The Billboard 1921-06-18: Vol 33 Iss 25 (1921-06-18)

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JUNE 18, 1921 The Bi liboard 53 AT LIBERTY—Higblibrary Schirmer’s GaORCHESTRA, Box 51, 4 to 6-PIECE ORCHESTRA class. Cue pictures. Real laxy. etc. State all. RICH’S Hastings, Nebraska. Parks and Fairs 2e WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Black Type) le WORD, CASH (Set in Small Type) (No Adv. Less Than 250) Balloonist and High Diver now booking season 1021; two big sensational free attractions performed by one man; balloon ascensions accompanied bp paradhute descent; high dive made from lofty 95-foot ladders; ladders beautifully illuminated with electric lights for night performances; wardrobe and rigging the best; references, terms and full particulars furnished on request; parks, fairs, celebrations: C. A. CHANDLER, 1221 Newman St., Indianapolis, Indiana. CAL ACT; DAY AND NIGHT EXLe eine different, thrilling and practicil; can book fairs, parks, conventions, etc., as a free attraction, or operate individually as complete show to paid admissions; publicity man and five thousand dollars needed for equipment. Address ORIGINATOR, P. 0. Box 1241, Columbus, Ohio. AERIAL STONES—THREE HIGH-CLASS FREE acts: lady and gent; double tight wire, break away ladder and fast trapeze acts; write for terms. 105 N. NELSON ROAD, eee °. un IBERTY — SENSATIONAL, THRILLING = throwing as practiced by Aztec Indian sun worshipers; also aerial illusion. Write or wire, CHIEF ZAT ZAMS & CO., care Billboard Poblishing Co., Crilly Bldg., Chicago, — u AT LIBERTY—FOR 4TH JULY AND OTHER celebrations, Marvelous Bon-Homme. 2 big acts for free attractions. Mr. Committee, if you want free acts that will please the public, write at once. Address J. W, N-HOMME, Box 175, Altamont, Kansas, AT LIBERTY FOR 4TH JULY—TWO REAL free acts, trapeze and acrobatic; roller skating, a new act. For terms JO DOVE, Box 352, Moweaqua, Illinois, BALLOONIST—NOW BOOKING SEASON 1921; balloon ascensions and parachute drops; three balloons; lady and gent riders; balicon races a speciality, using the latest patent balloon holddowns. All inquiries by mail or wire given prompt attention, RB. C. RMAN, Balloonist, 410 B. Walnut St., Indianapolis, Indiana. Tele phone, Main 7004. HALSTEAD’S DOG AND PONY SHOWS, featuring Julius Caesar, America’s lony Supreme; parks, theatres, carnival and fairs; write or wire for open. time; wanted small mole, monkey and una-fon. Billings, ne un LASERE AND LASERE—TWO CLASSY, SEN sational novelty acts; for any open-air event. Two high riggings. ‘Our best friends are the people we have worked for,”’ 223 NEWHARD ST., Carey, Ohio. TOM AND BESSIE HAYES—AERIAL GYM nasts; presenting a different line of stunts than any other team; two acts; open for parks and celebrations, For particulars address Sardusky, Michigan. july2 WANTED—A POSITION AS PARACHUTE jumper by a young man 20 years old; inexPerienced but willing to learn, Write C. R. HALLOCK, 340% Dennison Bldg., Corning, N. Y. 4TH JULY AND OTHER CELEBRATION COM. mittees wanting good Free Acts, I am at liberty, Marvelous Bon-Homme. Wardrobe the best; guarantee satisfaction; never disappoint; always please. Will furnish newspaper cuts as per terms, Address J. W. BON.HOMME, Rox 175, Altamont, Kansas. AT LIBERTY—Plane Changer, late of Du Jardin’s Flyers; changing planes four different ways, auto to plane, loop on up wing, wing walking; no exhibition too difficult, Y have a good pilot and Duesenberg racing car. Firm want feature write me; state all in first letter. RAY YCE, Galesburg, Mitncis, Gen. Del. : junis BALLOONIST—Now booking season of 1921; single and double parachute drops: night fUrhts with fre works. ©. E. RUTH, 