The Billboard 1912-05-11: Vol 24 Iss 19 (1912-05-11)

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ne a MAY 11, 1912. ee oy men g . +, Ler) , CLE ue ~ : | ae aide * : Cre Sei oh . Fe 5 * 3 4 ncohidigetie’h 2 Ge ~ or oF ae HERD OF SEALS Pr ™ % ‘ ®, Ae id oe Me v moe wee 5 BY . ~ Leste # gee RET . “4 baa i ee. na aa eeaP PARE PET oe ee TF ee Tata 22h” wi i 2: ry dh ee Saemtan einen 2s | Thrilling Hunting Scenes Under the Midnight Sun! Thousands of walrus attacked by Eskimoes —Sea lion bulls fighting over their harems— Giant polar bears captured with the lassoo— Polar bears charging the camera — A mother bear's swanéa struggle to save her cub from the hunters — Wild life at peace at the water hole— The crafty Arctic fox robbing the white terror of the North—Alll clear, clean-cut, showy action pictures taken at thirty paces on the average, many as close as ten feet! A “sure fire’ feature de luxe; two complete shows in one. Pictorial lithographing from 24-sheets to halves, with lithographed booklets from the Courier Co., of Buffalo. Handsome large photographs for lobby display. Wide publicity! Write or Wire Alaska-Siberian Motion Pictures Suite 813, 145 W. 45th St., New York 2 See oe oe = + eee fuel vie fF eek ae ee AS ae es 7 7 " oa ee | a cr tian ee a wh EN Ce a ee. 2, See BF, ; eam Sa, AT RS FOR ay S Suk aS eM nue Age) gas Sn ORR ae at Sa een. RS aes ee AE RS BEE LARS RIE, cee Serco? eL SA EE TL Pe ee av | is = iT a > we . ‘. t Wah ay” N 4 B: | eh ee a, Seamer ar & ‘ 4 The Billboard 35 2 _emy ; Z f 5 IMPOR L ee a f if f y 4 : + VE . —_ * WE REAM KE OE FOI RE LENE PET BREE SY oa ps : = J nN q 7 wine y : ’ : ; 4 Me df f had J 2 a) Vi ff es. a = & & | 2 ae = 4 Shs Ce | . bee w q : eee : . 4 rT ‘ si & oe » REL LORE TE PACER sagged ogi © a | tad eee] OER YES as a Aa oe eo; ee Rt Baga ep A; ite aincaniaipseiie mien Re teh Paes OT Bipiuk Finse, ni RR Sea el Pa aaa rn ne sd gi cag earrtee ered aa ed oo — ae. Ce> ae Ts “ . 4 ae JA S ss . 2 | ; # 3 4 io _ . » f : : s 7 > Pe, { a SD” PS eg PSHOTTING : INQUIS ITIVE BEAR SOE SE Lp AREAL SAE Rg EES ' * 2 2. Se “ot ‘ owe i 1 x5 < ; ey ; Bras® <class cites iain Pe oe ary ie ota pa i hs Blan ai pinged ahi episae OO AE ITE AA 8 = =o 7} JE a ie RES NAAN aanvasbaaedeat atte eee sig We IEDs gone Lie GR AMAT GETTER. ELON aE R a 6 Ae Tees mente: ine ot 3 : CAPT KLEINSCHMIDT & ws ; TROPHY ¥ WALRUS HUNT a rs ” ¢ <n