The Billboard 1910-03-19: Vol 22 Iss 12 (1910-03-19)

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104 The Bi llboard MARCH 19, 1910. This is our 75-cent Half-Tone, or a 3x4 for $1; cash with order. Knoxville Engraving Co. 515 Bate Street, KNOXVILLE, TENN. STREETMEN We are headquarters for all the latest novelties. Send for our catalogue on Confetti, Canes, Knives, Carnival Goods, Rubber Balls, Rubber and Gas Balloons. Canes We are exclusive agents for Cincinnati and vicinity for I. Eisenstein & Co Prices in Cincinnati same as in New York. THE GOLDSMITH TOY IMPORTING CO., 122 E. Fourth Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. BIG ELI WHEEL You all know it. The old reliable money getter. Im proved down to the minute. Better than ever. $1,070.80 receipts at one fair. $250 in 5 hours at another. $400 in one day in a park. $730 in 3 days at a cel-| ebration, clear one 4th of July celebration. $304 at another. $25,000 re| ceipts of one ELI | WHEEL last season. ALL FACTS; we have the proof, you waut it. Write for new 48-page cata full of facts, figures and photographs. ELI RIDGE COMP , Box 143.8. Roodhouse, Ill., U. 8. A. Bow! of Merriment The Latest Craze Amusement for the young and old. The latest, safest and best of all amusement dewees. It is fascinating, mystifying, and a fun maker. No danger from accidents. Has no equal as a money-maker. Rights for sale. Correspondence solicited. } Hayes Amusement Co. 844 Chapel St. New Haven, Conn. Great Northern Indiana Fair DECATUR, IND. Sept. 6-7-8-9, 1910. Best fair in the state for Concession men. CHAS, E, MAGLEY, Sec’y. WANTED — VAUDEVILLE ACTS. For Moving Picture Theatre. Musical, Dutch | and Irish or Black-face team. Must be clean, for high-class family theatre. Address SLOAN | and SCOTT, Rimersburg, Clarion Co., Pa. DIXIE FILM EXCHANGE, Owensboro, Ky. Handles repairs for Motiograph, Power and Eaison machines, Chemicals for Mod. B. and Ozo | Carbide gas machines. We buy all kinds of | Second-hand show goods. Machines, Mod. B's, Film, and Songs bought and sold. We want 500 reels good Feature Films (must be Features). Best Film Service at Lowest Prices. We also want machines, tents, song slides. | Petit, McMann: mgr. advertising car, Sells-Floto Show. oe Andrew, manager Mackay’s European Circus. Macart, Frank: special agent, Frank A. Rob bins’ Show. Maddon, Sherman: local contractor, Fred Locke's Show. Madigan, Show. Mann, Wm.: press agent, John Robinson's Tep Big Shows. Nick: blacksmith, Norris and Rowe Mann, Wm.: mgr. advertising car, John Robinson’s Ten Big Shows. Marshall, L. W.: supt. lights, Adam Fore paugh & Sells Bros. Show. Martin, Paul R.: press agent in advance, Ringling Bros.’ Shows. Martin, Wm.: supt. lights, LaMont Bros.’ Show. Menefee, W. .. mgr. advertising car, SellsFloto Show. McClintock, Chas. W.: general representative, Miller Bros.’ and Edward Arlington's 101 Ranch Real Wild West. Meyers, Billy: supt. canvas, Great Wagner Ww. Miller, Chas. O.: supt. properties, Ringling Bros.’ Shows. Miller, D. Q.: boss hostler and supt. stock, Al. F. Wheeler’s New Model Shows. Miller, Geo.: supt. working crew, Tiger Bill's Wila West No. 1. Miller, Joe.: supt. commissary, dept., Sells-Floto | Show. Miller, Jos.: supt. properties, Adam Forepaugh & Sells Bros. Ww. Miller, Will T.: mgr. side show, Al. F. Wheeler's New Model Shows. Miller Brothers; part owners, Miller Bros.’ Edward Arlington’s 101 Ranch Real West. Millette, Al.: equestrian director, Al. F. Wheeler's New Model Shows. Morgan, Chas.: railroad contarctor, Forepaugh & Sells Bros. Show. Murry, G. .: supt. canvas, Wild West and Frontier Days. Myers, .: auditor and press agent back with show, Norris and Rowe Show. Modling, Sam: supt. canvas, Mollie A. Bailey Show. Monterey, Leo: special agent, Miller Bros.’ and Edward Arlington’s 101 Ranch Real Wild West. Mosier, Albert: musical director, Bonheur Bros.’ Golden Mascot Overland Show. Martin, John: supt. canvas, Billie Boughton Overland Show. Moore, Clare, boss hostler, Billie Boughton Buffalo Bill’s Wild Overland Show. Metine, Chas.: treasurer, West Combined with Pawnee Bill's Great Far East. Murphy, Chas.: asst. supt. privilege car, Miller Bros.’ and Edward Arlington's 101 Ranch Real Wild West. Murray, Lester W.: contracting press agent, Buffalo Bill's Wild West Combined with Pawnee Bill’s Great Far East. Murray, Lester: mgr. advertising car No. 1, Buffalo Bill’s Wild West combined with Pawnee Bill’s Great Far East. Mutton, Frank: supt. privileges, Campbell Bros.’ Show. McKinney, Robt.: boss hostler, Bonheur Bros.’ Golden Mascot Overland Show. Murray, Geo.: special agent, HagenbeckWallace Show. and Merrick, W. N.: musial director, HagenbeckWallace Show. Massie, H. : local contractor, IlageatckWallace Show. Murphy, Walter: special agent, HagenbeckWallace Show. Mitchell, Ed. A.: treasurer, Bobby Fountain Shows. McCampbell, musical director, Lobby Fountain Shows. Nasselli, Carnelia, musical director, Frank A. Robbins’ Show. Nevin, John: twenty-four agent, Ringling Bros.’ Shows. Newman, I M.: press agent, Shows. Newman, J. D.: general advertising agt., Adam Forepaugh & Sells Bros. Show. Newton, Clinton: press agent, Sun Bros.’ Norton, Wm.: general advertising agent, ling Bros.’ Shows. Noble, Ralph: supt. lights, Show. Nelson, Tom: equestrian director, Keller Bros.’ United Shows. Yankee Robinson Show. Ring Burk’s Big R. R. O’Brien, Ned: supt. properties, Starrett Show. O’Dale, Wm.: equestrian director, Sun Bros.’ Show equestrian director, Adam Fore vaugh & Sells Bros. Show. | O'Neal, John: twenty-four man, LaMont Bros.’ | Show, | Olivette, Antonio, musical director, John Robin son's Ten Big Shows. John RobinLaMont Bros.’ son's Ten Big Shows. J. H.: supt. properties, Show | Oldknow, Wm. H.: supt. canvas, Hagenbeck Wallace Show. | O'Donnell, Frank: press agent, Hagenbeck-Wal lace Show. | Peckham, R. W.: excursion agent, Ringling | Bros.’ Shows. | Peckham, R. W.: excursion agt., Adam Forepaugh & Sells Bros. Show. Perrine, Dave W.: prop. and mgr. Tiger Bill’s * Wild West No. 1. Perrine, Mrs. D. W.: treas., Tiger Bill's Wild West No. 1. Nick: local contractor, Ringling Bros.’ Shows. Pettit, J. E.: local contractor, Al. F. Wheeler’s New Model Shows. Tierce, Jas.: supt, stock, King and Tucker Show. : local contractor, Tiger Bill’s Wild Wild West No. 1. Pike, Frank: boss carpenter, Tiger Bill’s Wild West No. 1. Pot, W. M., contracting press egent, and Rowe Show. Powell, Benj.: supt. reserved seat tickets, Ringling Bros.’ Shows. Prentiss, Park: musical director, Sells-Floto Phillips, Harry: boss hostler, Burk’s Big R. R. Pail,” Lewis: excursion agent, Burk’s Big R. R. — 7 ag twenty-four man, Burk’s Big Peasley, Rob. : equestrian director, King and Tucker Show. Patton, C. L.: musical director, King and Tucker Show. Plerce, Jas.: boss hostler, King and Tucker Show. Wild | Adam Young Buffalo Noitls | | WANTED Carnival People, Look! Want a few more Shows, Plantation, Vaudeville, Katzenjammer Castle, Electric Show, any good show that does not conflict with what I have booked: also want | would like to hear from troupe of Japs; a few more good Concessions open, such as Koife and Cane Rack, Lunch, Jap Bowling Alley, and anything new; Novelties and Confetti sold; will sell all Concessions Exclusive for Season to Right People; want Bicycle Gap and Rider, and one more Free Act, also an S-piece Band for No. 2, one more Promoter and Contest Man; show opens May 2, in a maiden suburb of Chicago, on the streets; this will be a big one, and two maiden towns to follow, then Wisconsin, where I have several big ones booked, and the North | west; a long season and best of treatment our motto. P. S.