1910 W. St. Clair St, Indianapolis, Indiana, HARRY GRIFFIN TRIO—Sensational Tight-Wire Runners, Dancers, Leapers; bic attraction for Darks, fairs, celebrations, ete. Address 1301 Grattan Street, St. Louis, Missouri, I SWIM Mississippi, ete. in army uniform, hea underclothes, trousers, shirt, af sweater, a4 & shoes around neck, with feet and knees tied and ds tied behind back, Other stunts BOX 361, Salem, Iowa, janis LADY: PIANTST—Desires in orchestra; PP mo) and location only; must give week's notice, ae LADY PIANIST, care The Billboard, “s ; m _— PARKS, FAIRS AND CELEBRATIONS—Three Fea ome _ Acts: Slack Wire, Comedy Balancing and Pr Cannon Ball Act, Fourth of July open. SUZIan TTA AND CLARK, 284 Franklin St., Springfield, THE LaCROIX (Lady a: <1 Gantleman)—radle Trapeze f _ and Novelty Act, two different free attractions Watt, clebrations, Fairs, Fall Festivals, ete. 1304 alton Ave., Fort Wayne, Indiana. july23 THE KATONAS, American Japs./Japanese balancing and juggling om the slack wiré@; also comedy wire; two different acts. Elegant Japanese costumes. For Darks, fairs, celebrations, Sturgis, Michigan . Piano Players 2c WORD, CASH (First Li d Name Black le W ASH (Set lo Small Type) bead (No Ady, Less Than A-1 Pianist At Liberty, Thor oughly experienced; upion. Address M. C. PIANIST, Billboard, Cincinnati. At Liberty, Male Piano Player for medicine shows playing small towns; fake piano or organ; experience with medicine shows. Write J. W. WHEELDON, 120 Evelyn St., Evansville, Indiana. Experienced Pianist, All Lines, sight reader; picture theatre preferred. F, J. LaPIERRE, Gen. Del., Springfield, Mo. ”) A-l1 MALE JAZZ PIANIST; DESIRES IMME. diate connection with A-1 dance orchestra; prefer location, but will travel; age, 23° Ad appearance, personality, clean-cut; full pep; union; no bum or crab; can furnish real combination for resort. State salary, full particulars. Wire. PIANIST, Savoy Hotel, Denver, Colorado, AT LIBERTY—JAZZ PIANIST. WOULD LIKE to locate with a dance orchestra; no sight reader; good dance tempo. This State’ ypreferred, others considered; don’t wire, write, and please be explicit. VINCENT MADISO Pittsfield, Illinois. A-1 PIANIST—SIGHT READER WITH MANY years experience best houses; will consider goo! offer; six-day picture house preferred; no grinds: adequate orchestra necessary. . LA PIERRE, Gen. Del., ri. Springfield, Missou house; experieace playing pictures; awake; full of pep and willing; prefer small or with drummer; references furnished if necessary. Address PIANIST, Box 16, Hopkinsville, Kentucky. PIANIST AT LIBERTY—PREFER WORK IN small town; for pictores only; references exchanged. Write 10314 S. Wash. St., Wellington, Kansas, PIANIST, FIRST.CLASS, AT LIBERTY~—EX -perienced; for bands, singers and theatre; read, transpose, etc.; strong player; strictly reliable; expect same. KEMPTON A. HEMMING, Gen. Del., Buffalo, Ne York. AT LIBERTY—LADY PIANIST FOR MOVIE wide town theatre not so far away; playing alone AT LIBERTY—Now or coming season, clever Hebrew Comic, with a good stinging voice; age, 28; height, 5 ft.. 7 in.; weigh 110; for musical comedy, girl act, — HEBREW COMIC, Billboard; Cincinnati, PHILADELPHIA ENTERTAINMENTS, $10 and exDenses. Nearby towns, outside of Philadelphia, TK aa H. LINGERMAN, Ven . orth Sth St., Philad oes toon adelphia, eee WHO CAN USE MEf—Young man, wishes to break into vaudeville, in ang capacity, just to learn ‘“‘tho topes.’” Wishes to travel over some vaudeville time to get stage presence; I am 21 years of age, 5 feet, 2 inches, and weigh 115 pounds; slight build, dark features; willing worker and would stay with a good Proposition where advancement is in sight. Have had experience