The Billboard 1924-03-22: Vol 36 Iss 12 (1924-03-22)

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The Billboard MARCH 22, 192} ‘Room Rent Blues” CHORUS’ Very much Syncopated. 4 + — = ae we EN iE eR me ee a ac ERT RS NERY SES 6 meet OR ae oe 1@ « IRVING NEWTON caliniemaneale T + i cneniiiatiien nae — | | + t T em ps t Vv Squeeze a widow, 2 i, laa a) — b 7! — Tease a wid-ow, Ba-by,and that aint all.Oh Ma-Ma! You will see them | J Paid. Ev-ry Sweetie there When I domy stuff acrossthe hall, a jh es a a — Treat a la @y. like a ba by Andeshellsure-ly fall. T {5 k T Fee « % . at -tho she was a bride beIts their style that makesmy blood’ run wild And if she says shell be my | — #: Zs fj — —— ig, aI — = t r —"* ' fore I'll know she'll take a chance once more. — 1) steht on bride —_ Til let my con-science be my guide. — So Tl be tig , 1 igs BT ] }— |? tp at PS a 4. ewe I v T Yime to night At the Weep-ing Wi -ows’ Ball. rl Ball. nome ALL ORCHESTRATIONS MUST BE MONEY ORDER OR CASH 25¥: MAY BE BROADCASTED WITHOUT FEF OR LICENSE (RVING NEWTON, MUSIC PUBLISHER, 3 WEST OHIO ST CHICAGO, ILL. Moato. RADIO BROADCASTING 3 md Bee TEE SESSERTSSSEES SSIS She Sake S242 eSrig2ezte2s2is2 SELL ee Fcenzstsisizessh ZHS2SSESSSSES EG | Iles CAAT AIS Hola) pels TATWVAVVUVVVIT VATU VUUT IAAT | ROOM RENT BLUES ) AT THE WEEPING WIDOWS BALL By the write of ‘At The Weeping Widow’ Ball” | tag Sutng sea) Words & Music by Ast Violip FREE FOR By IRVING NEWTON W. Arr by Jean alz p rT ; waa ws = 2 ase (ees Sa. 2 see J ~ ; ai i + a t k = T | ar too -=— ST SS { —? ——-—4 + oT a | oO eet SRE t CT —= sa ks e————— a a te sa = be ~ —r— —f {TT T T — rn ——_ Fa ES See anee —#— ft } tte +++ | T Pum | T C A | a }) ae t* wore L a JZ Z ~ T = _ w — J T t sma le ae Yes ee te t @ me 73 ~ = —_ T ee ee T — == ak Hs a oe T aoe ~ + = a if f ae i T r : = -_ Ww -. = ~ "4 Pr Dsalm Free for Radio broad casting Copyright 1923 by Irving Newton *” | RAMANA TNN NTT AAAUI NATION MAA PORNO Pewee Se aaa a LU VITRO RVAO