The Billboard 1924-09-27: Vol 36 Iss 39 (1924-09-27)

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SEPTEMBER 27, 1924 The Billboard 79 iANY PROTESTS HEARD AMERICA’S Most Beautiful FAIR GROUND MAR. BALLOON MAR Against Thectnsean Accorded Visitors on Last Day of New York State Fair Syracuse, N. YV., Sept. 17.—Demand for a te fair lasting ten days or two weeks and le acainst removal of exhibits before ted time on the lust day are being urged the omnes 1 city ofticials following the f 24 event last week ag and loud protests—are being hea quarters against treatment acrd ! on the l&s y of the fair “ces were scheduled for the afterhousangs of people flocked to the grounds It bad rained the previous night and 1! track wes muddy. The State fair comemploy labored diligently in the g to ge t the track in siape for the speed “ bu were unalle te do so. Hundreds ‘ le went to the grounds to see the races after yn only to be told after they had eir Imission that there were to be no ra unt nday. No rain checks were issued sappointed in this, the people decided to take in the exhibits and again were disap ted. 8S res of ya ae had moved out bag and I ing nothing but empt ngs for aan to gare pon It n the cu in former years to permit of the exhibitors to start rer ving their ex ts at nRoen In order to catch truins to vitions. This year they started mort ing and were well cleaned out by noon ve were more than 37,000 people who paid { money to get into the grounds to see the i i displays and saw neither. If t! ."s 1 to see the races they were compelled to tckets again Monday. | tt r George R. mn, who as holder it is head of the fair, is leadg the m for an extension of t event 1 ten-day or two-week event. Plins for creasing the number of grand-circuit races ils« 1 way. ther things w h are suggested as improver falr another year include a new r 1 al building nerease of th rize y in th | breeds iform of ‘ nm = t ter au nobile parking i ovem t of roads aout e cround erectior additional buildings f live stock displays and increased grand tand “Th 2 tomobile races sche inled for last day t fair and prevented t rain were d 4 nday efternogn before 2 crowd of about ILLINOIS STATE FAIR HAS EXCELLENT SHOW e Tilinois State resents to ne along at n to the zhtedness of 1 tiru the retary and gx co ssions ‘ M 1, ip visitors n last week's were t sen ttendance has Gordon Brefeatures of the a nomber of Eizl , It! ie t Australian als and the lled the it flying in a n the racing se of rain. t ipving ‘‘Happy f aranc and are . i play all departments are wo to a i ird d re are inv Worth-while i i features The beys d gir . t a prom t pia so dors Better I s Conferetr which daily & s 7 h attention devartment of the fair is well rndied i e management is to be congratulated ent conduct of, the 3 ROV'S — PR :AISED The DeKalb Cx yunty Fai re held at . September 3-0, . ‘ il «¢ nt, with an a" exh ng t iinment feature K i manager of the fair int and he g.ves it vs making the fair a I ttle er. I me so expert at it that the fair has Alexandria, ‘ vn famous out of al! proportion to its size r Hancock, Tennessee's commissioner of re, visited the fair and accorded it ' +4 I r saw a county fair with such a of exhibits,’ said Mr. Hancock, ‘The tal building and the exhibit of woman's show a much larger variety than last In the baby doll show sixteen little tots thir tiny baby buggies and it was feature. The contests of hog and ‘liing were also unique. I consider ¥y nas one of the very best fairs in the \ lial! ANH UAARU S arene Fair DOYLESTOWN, PA. Oct. 8, 9, 10, 11. Day and Night. WANTED—Clean Shows, Concessions and Rides. No gambling. No Gypsies. J. ALLEN GARDY, Secretary. 100A The new $100,000.00 100October . 