as an amateur mazician and have done a little comedy work; thorouchly reliable and a sticker, Address RUDY MILLER, 220 N. RamDart Blvd., Los Angeles, California. AT LIBERTY—Experienced young man waits to make three-month contract, beginning about June 15, with movie theater in vicinity of Kansas City, Mo, Good on sizht reading. Prefer single work on piano or fotoplayer. P. O. BOX 277, Ft. Smith, Arkansas. PIANO PLAYER AND ORGANIST AT LIBERTY— Union. Dance orchestra, pictures or alone, Troupe or locate. LOUIS CULLING, Princess atre, Boone, Iowa. PIANIST—Young man; good habits, neat appearing; concert or dance; A-1 piano soloist and accompanist; A, F. of M.; chautauqua, hotel, resort, stage, theatre; am expertenced. RAYMOND DEMPSEY, Franklinville, New York, PIANIST—Union; experienced musical comedy, vaudeville; arrange, trauspose, orchestrate, arrange numbers for tabs; troupe, but prefer musical comedy stock location. Go anywhere for good thing, but must be reliable, as I have family responsibilities. State ful] information first. Pay yours, I pay mine, PIANIST, care Fred Ueltzen, General Delivery, Clarksdale, Mississippl. visors. to protect themselves. fail to meet the issue. to defend as well as prosecute. trine of ‘equality before the law.’” PUBLIC DEFENDER MOVEMENT RECEIVES FRESH IMPETUS The movement to establish the office of Public Defender to represent indigent accused persons has received fresh impetus by the recent passage of a Statewide Public Defender Bill by the California Legislature. The Bill provides for the election of a Public Defender in each county and city of California, after the approval of the local Board of SuperThis law will shortly be effective in nine counties in California, which includes all the big centers of population in that State. It is important to note that this Statewide legislation was passed after eight years’ successful demonstration of the efficiency and economy of the office of Public Defender in Los Angeles, and that there was a very insistent demand by the principal civic organizations in San Francisco for the enactment of the new law. A vigorous effort will be made at the next session of the New York Legislature to establish the office of Public Defender in various counties of this State, and there is reason to believe that the proposed Bill will receive the support of numerous civic bodies. “The old idea that the State can do no wrong is no longer regarded as sound by those who are giving thoughtful consideration to our criminal court system,” says Mayer C. Goldman, to protect the legal rights of those who by reason of pove-ty are unable Voluntary legal aid or charitable intervention The ‘presumption of innocence’ requires the State The present system of ‘assigned counsel’ is fundamentally wrong from any angle. “The Public Defender will promote justice, save expense, facilitate the disposition of criminal cases and give a real sigificance to the doc “Public Defense is essential AT LIBERTY—A-1 PIANIST; A. F. OF M.; strictly reliable; competent; ten years’ experience in both pictures and vaudeville; have large library for theatre desiring piano alone; can play the pictures; also experienced orchestra player; state best salary and details; wire or write immediately; will go anywhere; South preferred. ROBERT H. SOUTHER, 1702 Van Buren Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. jun25 A-1 PIANIST-LEADER; A. F. OF M.; READ, fake, transpose, arrange, improvise and compose; twelve years’ experience; vaudeville, pictures, musical comedy, dramatic or dance; desires permanent position; if you can’t offer union contract ang scale don’t answer this ad; age, 28; married, settled, competent and