The Billboard 1905-04-15: Vol 17 Iss 15 (1905-04-15)

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The Bi liboard 19 UNITED STATES TENT & AWNING CO., (incorporated) 10-18 N. Desplaines St., Years Experience 63 BUILDING All Kinds and Sizes I. LEEPER................ 28 Years We DRIVER aaa 33 et EDW. P. NEUMANN, JR., 12%} SATISFACTION GUARANTEED CHICAGO, ILL. TENTS 125-133 W. Randolph St. Seats, ‘TENTS CARNIVAL, BLACK and RED \ Anything made of canvas KIDD'S PATENT LIGHTS, SIDESHOW PAINTINGS, CIRCUS SEATS, FLAGS, Correspondence Solicited. OL fF] . y> ‘ | | CIRCUS GOSSIP Olgo Reed is practicing at Peru, Ind. Forepaugh-Sells has billed Hamilton, Ohio, for April 26. Novel carts antl animals are one of the features of the Floto parade. Sam Cohen and The Inmans go with the Frank A. Robbins Show this season. Deloss Bosland is still with Fowler’s Combined Show and reports good business. The Floto Shows played two performances at Douglas, Ariz., April 4, to good business. Archie Royer will be principal clown and manager of the concert this season with the Sells-Downs Show. : The Gonzales Troupe of Mexican acrobats and tumblers go with the Hulburd Wild West Show. Geo. W. O’Doir, “the man with the ladder,” goes with the Campbell Brothers Shows, making his second season. W. B. Harold and wife, who have been wintering in Chicago, go with the Sells & Downs Show this season. The Sells & Downs Shows can use fifteen real billposters for opposition work. Note their ad in this issue. Dr. J. E. Fitzgerald has signed with | the Gollmar Brothers for the season, making his fourteenth with that show. Marion, Ill, a town of about 10,000 population, wants either Barnum & Bailey or | the Ringling Show this summer. Manager J. J. Frank is busily engaged in preparing the Frank & Body Big City Shows for their opening date, about May Willard McGuire, advertising agent of the Casino Theatre, Philadelphia, will do special press work for Pawnee Bill during the summer, The Sig. Sautelle & Welsh Brothers Shows United will play a four-days engagement at their first stand, Lancaster, Pa., beginning April 24. M. Thaddeus Sowder will organize a wild west show at Cheyenne, Wyo., to exhibit at the Lewis and Clarke Exposition this summer. Hargreaves Shows play Long Island this year. It is also rumored that an ex a oon in the south will be played late hn the fall. Barnum & Bailey’s canvas, para phernalia, tableau wagons, draft horses, etc., leaves Bridgeport, Conn., for Brooklyn, April 14 and 16. Frank Gregory and his famous Banda Rossa of forty solo musicians will furnish the music for the Frank A. Robbins Shows the coming season. H. A. Jones, formerly assistant Steward of the Forepaugh-Sells Shows, has signed with the Hulburd Wild West in the capacity of steward. The Floto Shows made two stands in Old Mexico last week, at Hermosillo and Guay mas, Sonora. ‘‘Punch’’ Wheeler reports busihess and weather fine. Bert Cobb, of Montgomery, Ala., who will be superintendent of the wardrobe with the Wallace Shows this season, was a Billboard caller April 3. Dr. Wright of the Oregon Indian Medicine Show, which closed a very successful Season at Lockport, N. Y¥., April 3, is at Corry, Pa., organizing a medicine show. Roy McIntyre got himself next to Some good advertising in Logansport, Indiana, last week over his $20,000 pipe dream upon the death of an imaginary uncle. Chas. Smith, billposter of Newark, Ohio, passed through Cincinnati last week on his way to join the advertising car of the John Sparks Show at Gallatin, Tenn. W e acknowledge receipt of post card from George B. Swan with the Buffalo Bill Show showing the lot upon which that show performs during its Paris engagement. _John Kahler, boss cnvasman with Pain'’s Fireworks Exhibition, was tendered a reception while at Houston, Tex., recently, by the Stage hands of the Empire Theatre. Following their tenting season C. L. Holmes and Dan Pheney, of advertising car ‘o. 1 of the Ringling Brother# Show, will put out their melodrama, Dear Old Georgia. Mr. Martin Downs, associate owner, and HN. B. Potter, advertising manager of the 8 ‘lis & Downs United Shows, were welcome callers at our Chicago office Thursday, 6. ‘i The Hagenbeck Trained Animal — will open in St, Louis April 23. This rong Rn dressed in a most magnificent manner dis already attracting marked attention. at: A. Rippel writes that the Rippel Free te, about ready for the opening at rankfort, Ind., April 28. Mr. Rippel