The Billboard 1905-04-15: Vol 17 Iss 15 (1905-04-15)

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The Bi llboard CO. Novelties. 340 State St., PENNY ARCADE No Booked for the season 1904 with the COSMOPOLITAN AMUSEMENT 50 machines, consisting of all the latest American and European FRANK COLGROVE, Msgr. ADDRESS ALL CORRESPONDENCE TO AMERICAN VENDING MACHINE CO,, ¥«t we CHICAGO, ILL. FICHTENBERG & SELIG, Props. “PROF ‘ESSIONAL* He SeaaCARDS SR Huttmann, Butters & Carr, THEATRICAL LAW. Seite 47 Teutonic Bldg.. 172 Washington St., CHI CAGO. TLL. Tel. Matn 3187. Auto. 8552 Torcat & Flor d’Aliza, PARISIAN NOVELTY ARTISTS. The Francais, 77 S. Clark St., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. GEO. W. HUSSEY, Ventriloguist. Park Managers aidices 62 W. 98th &t., New York City. HENRY BROWN, _ MAUDEVILLE EXCHANGE, Sulic 510, 59 Dearborn St., CHICAGO. VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS, when laying off in Chicago. call or write me for Club Dates. ZOUBOULAKIS, COMIC-O-PLASTIC ARTIST, (Funny Faces) WITH FLOTO SHOW i905 Permanent address, The Billboard BICYCLE BILL (W. P. CRESWELL) Great Lariet Twirler and Trick Cyclist, Has some open time. Address BILLBOARD, CINCINNATI 5S FLYING MOORES-5& BIG AERIAL and CASTING ACT For open time address 816 F. St , WHITLEY, MUNCIE, IND. WASHER BROS. THE FAMOUS BOXING MIDGETS. Height 3 feet lv .nches, and 3 feet 11 inches Permanent address care The Billboard. THE GREAT NICOLI MAGICIAN and ILLUSIONIST Permanent Address, THE BILLBOARD, JOHN ENNOR, TRAVELER, LECTURER, ERTERTAINER IN TRAVELOGUES. Address, BILLBOARD James ShelbyShows STILL ON EARTH AND COM. ING TO THE FRONT FAST. TWIN BROS. MARRIOTT Manipulators. Care Billboard. BIG ELMO 17 YEARS ‘OLD. OPEN FOR Cigcusts Care The Biliboard The Marvelous Hevman Trio Sensational Comedy Cyclists. dress Elgin, fll. CHICAGO For open time ad get us our specialties: MR. AND MRS. PAUL GORE Cornet—Scotch Highland Dancer. Great Floto Shows. Address —————, care The Billboard. GREAT BARLOW MINSTRELS J. A. COBURN, Manager and Owner. LACAL MANAGERS—Please vote that this is NOT the so ealled Barktew & Wilson’s Minstrels, but a Strictly Highclass, Modern Attraction. Wires-Mail—At all times via Billboard---Surest most direct—CINCINNATI, O40 NICK OTTE Famous Roman Ring anes offers. Address BILLBOAR Dan 8S. Holt, Black Face Comedian. Address THE BILLBOARD. VAUDEVILLE ARTISTS Can Place Good Acts with Clubs at all Times. Call or Write : : METROPOLITAN ENTERTAINMENT BUREAU 421 Monandock Bidg., CHICAGO. CUNNING THE JAIL BREAKER Gets Out of a Steel Cage Performance. WALTER BEEMER and JUGGLING GIRE Park Managers get this act while we are South. See Vaudeville Route. LILJENS, THE ONLY WOMAN FIRE HIGH DIVER = =a ae OF THE WORLD. A BLAZING HIT The sensation of the century. Have fine lithos. For terms and time, 1905, address MME. LILJENS, care The Billboard, 172 Washington St., Chicago invites at Every CHEAPEST OFFER EVER MADE! BIG BARGAINS “At Liberty” CARDS ONE TIME One inch of space, one time, $1.00, spaces up to seven inches at the per inch FOUR TIMES One inch space, four times, $3.00, spaces up to seven inches, at the per inch, FOURTEEN TIMES One inch of space, months), $10.00, and and larger same rate and larger same rate fourteen times (three larger spaces up to seven months at the same rate per inch. NOTE.—That all space is measured and charged for a Single column. A card one and a half inches (14%) may be set double column threequarters (%) of an inch deep. Specify in your order if the card is larger than one inch, whether to be set single or double column. The Billboard Publishing Co., 424 Elm St., Cincinnati, 0. AT LIBERTY EXPERT OPERATOR and Electrician. Moving Picture Expert. Perfectly reliable, experienced in all Electric Theatre and Carnival work. Address HOWARO McKEE, Station B, Pittsburg, Pa. LOEB SELLS EVERYTHING.—This week's offerings: Parker Shooting Gallery, 2 others; 7 Merry-go-rounds, $300 to $1,000; Ocean Wave; 5 Moving Picture Outfits: 5,000 feet Film; 30 Metal Mirrors; Gypsy Tent outfit; Miniature Railroad; 2 Lunettes, flying lady; Alligator Boy; 3 Working Worlds; 2 Galateas; Indian Head Fortune; Doll Rack; Knife Rack; Automatie Circus; Box-ball outfit; 150 pair Roller Skates; Parachute; 15 Peanut, Engine Peanut Roaster; Elephant Boy Banner; 2 Snake Banners; Corn Popper; 2 Photoscopes; 1 National Photo Button; Gaming Machines; Loaded Dice; Marked Cards; Spindle, Big 6 and Klondike, all controlled; Ferris Wheel; Tents; Cycle Whirl; Trick Dogs; Paddle Wheel; Hand Striker; Nigger Striking Rubber Head; Tattoo Outfit; Advertising Machine; Race Horse Machine; 12 Banners set; 3 Electric Pianos; Bilhorn and Estey Organs; Gettysburg Panorama; 2 Round