reliable. P. H. FORSYTHE, Victoria Hotel, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. AT LIBERTY—DANCE PIANIST; DESIRES engagement with small dance orchestra anywhere; experienced; only reliable connection considered. Wire or write. E. H. NEWTON, Franklin, New Hampshire. AT LIBERTY ON ACCOUNT OF THEATER closing—A real piano player with years of experience in vaudeville, tabs., movies and dance work capable of leading. If you can't pay good sulacy for goods delivered don’t waste your time or mine; the first real offer gets me; join on wire; union. KARL A. SAPP, 1410 North Canal St., Sharpsburg, Pennsylvania. AT LIBERTY JUNE 15—A-1 PIANIST, AGE 21; ue years experience vaudeville and pictures; union; would like engagement inv theater, hotel or summer resort. Address JAMES LAWLER, JR., New Garrick Theater, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. jun25 Vaudeville Artists Se WORD, CASH (First Line Large Black Type) 2c WORD, CASH (First Line and Name Black Type) feo WORD, CASH (Set in Small Type) (No Ady. Less Than 25c) At Liberty, Jack Ford, the Ac knowledged crack club swinger of the world, in electrical and silver club swinging; beautiful stage setting; silver and jeweled; have my own moving pictme of myself in action of 11-2 minutes as prelude to act; vaudevine or picture houses; sea shore preferred. Address JACK FORD, 294 Market St., Paterson, N. ou. Good Looking Refined Young lady, age, 20 years, would like position as maid with reliable act; experienced show girl; could work in act if necessary; tall and dark. Write or wire JEANETTE LORRAINE, 220 Edmonton St., Winnipeg, Man., Canada. AT LIBERTY-—ATTRACTIVE YOUNG CcouUple wish to break into show business. Man plays guitar, steel guitar, mandolin and ukelele. Wife to learn Hula Dancing. STEEL GUITAR, 602 N. 13th St., Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. MAGIC IS POPULAR—MYSTERY ACT OF NEW illusions, presented by clever artists; comeuy, music, costumes, scenery, publicity; booking Indiana. AMUSO, 2163 Olney, Indianapolis. Bell phone Webster™0154. WANTED SITUATION AS ASSISTANT TO A magician, aerial or dog act. BERT T. RICH, 462 Second St., Fall River, Massachusetts. PIANO PLAYER WISHES POSITION WITH orchestra, theater or dance; good sight reader; years of experience; must be permanent and best salary; A. F. of M.; age, 24. LOUISE GREER, Judsonia, Arkansas. YOUNG GIRL AT LIBERTY—FOR IRON.JAW act; also experienced in wire and acrobatic acts. Can join at once; height, 5 ft., 4 in.; weight, 120 pounds. A. PETITE, care The Billboard, New York. YOUNG MAN—Russian dancer; geod soloist; could eS oe a a ioe performer; would e to join an ac + DENEY, 707 Bronx, New York City, = eo Acts, Songs and Parodies 3e WORD. CASH. NO ADV. LESS THAN 25c. ACTS, SKETCHES WRITTEN—Oricinal material; fifty jokes (typewritten), one dollar. WILLIA DAVIS ROSE, Playwright, Groton, Connecticut. * ACTS AND SKETCHES—Up-to-date acts written to order, $25 up. Monologues, jokes, nut comedy, recitations and specialty songs written. ACTORS’ SERVICE, 8th foor, Auditorium Theater Bldg., Chicago, Illinois, ARRIVED AT LAST!—Trend No. 3 contains a riproaring “‘Boob and Gal Act,’ in rhyme (3 parts) with comedy number; The rafter-rattling comedy, Huck Finn's Pap,” with the funniest saloon song on earth. Positively packed with: wanted _ stuff. Introductory prices, $1 (for $10 worth), with No. 2, while they last, $1.50. (Order now, the demand may exceed the supply.) TREND PUB, CO., 652 Thirty ~jainth Street, Brooklyn, New York, BAD LITTLE GIRLS (Soubrette), Sis Hopkins’ Beau Bilious (Character), Hiram on Pullman (Hick), Goldfish’s Vedding (Jew), Rastus Telephones, Silly Jeremiah, Professional Monologues, two dollars eachh WALTER BEN HARE, Springfield, Mo, julyl6 CONSTABLE PERKINS is a sure-fire hit, Hector Silas Jones Dugan. Fach $1.00. WRIGHT, 12 W.