The Billboard 1905-04-15: Vol 17 Iss 15 (1905-04-15)

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The Billboard 47 —_—_— nt Bess tor ie ee a © wo Great Half Million Dollar Parks. NOT ON PAPER = ON THE GROUNDS! Y PITTSBURG Luna Park PITTSBURG, PA. OPENS MAY 25 K Y INGERSOLL’S Luna Park CLEVELAND, O. OPENS MAY It K Will consider propositions from Marionette Shows and from Japanese who can furnish Geisha Girls. Have afew Small Concessions. Address FREDERICK INGERSOLL, = all communications to 307 Fourth Ave., PITTSBURG, PA, 2m Privilege Men, Attention AN ELECTRIC AUTOMATIC FRITTER OR CRISP MACHINE — That makes a 5c. package of fritters for 1c; profit 400 per cent. Can you find anything to M at it? I have people who make Fritters for the man who owns the privilege at 2c. per ~ age, and then makes 3100 per week. What would you make if you operated the privieee yourself, and received 5c. instead of 244c ? W. W. TURNBULL, 155 W. 10th Ave., Columbus, 0. . ‘The Man With the Ladder” (NOT THE HOSE) Just finished five hundred consecutive weeks in California. Left just in time to avoid starvette Go West, young man.” Pairbuce mee with Campbell Bros Great Consolidated Shows for 1905. E iry, Neb. Regards to all friends. rank A. Voerg, remember there is no lyre like a good lyre. Address care show, Improved Chicago Set Spindle, $25 Kiondyke Magnet and Dice, 819 FLA Original Camel Back Spindle, 320 JO! Ss Expert Dice and Cards. ——-LIST FREE— DEANE, -_ (057 Central Ave., Cincinnati, 0. GEO. W. O’DOIE, * Have You Booked for the Summer in Your Park ONE OF THE GREATEST ATTRACTIONS POSSIBLE TO OBTAIN ? Thearle & Buckley’s Nashville Students Eight Colored Jubilee Singers, Camp-meeting Shouters including the Lion Basso, the Tennessee Nightingale and the Great Colored Tenor Singer. A -} pronounced hit in the Keith Circuit of houses this spring. We also have the LIQUID AIR and MAGIC KETTLE acts: THE GREAT BARN DANCE; THE HUMAN LANTERN, MRS. STUART ROBSON AND COMPANY,the most laughable comedy in the werld; “CINDERELLA AND HER BUTTERFLY COURT,” the fairy spectac e for ladies and children, MISS LOUISE BREHANY, the best singer in vaudeville. MR. GEORGE OBER and his splendid company in Dicken’s masterpiece, THE CRICKET ON THE HEARTH. “O HANA SAN,” a : eat Japanese spectacle; and as a special feature a new pyrotechnic head PAIN’S PARK FIREWORKS DISPLAY Write to us for the little red book about these firework shows. The greatest drawing card for Parks inthe world. Park managers, Street Railwa managers and Carnival managers should write immediate y fur terms an open time to THE THEARLE-BUCKLEY AGENCY, Originators, Producers and Managers of High Class Attractions for Parks nd —. honses, Room 827, St. James Building, 26th Street and Broaday. New York. Wanted--Lady Orchestra, our pieces for Vaudeville Theatre; state wages and references. lazance, cost Mipy. New Electric #10,000. Vaudevilie Performers write; state best. Opens in H. D. CLARKE, Manager, LOLA, KANSAS. anted, MIDWAY SHOWS Toronto Indastrial Exhibition, August 28 to September {/th. ATTENDANCE OVER 500,000 —Re ee eee cay resort: A@azers. WAN I ED as W. CHAPIN, care Billboard, New York. Mention “* The Billboar.” when answering ada, Mention “The Billhoard”” when answering ads. Mention “Tha Billboard” when answering ada. Mention ‘The Rillboard” wne, answering alle