist for NURITO today.