° Ohio St.. Chicago, So is HARRY Tilinois. DO YOU WANT REAL MATERIAL? I write that kind. All new original material. Order your fall material now. EDDIE O'CONNOR, 1531 Broadway, New York ‘City. EVA TANGUAY, the headliner of headliners, said my Songs are “‘clever’’—and so are my Parodies. My new Parodies are out. Send 50 cents for 15 -laughmakers, OTTIE COLBURN, 13 Clinton Ave., Brockton, Massachusetts. : EXCLUSIVE, ORIGINAL VAUDEVILLE ACTS, Sketches and Monologs written to order. Timely, laugh-getting material guaranteed. Reasonable prices. RAD . 557 Greenwich St., New York. 5 jun2 . FIFTY DOLLARS buys exclusive rights of @ righted big-time Comedy Sketch, entitled Laugh Shop.’ A scream from start to finish. males. Can be done in any character. GEORGE FULLER, 2327 Geneseo St., Buffalo, New York. junl8 EXCLUSIVE ACTS, with pep and punch, written to order. Reasonable prices. J. C, BRADLBY, 557 Greenwich Ste, New York. jun25 HOODOOED COON—Original forty-minute farce, with connected plot. Hokum lead, character, juvenile man, ingenue and vamp. Guaranteed success Six dollars, WALTER BEN HARE, Springfield, es I WANT A NEW YORK COMPOSER who can put good melody to good lyrics. MUSIC PUBLISHER, care The Billboard, New York. copy“The IF IT IS TO BE EXCLUSIVE let me write your Material, Acts, Patter, Recitations, Gags, Monologues; known from coast to coast. GEOFFREY L. WHALEN, 12 Piedmont Street, Boston, Mass, PARODIES—“‘My Mammy,” ‘‘Devil’s Garden,”’ “Over the Hill,’’ *‘Angels,”* “It’s All Over Now,” “‘Rose,’* 1e “Palesteena,”’ ‘‘Feather Your Nset,’’ Me,” All for 50¢ (fifty cents). Money back if this isn’t the funniest stuff out. OTTIE COLBURN, 13 Clinton Ave., Brockton, Massachusetts, POSITIVELY LAST CHANCE—Entire collection typewritten, $2.00 (worth $40.00). Money back cheerfully. Recitations: ‘‘Dan McGrew,” ‘‘Lasca,’’ ‘‘Velvet Band,”’ ‘‘Mother,”” “Gunga Din,” “Rosa,” ‘Finished Fight,”” ‘‘Funny Proposition,”” “‘Black Sheep,” ‘‘Barroom Floor,” “Jim Bludsoe,”” ‘‘Gambler,*”* “Yukon,” “Dying Hobo,’’ ‘“‘Dope Fiend.” Several pages exclusive Jokes, Stories free. You'll want more. Com dramatic, gripping, thrilling. Suitable for si . ELBERT BOLLYN, 1716 North La Salle St., Chicago. (Interview by appointment.) 9 PROFESSIONALS, ATTENTION!—2 Blackface Monologues, 1 Blackface Dialogue, two soldiers in argument; 1 Sketch, rube and refined actress; 1 Dope Fiend Monologue, 1 Sketch, male and female, title “The Flirt’; also other useful Material included. Send $1.00 for all the above manuscripts, complete. Written by professional with 20 years’ experience. EDDIE COX, 2026 College, St. Louis, Mo. jui25 SIXTY DOLLARS buys & comic military sketch, en titled, ‘General Nonsense,” A riot of laughs. Two males. Blackface characters. Can be done in any character. GEORGE FULLER, 2327 Genesee St., Buffalo, New York. junl8 PARODY SINGERS—AIl those who sent me a dollar for Parodies, send me just a dime for my new Parody Number, just out. All the big hits. This is my way of thanking you one and all. For Parodies write OTTIE COLBURN, 13 Clinton Ave., Brockton, Massachusetts. SNAPPY DOUBLE SPECIALTIBS, $1.00; Poems, 25c. HALL PAYNE, Vermontville, Mich. jun18 TO ADVERTISE MY WORK—Send five dollars for Special Monalogue; anything you want to cover; ten minutes; describe style—I'll do the rest. GEOFFREY L. WHALEN, 12 Piedmont St., Boston, Mass. TWO FUNNY MONOLOGS—Two sure-fire Hokum Comedy Songs. Fifty Cents. Positive winners. LARRY POWERS, Billboard, Cincinnati. junls In Answering Classified Ads, Please Mention The Billboard. (Continued on page 54)