is lookfor a fair season in the circus business. I ©. Burkley, steward last season ~ , Gentry Brothers’ (No. 8) Show, has ts Wes as steward and ticket seller with Wash‘a & D'Alma’s Famous Trained Animal Show. ne With si t Pine Bluff, Ark., has raised the li | cense on a thirty-five cent dog and pony show from $25 to $50. C. H. Plummer, an old time showman, and C, Burns have opened a shoe shin ing and tailor shop at 115 Grand avenue, Oklahoma City, Okla. There promises to be some lively doings in Parkersburg, W. Va., about the first }of May, when Ringling Brothers and Wallace | cross at that place. E. C. Steel (Skyrocket) has No. 2 car with the Van Amburg Shows this season. | R. M. Dent and R. R. Jones left Parsons, Kan., April 3, to join the car. The photograph of Miss Lucille Mul| hall, daughter of Col. Zack Mulhall, well known | to circus people, adorns the front page of the | Horse Show monthly for April. | One of the many features of the Great Floto Shows this season is that of De; Carlo and Stokes’ new and novel aerial bar act, in which they are assisted by Mr. Sandy Cop| land. A bill has recently passed the House of Representatives of Arkansas, requiring all circuses and shows to exhibit all shown by o— advertising under penalty of a ten-dollar e. W. C. Lane and Clyde Wolf left Hagerstown, Md., March 28, to join the Texas Bill Wild West Show. Mr. Wolf will sell pasteboards and Mr. Lane will manage the show. The new advertising car for Hargreaves Shows arrived at Chester, Pa., April 3, | It is a handsome and complete car with all up to-date improvements. It started on the road April 8. Hagerstown, Md., glories in her splendid show grounds, only one block from the city limits. The big ones, it is said, get rent free, the grounds being the property of the traction company. } | W. A. LaDuque, in advance of Ber| ger Exposition Co. last year, has signed a con tract with the Carl Hagenbeck Shows to take | charge of the clowns and do a roller skating specialty the coming season. | Clark E. Felgar, last season with Under and Over The Sea at St. Louis, has joined James A. Morrow's with the Sig. Sautelle & Welsh Brothers Circus for second opening on the side show and concert. | Harry E. Billings, well known | through his connection with various tented or| ganizations, is conducting the Penny Arcade j}at Wichita, Kan., where, it is reported, he is jenjoying a most prosperous season. The marriage of James Brooks of |The Jones Railroad Shows, and Miss Mamie | Wilson, of Portsmouth, Ohio, is announced for |May 23. Mr. Brooks has been with the Jones | | R. R. Shows for the past six seasons. }agent with the Sautelle Shows, and for the! | past winter connected with M. B. Raymond's attractions. will be legal adviser and adjuster ‘eo the Frank A. Robbins Shows this season. J. J. Brolley, who has been confined to the hospital at Philadelphia, Pa., since Jan|uary 21, suffering from paralysis of the lower |ilmbs, writes that he hopes to be able to fill | his engagement as twenty-four man with the Hargreaves Show this season. Phil. Harris closed as advance man Fla., to go in the same capacity with the “A MARVELLOUS ATTRACTION! HARDY, “The American Blondin. Booked in Europe till April 24, after which date Hardy returns to America. Managers looking for a big attraction should ENGAGE HARDY. For open time and terms address ‘‘ Niagara Villa,’’ Colford, London. Eng., or E. S. Jackson, 56 Shannon St., Toronto, Canada. A THRILLING PERFORMANCE ! JACK KRIEGER, Wire your address to Robinson Amusement Co., 23 Bodman Bidg., Cincinnati, Ohio. IMPORTANT. Van Horn & Michl Mfrs. Carnelian Grease Paints, Wigs, Theatrical Supplies. Illustrated catalog 9B, 4 cts, stamps. 915 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Contortionist and other silent acts. S.andDr Comedian, also opening for clever amateu ALVIN SLOVER, Sparta, Wis. J. C. Banks, for several seasons press | with the Miles Orton Show at Jacksonville, | -WANTED... THE NEW CIRCUS LIGHT Adopted by All the Leading Shows is a Marvel, SAVES 80 PER CENT IN LIGHTING YOUR TENTS AND GROUNDS. ADOPTED BY—Barnum & Bailey Greatest Show on Earth, Ringling Bros. World’s Greatest) Shows, The Great Adam Forepaugt & Sel!s Bros. Enormous Shows, J. T. MceCaddon’s Great International Shows, Gen’ ry Bros. United Shows, The Carl Hagenbeck Trained Animal Shows, Washburn & D’Alma’s Trained Animal Shows, Gollmar Bros Big New Railroad Shows, The John Robinson Ten United Shows, Sun Bros. World’s Progressive Railroad Shows, and numberless outdoor amusement shows and street carnival com panies. WE REFER TO ANY AND ALL OF THEM. MANUFACTURED BY BOLTE & WEYER, 299-301 W. Lake St., CHICAGO. THE MT. VERNON CAR MANUFACTURING CO., ‘tas oF FREIGHT GARS cescairrion fo" SHOW PURPOSES VERNON, ILLINOIS. FOR TENT. LIGHTS .