The Billboard 1924-09-27: Vol 36 Iss 39 (1924-09-27)

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6 The Bi liboard SEPTEMBER 27, 1924 Burlesque Responds To Cry for New Faces Recruit Feminine Principals and Choristers Sufficiently Pleasing To Warrant Continuance— ii) t e the ex 1 and M l ition, contr and M } ! in f both eit l 7 field For t ! 1 ‘ so il zg to} I to warrant t it e in burlesq and this 1 especia plicable to tl fr ! prir : ’ ’ as it appli to their per lity t t nd ability. This has not 1 to the bur lesque talent and ability of ali t wT former ‘ Lily the comiques and ion ’ 1 },! ty } » an it able atmosphere in t 1 it other form of and the strat rs coming into « e 4) lisy tb fact on ean not un| ! that thev did ir ly eal 7 th 1 o é patron ! 1 veral hows last season lt n in which reeog nized \ ‘ rod » YD ‘or? ers ha Dy red and failec register For the n t part their sp a over ina wy But with the el! natior of the old form of “ollo” ent iinn between the ret rnd WK t ] the demand r pnerfo1 rs to \ seenes at dt i} or, t ti ent . pl t n, t speciali in lan cal ] 11 ess ft ? ; f fix ntl t to Vv t prod Y im car? ig we Tr to a » th found wa ia Y b fail to mat id in Paty of bur ! zu cls into t es, and that with whi they are fu °. lowing wt wort yr of the « ’ in seenes al bits, at the same time sp»-cnlating on ho they ar f ng to mak their point \ H Bernard’s “Flanpnv Go 1 \ secs mbie Rurl 1a”? ? it Hur & § 125th s my ter l con 1 i r i for } prod i ‘ j I 5 new 11 l n 1 hting but vily > in £ buy bits mad T t burlesc r ai I : tation ¥ ’ nr lelé é T ni ‘ r oubret of pep 1] ho was perfect! it h » her r Tt v t ‘ T n MeCon,. and ! Y ‘ ‘e -ap ing f 1 rt, VWellow hh Ia} l lv to un , but >not as ve b | t bur mosnhere in cor ri little fol did ‘ ' a » by his fr q Y makeu] d n a ( } y ran more 1 dv buri t ' ] n 1 of ¢ i I n « me rocd introd ) ve ( Tt n AM tor ~ 7 aie ’ ' i : \ ' ge € ; y < 1 il ] as n i \ 1 } io qd *) er 1 i r 7 nl rl in en ¢ y ¢ t ke-be! < t! tT ; u I i ! ] n é i f , , that : : ; ‘ ; n y t t cet , . } i C yr cl} , nt rom vaud d pr Look thrn ft H ! r ! Just the kind of a hotel yor want may listed. t W ces in burlesque’ went cer burlesque heeded it. 3 of the ¢ Amusement Company Nine house nd how on the Columbia for burl , producing managers on nd independently in other than burlesque ISSUE HOUSE ORGAN Los les, Calif.. Sept. 20.—The Ww fheaters and associated compeu are issuing a monthly paper for the members and employees of the organization. The publication, known as Co-Ordination, has an edition of 2,200 + London, Sept. 21 (Special Cable to The Billboard).—Last Wednesday at the St. James Theater “The Nervous Wreck” was produced, It ji 1 crud but amusing farcical adventure piece and was accorded moderate reception Charlies Lawrence made a great success in the leading part, did Mary Dunean, principally re s, tho th and vigorous, BULL-FIGHT FILMS BARRED IN MAINE and these ponsible for acting two were show's sucwas efficient the thruout = 3angor, M« 1 . Sept 20.—County ney A W Weatherbee received Attortele gram from Governor Baxter urging immediate actioa fainst the managt if any moving picture house who show: films depicting bull fights or any scenes showing cruelty to animals contrary to the laws of Mains As far as is known no such pictures are being sshown. HOST TO INSURANCE MEN Chicago, Sept. 20.—“Sport” Herrmann, manager of the Cort Theater, was host to forty life insurance field managers who met in Chicago this week andattended a performance of “Wages for Wives” in the Cort Theater. A SCENE FROM “WHAT PRICE GLORY” What Price Glory’’, now playing at the Plymouth Theater, New York, is the dramatic sensation of the year. This photo shows one of the most stirring scenes of the play, where Sergeant Quirt (William Boyd) is brought wounded to Captain Flagg (Louis Wolheim) in the dugout. NEW MANAGER AT MORGANTOWN Morgantown, W. ouncement has Va., Sept. 21.—Anbeen made by George proprietor of the Metropolitan Theater, of a change in the managerial department of the house. H. A. Sha a t who has been at the theat s it opened, in the capacity of t to t manager, has su eded t position made vacant by the with! of Charles Hoskins, of New York. H relinquished his duties and ‘ ter tine a trip to Europe during fing to announcements I } departure from this city. Mr. § vw, t young in years, has had 1 ble experience in the manageof theaters DUNCANS’ AUTO RECOVERED Sept 20.