The Billboard 1921-06-18: Vol 33 Iss 25 (1921-06-18)

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Be t—“:CsCSCSCSCSCSC‘sSSS 2 The Billboard JUNE 18, 190) ff a a SMISS SAN FRANCISCO DOLL COMPANY: a 2 ; m ® : ESSIONAIRES : z PARK AND CARNIVAL CONC : = WHY COMPLAIN ABOUT BUSINESS? CUSTOMERS USING OUR QUALITY DOLLS, & « DRESSES AND LAMPS ARE REPORTING A BIG SEASON FROM ALL DIRECTIONS, s * MISS SAN FRANCISCO QUALITY DOLL LAMP No. | 5 : — “MISS FRISCO” number one lamp, a picture of which you will find on this page, is a metal, bronzed portable * with six foot extension H m cord and attachment plug; everything complete; height about twenty inches. Shades are of panel silk, umbrella shaped; trimmed with @ i @ gold braid, oriental beads and ornaments. The doll is a “MISS FRISCO,” celluloid like finish, with human hair head dress of 4 ie — curls and ringlets. Dress is 36 in. hoop, marabou and tinsel trimmed, in good flashy colors of silk. Dresses and shades match in colors, = hy and are put out in a wide range of different colors. Doll can be easily removed from lamp by simply turning a clamp. These are not @ a : obsolete dos, but right up-to-date and quality all the way. Find prices below. + 2 = MISS SAN FRANCISCO QUALITY LAMP No. 2 + " g@ “MISS FRISCO” number two lamp is same as number one in every respect with the exception doll has imported mohair marcel) wave Hy i HY head dress with puffs instead of human hair. Prices below. + ‘| & Prices of Miss San Francisco Quality Lamps, Dolls and Dresses F. 0. B. San Franciso & fh = EL ~3 Goods ordered from out of town representatives will be plus 5 = Sao j transporation charges from this city. 4 . eon ‘ a a = LA “Sis | Miss Frisco Number 1 Lamps, Complete except globes.....$72.00 doz. 7 at x a © ie Number 2 Lamps, Complete except globes..... 66.00 = : & eee nt CNS a «« Plain finished Standing Hair Dolls............... 5.40 “ 3 i ee 8S Sere ie Same with 27 inch marabou hoop dresses..... 8.40 “ & * a.) ae a ee os ” Celluloid like finish, plain hair (SORE 6. 00 7 . =| Same with 27 inch marabou trimmed dresses 9.00 “ C = « “Celluloid finish, fancy mohair head dress...... 7.00 “ 7 = Same with 27 inch marabou trimmed dresses 10.00 “ = a «sig EE =| a «¢ “Hand painted Mohair Squats, floral decoration 6.00 “ & _ a a = —DRESSES— : = ALL DRESSES OF SILK IN FLASHY COLORS ™ 27 inch hoop, Marabou trimmed............... $30.00 per 100 8 = 35 “ “ Marabou trimmed............... 40.00 “ “8 = 35‘ “ Marabou and tinsel trimmed........ 45.00 “ “ 7 ~ 35‘ Marabou and gold braid trimmed.... 50.00 “ “ 7 i — BOYS, this is the year you got to have a REAL FLASH to get the money. . = “MISS FRISCO” customers have the flash, and are getting the money ee all over the United States. We can prove this statement by telegrams H Tt Ld and letters pouring in daily. Don’t gamble on cheap trashy stuff for ™ 4 your Fourth of July spot or Fairs thisyear. Wire us or our nearest repre& : es sentative for a “‘MISS FRISCO LAMP FLASH” today. Then you will 4 3 7 have no fear of competition. 5 Pa 2 a a NOTICE TO ALL CONCESSIONAIRES a — We have made arrangements with the following firms to represent us in Northern, Southern and Eastern Sections: " ' § Philadelphia Candy Company Standard Candy Company i 7 H 253 North Second Street Philadelphia, Pa. 544 Tchoupitoulas St. P.O.Box356 New Orleans, La. g in @ Have in stock full line our No. 1 and No. 2 Lamp Carry our full line and a full line 4 i Bh m Dolls and a complete line of Concessionaires’ Candy Goods of Concessionaires’ Candy Supplies H % Lg e a > & A. S. Moeser & Company Mr. Edward Harris F a = 13 and 15 Hennepin Ave. Minneapolis, Minn. 507 East 10th Street Kansas City, Mo. 7 ei 7 Carry in stock No. 2 Lamps Has in stock our full line 7 ‘ Ss a 7 &s The Garrett M. Lowman Company : a Land Maritime Building Seattle, Wash. a +4 + Carry our full line | ¢ = Our Terms are Cash or 25% Deposit, Balance C.0.D. Address all San Francisco orders and correspondence to : ' = a | = MISS SAN FRANCISCO DOLL COMPANY | _ ¢§ SALES DEPARTMENT a p 845 Fourth Street San Francisco, Cal. s & EERE EEEE wg 0 “ = i lat. _—