-AND OUTSIDE LIGHTS.... GEO. TAYLOR, : : 97 Cliff S:reet. New York MATERIAL re" ST, LOUIS WORLD'S FAIR We bought the Exposition and all it contained. We list below a few of the many items that we have that you will find ef interest. SETTEES. 3,000 fine substantial, extra well built Settees, 6 foot long, with twe slat back, made of hardwoed, three iron Standards. COMMON CHAIRS. 25,000 wood seat, bow back, three spindle chairs. 1,000 Vienna Cane Seat Chairs. | 1,000 Saddle Seat heavy Arm Chairs. Thousands of other Chairs. WE HAVE FOR SALE AND LEASE Advance,Privilege. Baggage, Stock and Box Cars 50 ft. long. Desirable for Show and Carnival Companies. Reasonable terms. Write for particulars. THE ARMS PALACE HORSE CAR CO., No. 12%) Monadnock Bullding, Chicago. Ill. DO YOU WANT MILITARY GOODS ? BAND UNIFORMS. ARMY or NAVY SUITS, TENTS. GUNS and EQUIPMENT OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. From Government Anction. No matter what you want in that line I can supply ft. New or second hand. Send for catalogue. . B. ABRAHAMS, 222 South St.. Philadelphia Pa. 150,000 Lamps that were used at the ExEdison Base, 104 voltage, General Electric a make, 8 candle power. We are offering them Cw s in lots of 500 or more, price each 5 cents. 10, i base. ie ser Shae tee furnished and plans submitted to prosUNUSED TICKETS. suitable for any Amusement purpose. Low | 59-61 Champlain St., CLEVELANG, Oo. Send us your Lumber Bill for our estimate. | Dressed and Matched Flooring. Timbers in | Interior finishing material. celling Machines, made by H. V. Bright. Established 1858, Also 170 Glass Top Chopper Boxes. position. They have seen service, but are in 250,000 New Incandescent Lamps, never used, | Portable Grand Stands and Folding Cir25,000 New Colored Incandescent Lamps, pective purchasers. Several Million Exposition Tickets used for ‘prices on large quantities. We can furnish anything in the line. Studding, \sizes 4x4, 4x6, 6x6, 6x8, 8x8, 10x10, 10x12, _ TURNSTILES. Machine is equipped with Patent Electric at| 100 Regular Pattern Registering INCANDESCENT LAMPS. good condition and have been tested. They are General Electric make, 8 and 18 candle power, | cys Chairs manufactured. Estimates | Amber, Green, Opal and Ruby. % P. A. McHUGH every purpose at the Exposition, on rolls and 100,000,000 FEET OF LUMBER. | Drees and Timbers. Mixed 2-inch Planking, | 12x12, 14x14, and in lengths from 8 to 80 feet. | 150 Registering Turnstiles and Ticket CanEach tachment, making a double register. WM. ARMSTRONG $50 Exit Turnstiles. TICKET BOXES. Manufacturer # oye" om Balloons, Para; ; Receiving Boxes, | Chutes, Black Tents and all Canvas Goods. Office atta be — | 6420 Greenwood Ave., Chicago. Telephone 6119 Lo i I SWORDS, Rw ” . | Hyde Park. oe gee rms ti coa! a ae | FOR SALE—Show Property, one band wagon, 200 Special Overcoats, made for the Jefferson | $75; one cross cage, $40; one pair chariots, $75; Cm SS Se. bos [= ,one balloon and parachute, $25; one balloon 500 sets of Swords, Belts and Scabbards. cannon, $5; one balloon basket, $6; one port BAMBOO POLES. lable front, $15. H. LA THOMA, 42 N. Wash25,000 Bamboo Poles, used by the U. 8. Gov| tena w pn Chicago, Ill. ernment in the Phillippine Reservation. They range from 38-inch to 6-inch in diameter at | (the bottom and from 30 to 50 feet long. Use| Dd YOl! Want a Tent This Year? fal _for many purposes. Motors, Copper } We are Fieadquarters South for | Thousands of other items: Wire, Doors, Sash, Trusses, Road Rollers, Rope, | can Roofing, Siding, Lining, Pipe, Machinery, Hose, STREET ae FAIK = TENTS Furniture, Office Equipment, Safes, Vault | Doors, Fencing, Wire, Flags of all nations, | Opera Chairs, Water Coolers, Greenhouse Ma-| ji ont that is made. Dont buy before gettextal, ete. ote , ting our prices. Yours truly. Ask for Special World’s Fair Catalogue No. CHICAGO HOUSE WRECKING CO., Chicago or St Levis M.D. & H. L. SMITH, Dalton, Ga. They are our specialty. but we make any kind Mention “The Billboard” when answervag ada. 1 tention “The Billboard” when answering ada | Mention “The Bilicard” when answering ada ee oe ee de a =