—When Policemen nd McLaughlin, ¢ the Fivads tion, “~-d on two men in an Me evening after the men dt p, the men were cap! er ng cha Tt Luto? | n which they were driving ate the Dp lig belonged to the D rs, p ing “Topsy and Eva” a ae STRICKEN ACTOR TO ENTER NEW FIELD Muskogee, Ok., Sept. 21.—Harry Pen nett, actor, artiste and musician, is suffering a second phy ical hand ip in iupproaching blindness, Years ago Bennett’s voice was stricken in his appear ance at the opening of a theater in Bog ton, Starting anew, he became a pianist and organist and has been playing in theaters since. Now the keys of t] instrument are becoming blurred, but Ben nett is not giving up. He is join a traveling minstrel and precard tricks with the assistance of his wife, who was once known to performers as Ollivette Martin. “PASSING SHOW” IN JAPANESE planning to show sent circus New York, Sept. 20.—‘“The Passing Show of 1924" Is being translated into Japanese and is to be prese nted at the Tmperial Theater, Japanese impresarios as a the new, modern spirit Tokyo, by a group of reflection of and dramatic literature of the Western world in a pur ly revue vein The Oriental production will be made under the direction of the Dongero, or gveat hereditary head of acting in Janan At least that’s what geent eny Imperial Bought By Frank Gazzolo Manager Takes Chicago Theter Property as an Investment Chicage Sept. 20 Frank A. P. G zZOlo, one of the wealthiest theater 1 gers in >» We » this week pur the | rial Theater on th We for $2 000 as an investment, The pr erty is at 2325 W Madi 1 Street Ca lo, ia ww givi his attent to the management of thé Studebak Theat of which he is 1 e and man rer, and \ i | king all 1 with “Abie’s Irish Rose”, recently r on tl the Victoria Theat Caroline Kohl, of the North Sid to Mrs Orpheur Circuit, for $275,000. The Imperial be renamed The Vic. HAL ROACH’S STUDIO PLANS Los Angeles, Sept.; 20.—Work on a b exer and more expensive indoor stage th that destroved by fire early in July at Roach Studies in Culver been started under the supervision of Hal toach and Warren Doane, general mana ger of the Hal Roach Studio Coupled with the reconstruction Roach is also strengthening the per nel of his organization. Roy veteran director, turned to dios and will be with the unit mal of twWoereel comedies Fred G City has re ? 4 rt Au tin . the ot . n 4 c air tine staff I ne DeRue and Mar been added to the produ ‘ r Ston Company with Jan Day ind N St¢ i “gags” J working with Fr i ind Sidn rT) i for domesti res Leo McCarey ntinues to direct ¢ . ley Chase in a series of single-rec! : while Robert McGowan. \ a “Our Gang”, has lined up two 1 f Hal R h’s r 7 Hal Roach himself is spending ; ] » Ss] time he can find in devel i her feature story for Ré +! yy enificent st illion ghi ' \ a dden fame thru “King of Wild Hor ESTELLE WARD IN HAVANA mot pictur r.ctress of L An is here « a brief recreatior t Ss delighted with t ! t 1 t Ww , ’ nd +) T irl of 7 Antill ind is loud in her praise of Havan 1 Cuba as nl » for tl making ims. She w : surprised to leat not more companies had ken adva of the superb lieht conditic and na ural scenery of Cube for such work “MUSIC BOX” IN QUAKER CITY Berlin’ opened Forres New York, Sept. 20.—Irving third annual “Music Box Revue” this week in Philade!phia at the Theater. The revue, headed by Floren Moore, Jehnny Burk Charl Purcell Joseph Santley and Ivy Sawyer, is sched uled to play a four weeks’ engagemen there. OFFER $100 FOR NAME Chicago, Sept. 20.—The management © ‘Karly to Bed", in the La Salle Theat ill pay $100 to the person evolving better name for the play It is said th owners think the pr nt title suggests th which rone bedroom farce, indignantl claim is all wv FENDER SIGNS DOTTED LINE New Yorl Sent. 20 Harry Fender who is apr “Kid Boots” at t! Selwyn Theater, attached his signature to a whereby he will they iring in has contract pear with the Ziegfeld management f the next three years Fender appear $ 1 seasons back in a r€vival of “F! rodera” and subsequentiv wa seen fi rhe Lady in Ermine” and “Adrienne”. CLIFFORD SMITH, DIRECTOR, IL Los Angeles, Sept. 20.—Clifford Smit Unis il director of the last ten J Hoxie Westerns, and who directed n than forty popular Bill Hart Westei is seriously i at Lone Pine, Calif., wh he has been on location with his Ja Hoxie unit He is suffering from an ti testinal trouble