The Billboard 1905-04-15: Vol 17 Iss 15 (1905-04-15)

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s Wanted 34 The Bi llboard CHAUTAUQUAS, Albany, Ga.—Chautauqua Assembly. May 7. W. A. Duncan, Syracuse, N. Ashland, Ore.—Southern vregon Chautauqua As FOR SALE at Lake View Park: Privileges of every discription, located on our Pike. JANTED: _Merry-go-round. Ferris Wheel, Bowling Alley. Tin Type. Buttons, April ' 30= sembly. G. V. Billin,:s, pres. July —. | Baby Racks, Cane Racks, Knife Boards, and Atlantic City, N. J.—Jewish Chautauqua. Isaac | all kinds of novelties. J. ©. HOLDEN, Mgr. Hossler, Philadelphia, Pa. Terre Haute, Ind. | Big Stone City, S. D.—Big Stone Lake Inter State Chautauqua. June and July. S8S. s Gold. Chautauqua, N. Y.—Thirty-second Annual Assem ..WANTED... bly. June 29-Aug. 27. Clinton, Mo.—Clinton Chautauqua Assn, Assem| COLORED ACTORS for Old Plantation (male bly. Aug. “a Chas. V. Gray. |} and female) with Cosmopolitan Amusement Co. Defiance, O.—Maumee Valley Chautauqua, Island | Siow opens May 1. GEO. H, PROCTOR, DenPark. Aug. 3-13. | ison, Texas. Delaware, O.—Delaware Springs Chautauqua As| ; : Champion sembly. Aug. — Alexander R. Tarr, Co-| lumbus, O. Dixon, Iil.—Rock River Assembly. July 29Aug. 138. W. H. Long. | Laughing Mirrors, glass and metal. Also small Eagles Mere, Pa.—Eagles Mere Chautauqua As| Illusion not requiring people; mechanical effects, sembly. July 12-Sept. 3. | laughing devices, ete., for Katzenjammer Castle. Ft. Dodge, Ia.—Chautauqua Assembly. July —. State all in first letter. Will pay cash. Address J. F. Monk. ‘JAMES HUME, 97 Clinton Ave., Albany, N. Y. ANDREW DOWNIE’S qm EW BIG SHOWS. All Billposters, Lithographers, Programmers and Banner Men engaged for coming season, report at Medina, N. Y., ready for business, not later than April 15th. Can use two more sober, hustling Bill posters. All performers, side show people and mu sicians, report April 24th. Show opens April 29th. Answer this call at once. WANTED —Two more Clowns, good AERIAL, AGROBATIC or GYMNASTIC Novelty Acts for Big Show, and good side show freaks. Worxingmen in all departments, Teamsters, Grooms, Propertymen, [Canvasmen, Waiters, and Cook Tent People, Join any time. Camp now open. Address: ANDREW DOWNIE, BOX 12, MEDINA, N. Y. WANTED ——TO BUY A MIXED GROUPE OF PERFORMING ANIMALS STATE WHAT YOU HAVE, WHAT THEY DO, AND HOW MANY Address HUGH HARRISON, Care FOREPAUGH & SELLS Bros. Shows, COLUMBUS. OHIO. BIG HARVEST FOR Privilege People Big Free Street Fair at Washington, N. C., week of April 24, under auspices of Washington Concert Band; attractions furnished by Jones-Adams Congress of Novelties. A 1 privileges $10, except Novelties, Confetti and Tintype are sold. All people with legitimate privileges can get a bank roll here. Will not stand for spindles, strikers, cages or pickouts, This is the banner town in Eastern Carolina; plenty of money, good surrounding country to draw from: country billed like a circus. Now, boys, if you want the money, pay us a visit. Privilege people address J $8. FORBES, Mgr. Band. Washingson. North Carolina. All others address JONES-ADAMS CONGRESS OF NOVELTIES, Dillon, S. C., April 3rd to sth; Newbern, N.C., April 10th to 15th. CAL FRED HEWITT’S SHOWS. ee . hows, Acts. Performers, Musicians, Privileges, Canvas ; \ 8 ALL Men and Working People answer this call by letter to FRED HEWITT, Washington, Ind. Carnival opens Lincoln Park (FREE-GATE) Vincennes’ Ind., Sunday. April 30th. Report on grounds, April 28th. to double orchestra, Must be WANTED FULLY ORGANIZED BAND: to double orchestra, Must | my traveling open airshow. Play big cities only, stop at best hotels, season of five months. State lowest salary and full particulars first letter. Open May Ist. First Class Medicine Performers Write. DR. M. J. KRAUS, 1613 Central Ave., Cincinnati, dhio. EXTRAORDINARY OPPORTUNITIES — $100.00 FOR $4.00 Agents and Dealers Wanted Everywhere, for newest 1905 Style Chewing Gum, Love Letter Writing. Fortune Telling, Souvenir Postal Card and Stamp Vending Machines. Big Profits Stamp for particulars, THOS. H. SHERBORNE CoO., 2) §. 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa. ’ Wanted Uniform Rank Knights of Pythias, Kankakee, Illinois. 