Tops; Skyscraper Striking; Museum Anatomy; Yale Wonder Clock; Mills Punching Bag; Crank Piano; Complete Arcade and Shooting Gallery. $550; Glass Mrirors; 10 Punching; 1 Name Plate; Counter Roulettes; 16 Wood Mutoscopes without stands; 4 Slot Graphophones, Victorias; Blowing Machines, and a_ hundred others. Most anything you want. WANTED— Anything and everything you have to sell. Write me all about it; tell me lowest cash price; I will sell it for you. Honest dealings always; no misrepresenting. Tell me your troubles, I can help you out, no matter what you have 7 want. Write me feLEON LOEB, 10 N. 8th, Richmond, Ind. AT LIBERTY EXPERIENDEE PICTURE MACHINE OPERATOR with own machine. Prefer permanent vaudeville theatre or partner with good black top to play carnival and fair dates. Address E.S. LUCAS, care Chicago Office Billboard or Gen. Del., Chicago, Ill. GORDON SHEPPARD ACOUSTICIAN AND THEATRICAL ARCHITECT Theatres, Opera Houses, Auditoriums Halls. Open Air Stages and Casinos for Parks a Specialty. Address 805 Commercial Tribune Building, CINCINNATI, OHTO AT LIBERTY. THE GREAT CAICEDO KING OF THE WIRE Want to hear from Managers of Parks and Fairs. Free after May 15, 1905. or rates and terms, address as above or first ‘class agents. CAIcEDO, per. add.. 10 Union Square, New York City. At Liberty for Carnival Season—The Gordon’s with the strongest Ballyhoo Specialty on the Pike. If you want something to stop the people Well up in Carnival work. A few of Punch and Judy, Fire Act, Light and Heavy Balancing, Ventriloquism, Irish | Comedian. Miss Gordon: Singing, Serpentine ggg IHMusions and Single Trapeze for Bally hoo. Lots of others. If you need us, write. Ad| ome THE GORDONS, Gen. Del., Wilkesbarre, ite ee Dudley Vanosdall, four‘ar old boy song and dance artist; weight 35 toe.$ the wonder of the age. VANOSDALL. Ashland, Ohio. Address CARSON | AT LIBERTY 10-PIECE BAND-10 Fully equipped, open for first-class engagements with Carnival or Circus, MAT E. SABLE, Director, Billboard. SIGNOR FeISco., Mexican Aerialist, in his latest aerial act. Loop to Loop, with U. 8S. Carnival Co., season 1905. Permanent address The Billboard. AT LIBERTY ! PROMOTER Experienced in Queen Contests, Country Stores, Chasing Committees and the Press. Sober and reliable, Salary and percentage, Responsible managers only. Address WM. F. LEE, 56 Washington Ave., Richmond, Ind. AT LIBERTY Mavina Band of Musicians Want to join good Carnival Co. State, ‘all in tirst letter. Address. 'Y. 6. GOURTE, FOR SALE Twelve Red-bound Coats, cost $12; McDONALD BROS, wm NEW UNITED SHOWS =m Wants Musicians, Long season, good accommodations and a good salary to good people. This show is new from front door to dressing room, and the finest equipped Wagon Show on the road. All Sleeping Wagons for people, two people to a wagon. Wagons built by Kline & Martin, Athens, Ga. WANTED AT ONGE | — ey — F. Comedian, Strong Musical Act (Male), Tubs and String Bass, Minstrel Performers and Musicians; write or wire. First-class show in every respect, playing to packed houses. Address G. LOTE SILVER, Traverse City, Mich. N. B.—Managers' Beware!—One Fred Cooper. Cornetist, of Detroit, Mich., left me without cause or provocation, or a minutes notice. Nuf sed. G. LOTE SILVER. Box 76, BRYAN, TEX. | will sell for | Barnesville, 0. FOR SALE | COMPLETE WAGON SHOW—Can be used for Circus or Tom Show, 16 wagons, 10 go in pa| rade, all newly decorated. Tent 80x120, no holes or patches. Horse Tent and Cook Tent. Can furnish thirty horses at $60 per head. WANTDE —For No. 1 Tom Show, Colored Musicians, Man | with troupe of Trained Dogs, 10 head of Shet| land Ponies, $65.00 each, for sale. ©. G. PHILLIPS, Cortland, 0, FOR SALE | Lubin Train Robbery Film: fine condition; used |only eight times; cost $66, will sell for $50 cash. Also full line of moving picture paper for sale cheap. Address EVERETT 8S, BULGER, ; Sam THE MITCHELLS —Ray | $2 eT ' = — — a. * op — —— World's Fair Carni-| NOVELTY ACROBATS.—An extraordinary feat-| tion, $1.50 each, worth three times the amount. I have $1,000 or $2,000 to put in R.C. LE BURNO. Manager World's Print! ure for Summer Parks; open for minstrel en| Wanted good Repertoire .eople, those doing spe| small circus. Want partner with same. To be val Co. Address care of Great Western ating | -agement; four year winner. Per, address, The | cialties preferred. Also want musicians. HAR-| all new. I have experience. J, H. CAREY, Co.. 513E]m St.. St. Louis, Mo. Mitchells, Elmira, N. Y. RINGTON PAVILLION THEATRE, Clinton, Ill. | Pittsfield, Mass. Mention “The Billboard” wher answering ads Mention “The Billboard” when answering ads Mention “ Tha Billboard” when answering ads. Mention “‘ The Billboard’ when answering ada