Silver Screen (Jun-Oct 1940)

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78 Silver Screen for June 1940 Hello STAR JLYES! June Storey, lovely Republic Pictures star If you haven't tried Camille Cream Mascara, you're missing one of the most exciting beauty helps ever perfected! For this amazing mascara that you use without water, works eye magic! It lines your lashes to the very tip, makes them look thicker, longer — makes your eyes bewitchingly lovely. Smearproof, stingproof, tearproof. Comes in a smart, colored vanity that keeps your purse clean. Get Camille Mascara at your 10c store today, or send 10c (15c in Canada) coin or stamps to CAMILLE, 49 E. 21U Street, New York, N, Y. Pept.E-1^ cnmiuE fl0/M MASCARA ( fir. . COMPLETE mrith w I Ai tube, brush I IIC and vanity Black, brown blue S^7""'".-£X SONG POEM WRITERS Write for free inspiring booklet outlining opportunities for amateur songwriters. ALLIED MUSIC, INC., Dept. IP. Box 507, Cincinnati. Ohio 1 TV £2> A itAHN hoiv to omiWi Only 25C Adorably-rounded bust attracts friends, wins admiration ! Thousands have quickly developed inviting contours with this successful system, used by famous stars and clamour girls. Presented in my complete BEAUTY CULTURE method, demonstrated in 79 thrilling photos of LOVELY WOMEN — together with exercises for REDUCING, adding weight; graceful carriage, shapely le^s, poise; completely streamlining vour FIGURE! Clip this "ad,' .include name and address, mail 'with 25c in coin to JOE BONOMO Dept. 686, 1841 Broadway, N. V. C. herb's why millions ask for Reviews [Continued from page 53] CHECKS UNDERARM BODY ODORS AISO IM UOUID S POWDCR FORM will stop at nothing, and Madeline Carroll plays the young artist for whom the father admits his love after the death of his unloved wife. One tense situation follows another, as young Louis proceeds to wreck lives and romances. The big news of the picture, however, is the portrayal by Laraine Day of a young actress-friend of the family whom Louis betrays. Laraine, who has been seen lately in the Dr. Kildare series, gives a brilliant and beautiful performance which had the preview audience screaming their heads off for her. IT'S A DATE Deanna's Best! — Universal . THE best of the Deanna Durbin pictures— and that's saying a great big mouthful, as they have all been excellent. Under the master touch of Producer Joe Pasternak, Deanna continues to negotiate the transition between childhood and girlhood on the screen, and gives a really exquisite performance. Deanna plays the young teen-age daughter of Kay Francis, a popular New York actress, who has no idea that her child is growing up. An aspiring young actress herself, Deanna becomes her own mother's rival for the choicest stage assignment of the coming season. She can't bear to hurt her mother, so bravely tries to keep her from finding out about it. In the meantime, quite innocently, she also becomes her own mother's rival in romance. Of course, the mother gets the man and the daughter gets the stage plum, and it all ends quite happily, but not until there have been some delicious comedy complications. The action takes place, for the most part, in Honolulu with Harry Owens and His Royal Hawaiians providing delightful background music. Deanna sings several songs including "Loch Lomond," "Musetta's Street Song," and a new popular song by Pinky Tomlin called "Love Is All." In a most beautiful and touching sequence she sings "Ave Maria." Walter Pidgeon plays the attractive young man in love with the mother, and who has an awful time getting rid of Deanna so he can propose to her. In the excellent supporting cast are Eugene Pallette, Samuel S. Hinds, Cecilia Loftus, and S. Z. Sakall. Don't miss this one. A BILL OF DIVORCEMENT Establishes Maureen O'Hara as a Star ~RK0 ONLY a few years ago you saw Katharine Hepburn, a young unknown actress from Broadway, rise to fame in the role of Sydney Fairfield. Now it is Maureen O'Hara, young Irish actress from the Abbey Theatre, who plays Sydney in the newest remake of the ever popular "Bill of Divorcement." It will probably do the same for Maureen that it did for Katie. The picture deals with the subject of insanity, treating it in a most intelligent manner. Sydney Fairfield, on the eve of her marriage to a nice young man from Australia, meets her father, who has just escaped from an asylum, and for the first time learns that there is hereditary insanity in the family — that her own mind is tainted. Th( drama, and grim drama it is, concerns th( sacrifice of herself for the sake of he) mother and her fiance. Adolphe Menjou is excellent as the father, and so is Fa); Bainter as the mother. Herbert Marshall and Dame May Whitty are featured. THE HOUSE OF THE SEVEN GABLES A Margaret Lindsay Triumph— Universal WITHOUT fanfare comes this sur prise interpretation of the famoui old classic, beautifully handled from be ginning to end and serving to establis] Margaret Lindsay as one of the screen' finest dramatic actresses. As "Hepzibah/ Margaret gives a performance that ii really something to write home abouti Her delicate shading of characterization ranging from a sweet young girl to a bit ter old maid when her fiance is sentence! to life imprisonment after being falsel; accused of murdering his father, prove conclusively that her talents have Ion; been wasted. Vincent Price, as the impet uous older Pyncheon son, has at last hi his stride as one of the screen's most ro mantic leading men. George Sanders, a the younger son, gives a top-notch peri formance as always. Dick Foran, Mile Mander and Nan Grey round out a ca pable cast. Let's see more of that Lindsa; girl's dramatic ability. DR. CYCLOPS Photography a la Ripley — Paramoun ERNEST SCHOEDSACK, the ma who was responsible for "Grass, "Chang," "King Kong," and "The So: of King Kong," reaches into his imagi nation once more and comes forth wit "Dr. Cyclops." And a novelty indeed. I is the story of a man who discovers a wa to reduce human beings and animals int pigmies by means of a "radium _ ray. Eventually, of course, he turns his ra upon a scientific expedition who nosil invade his jungle laboratory. When th miniature scientists defy him he threaten to feed them to his cat — which gives yo an idea. After much fright and horror an cold chills the Lilliputian scientists mar age to outwit Dr. Cyclops and his cat b dropping him into his own radium mini Albert Dekker, a newcomer to the screei plays the menacing Dr. Cyclops. Janic Logan and Thomas Coley are the love ir terest. The picture is handsomely done 4 Technicolor, and there are more photogn phy tricks than you can shake a stick a' THE HOUSE ACROSS THE BA"1 Alcatraz to You — Walter Wanger GEORGE RAFT plays a likeabji young racketeer who falls in lo\ with, and marries, a pretty young sings! in his night club — one Miss Joan Bennetj His lawyer, Lloyd Nolan, finds Joaj pretty attractive, too, but when she wil have none of him he figures out a way t| have Georgie sent to Alcatraz, the housj