4th : ythias, Kanké 5 > of July Celebrati MidSummer Festival, week of July 3 tos, inclusive, Wanted, a first clans Carnival oe If you can’t deliver the goods, don twrite. Remember the date, boys. The best town in Eastern Illinois. Address communications to F. G. PINCKORD, Chairman. JNO. J. BOTT, Secy, Agents Wapted. Latest Novelty. THE KNIFE OF THE WORLD. Patent Applied for in U. 8. and Camada, It does the work of 10 different articles. For paring vegetables cutting cabbage for cold slaw, cutting Saratoga chips, cutting French fry. cutting Zz German fry, removing eyes potatoes and pineapple, nut meg grater, ice pick, coring apples ecaling fish etc. Streetmen get ip line, here is money getter. Made of cold roled steel. and {s swell jooker. Iam Alien the original potato peeler man. I Lave my spell printed to give toeach agent. Seng l0c.jorsample. Per gross $3.00. Address: ALBERT L. ALLEN, 18 Fourth Ave., Pittsburg, Pa, of 10 pieces includirg tap drummer Best of Bank References. STAIR RIDER OF THE VORLD. a\) 75 25 x Ss. Wanted The 75 steps he rides down, and up 25. Now booking tor Luvs P. a trick ase to assist me this season. Answer quick. Good salary. PROF. Wanted... .-.e Wanted For FERARI BROS. SHOWS UNITED. A Few Good People. Gentlemen and ladies who who can perform lions, leopards, etc. Long engagement. Wantei: One more sensational free attraction. Useful people write. Can use one more good promoter. FERAR! BROS. SHOWS UNITED, care of Zoo, TOLEDO, OHIO. NOTICE:—.G. A. Litt is no longer connected with this show. SIGNED: FERARI BROS. Wanted... ...Wanted MUSICIANS For the W.1l. SWAIM JESSIE JAMES CO. Week stands. Address W. 1. SWAIM. Little Rock, Ark. Week April 17th to 23rd ... WANTED WANTED... For tne Adam Forepaugh and Sells Bros. Shows, Good Housemen, Waiters, etc. Apply to A. D. MORELAND, Columbus, Ohio, April 17th to 22nd. Wanted, A GOOD COOK. Man and wife preferred Year's work and good salary to right party. Address CHAS SPARKS, Mgr. Sparks’ Shows, Gallatin, Tenn., April lth; Springfield, Tenn., April 16th. SUMMER ORCHESTRAS ATTENTION ! se Send ten cents for copy of our new march ** Miss Liberty, It is being featured by leading Orchestras everywhere. No first class repertoire ls complete without it. Cc. H. JONES, Music Publisher, 404 Main St., Jackson, Tenn Pythian Street Fair and Carnival JACKSON, TENNESSEE, OCTOBER [6 to 2i, Inc. We wish to get in correspondence with all first-class (enclosed) Carnival Companies. Jackson isthe hub of a territory of about 300,000 population, and our reputation as a street fair city issecond to none in the South. Address J.T. McCUTCHEN, Jr., Sec. and Treas. FRANK ANDERSON, Chairman. FOR SALE. The latest Trunk Mystery, wiin bag and straps and traveling case, $25; 6 inflated Gas Balloons from Hat, will work every time, $2.00; Fishing Trick, $4.00; Flying Lamp and fine Table, price $10.00; Latest Han..werchief Production, 0c: Side Tables, the finest, $4.00; Latest Rope Tying Trick, 50c; Latest Card Rising Trick, $1.00; Flying Handkerchief Trick, $1.50. Address PROF. J. H. CAREY, Pittsfleld, Mass. The only Opera House or Theatre in the manufacturing ‘CITY OF BERLIN, N. H. Population 12,000, Weekly payrolls, Wednesday and Friday. Some open time for Vaudeville, Burlesque and Lady Minstrels. Cc. A. BURNHAM, Manager. EXCHANGE—SWAP.—Pair Gas Cylinders for Oxylithe apparatus or Films. W. B. N., care of The Billboard, Cincinnati, 0O. FOR SALE Somersault and Trick Dogs; Jeff. and Corbett late fight film; troupe of well: trained Ring Doves, or exchange for Films or | EVANS A PIERCE’'S Magic. WANTED—People 2 or 3 turns, small Wagon Show: amateur will do. PROF, HARRY | Brand New Concert Hall | GULFPORT, MISS. SMITH, Gratz, Pa. Sister Teams and all kinds first-class Vaude1 E M oO N A dD E ville Acts wanted at all times. Long engage ment. GEO. W. PIERCE, Mer. AND CANDY VENDERS If you want the best write or wire quick, ‘statCan save 30 percent manufacturing your product. | ing salary, to McDONALD BROS., sole owners. Greatest discovery of the age. All circue venders Route—Cleveland, Ga., April 14; Dahlonga 15, uee it, Write for free sample. AGENTS SUPPLY | paws il 3 So Gutan tee. ee Daten ta. Chien. 14. awsonville 17, Barrellsville 18, Cumming 19, Mention ‘' The Billboard” when ancwertng ads. Mention “Tha Billboard” when answering ade Alpharetta 20, Rosewell 21, Marietta 22. Mention “The Billboard”’ when answering ads. | Mention “* The Rillhoard”’ when. answering ads,