—Gamblers and Fake Shows, save your stamps; nothing doing. J. SCHARDING, JR., Manager, The Famous Chicago Exposition Shows, Permanent Address, Billboard Office, Chicago, IIlinois. 1Ohio State Fair COLUMBUS, OHIO September 5. 6, 7. 8 and 9 and Platform Shows; Sold by sealed hids; same must be received not later than 12 o'clock, noon, April 4. As evi dence of good faith, ten per cent. of bid must accompany proposition. Right reserved to reject any or all bids. Write for details. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT | PRIVILEGES aple Beach Park OPENS SATURDAY, MAY 28, 1910 | Has one large building suitable for Side Show still open, and would also like to hear from a good Platform Show. Address MAPLE BEACH PARK, Box 156, Albany | New York. ta AGENT AT LIBERTY FOR SUMMER SEASON Sober, reliable hustler Not afraid of paste. Can route, book or wild cat. Seven years experience. N.C. WADE, 5849 Prairie Ave., Chicago, IIl. FILM AND SONG SLIDES! | 50 REELS OF FINE FILM, $15 EACH. 75,000 feet of fine stock. No worn-out | small subjects, 2c a foot and up. 500 SETS OF SONG SLIDES. l0c a slide and up. A new Bdison | Exhibition 1908 model Machine, a Model B Calcium Making Machine. I ALSO BUY FILM AND | SLIDES, IF GOOD. G. GALLOT, 70 CHRISTOPHER STREET, NEW YORK CITY. _———CONCESSIONERS CAN SECURE SPACE AT——— _ LUNA PARK, BALTIMORE, MD. | First season. Open May 80th. Over 5\%-acre tract. Free admission. Work on percentage basis. Good thing for money making side shows. Plenty of space. Nothing too big to handle. For par ticulars, address LUNA PARK AMUSEMENT COMPANY, 435 Equitable Bldg., Baltimore, Md. men SCENERY. —1202 Center Street— MILWAUKEE SEND FOR OUR COMPLETE CATALOGUE of Type, Block and Litho Printing for Fairs, Carnivals, Cérous, Wi'd West, Minstre!Dramatic, Repertoire, Roller Skating, Baseball, etc. Stock Lithos and Posters of eve’ ‘ine of the amusement business. Piays with complete line of paper. Write us. GREAT WESTERN PRINTING CO. Show PRINTERS, LITHOGRAPHERS, ENGRAVERS, film. Large and ST. LOUIS, Mc ATTENTION, SHOWMEN! I have for sale, complete Electric Show, Black Top, lined all through, 20x00, swell porch front, Edison Ex, Mch., Films, Baby Upright Piano, Seats, etc.; one Katzenjammer Castle Front, 16x24, 16 ft. deep, 8 aisles; a bargain; 3 Snake Banners and § ft. Pit, one Revolving Doll Rack, one Baby Rack, one Creeper Spindle, one big Star Paddle Wheel, ten Penny Card Machines, one High | wang t a Re pon! Arcade, about 33 machines; one Electric Tonophone iano, one set of elx ; y + LADDERS and NET. It will pay you to Investigate OTICE TO CARNIVAL MANAGERS—I will book my 20th Century earey e-Roené and Dendermen Ferris Wheel with first-class company. Address H. M. LONG, 1182 Calhoun Street, Ft. Wayne, Ind. WESTERN FILM EXCHANGE CO. OF ST. LOUIS Sulte 725-733 Century Bullding. | We also operate a Full and Complete SUPPLY DEPT. and | control the WESTERN SONG SLIDE SERVICE. MIDWAY PARK MIDDLETOWN, N. Y. Is now ready to consider Concession Privileges for Season of 1910. WANTED---IN LUNA PARK, Mansfield, Ohio, A few high-class amusement devices in Luna Park, South Side, Mansfield, Ohio: also practical restaurant man to build and operate restaurant and general refreshments, offered to practical park men with good propositions, Exceptional inducements Address G. W. BAHL, Mansfield, Ohio.