4 8, 4] 19, pa ee HORSE ducers, facilities to grounds. acre home of the CUMBERLAND FAIR will be ready AND AUTO RACING. Bankers, Business and Professional Men, VIRGIL C. POWELL, Sec’y-Mgr., Cumberland, Maryland. Railroad The Fair of our leading Farmers, Fruit and Live Stock Pro FAIR SECRETARIES CELEBRATION COMMITTEES The Famous RITA and DUNN vas WORLD’S PREMIER HIGH WIRE ARTISTS. The Gr Free Attr ’ rs ( lebr: ms ever put before A. » public, = we can stretch our wire i »> to | Ww he ! ition and Pageant last wee r terms and par $ addr "RITA & ‘DUNN, yee oo dt St. Louis, Missouri. SAGINAW FAIR FAR end Erie, Lebanon and Warren, Pa., during i the past Tew weeks has resulted in the closing of maay contracts for next year. AHEAD OF OTHER YEARS bv The Washington a Tair, New Castle, Py t., had the largest crowds in its history at ye ir’s fair id was a suc ss in every way i = +U, Shas liornb ks re ne Sass Wild West and Big Crowds, Extensive Exhibits, (05 Horbect’s Cheyenne Days Wild West an ; tt There were a numb r of first-class free acts Fine Entertainment Program ii"Su ‘the clone a fvcworke duaslay. and Clean Midway pee ae The following attractions have been booked to appear at the Lancaster (Pa.) Fair. week of Sept fhe Riding Walt equesSaginaw, Mich, Sept. 18 —The_ elevent] ans: Josie Jordon, wire artist Snyder ar il Saginaw Fair towering head aud and Bluch ¢ sny Bekum’s Dancing Elephant shoulders its dk rs and me ring Famous Belle! » Brothers, Eugene Randow up to z of the k =i in t State, closed and Randow Trio and Frisco's Musical Seals. Su s ember 14 I spit ft most Wallace's Orchestra, Cleveland. 0.. has been stub ly ave Ww Z itor engaced for grand stand and concerts. could the crow eld to any t a was ! and Witz crobatie clowns, played the Just 1 fur s as i id at ¢ N Y.) Fair week of September 8. all t t si t Their two acts were well rec ec stay wt oO » ! aod l — extil it i y t t The A il Looses, with their novelty ironfair P ved 1 i ae k-wire et, have just completed their Were mut arie rd s a 1 fair engagement under the supervision rranged ’ \ i of the Lew Rosen t Amusement Enterprises of e 1 ty-seven ft 1 1 state that things are going fine. an abu ( ! It a : pr r ‘ r than t 1 ! id a very suceessful fair pon ; : : =o t t 5 ng weether conditions. ‘The rapid jf j ! r € n¢ t ttend wa especially gratifying, t re eni-d auto ¢ tary R Fi report The harness eect sa I ind utility. and paces w vy contested and the free acts . au ° t t secon Titusville. Greer’s place, . _ ‘se a nal 4 g were an especially sensational ‘ : ii > 2 el ne ld rs . n | t ( : uw J og om closed the show ‘ ? ’ t ean to the aay > gh ive pr " is «6S rn a t tires ring merged t th Among t itt tions that pleased visitors t i 1 Ideniy been o d to the W netom County Fair, Salem. Ind., i at J aud it Bean Stalk were Sa Brot oS, head and h nd hbalvas a ancers, wdy acr it; vad slack-wire artistes; rhe free entertainment program was the most also Gass t w th his bu wking Ford. s jows ever staged in v. Every fair <a pa ex c tion for the The s t fih annual Walworth County l l n i is f patr Fair at Elk 1 is. r 1-5, scored ved the ! a 3 1 substantial s i were extensive , ft w i rst of t it es a ss entertainment pro week : L vi int s Clif a e the t g the Bradley ( an > Lois dal Style § E i 2 fty per hs Gus ‘ d e “ 1 act 1 1 bo ling rope id announcer; Cora w I 1 by y . ¥ d Cor-oa Sextet, Celina’s Animal Cirand Sir \ t and ; ens I Merkel Sisters Kerslake’s Pigs, ever-popular ci rs t , rt ‘ 1 Young trapeze act; Bobker Ben Ali's of ev ‘ i \r in A its. Ls s Joekey Girls, firemtic g Bod and Sry x t? fir thre nights, night aeroplane tor g : r nce OS Sin ‘ nd baseball each day. Some program . A ‘" a> Ww. ed J 7 for a r the size of that at Elkhorn. B who P ey a } ght: ti As ial fair edition of The Bethany (Mo.) ¥ fol the I . ) was ued to boost the Nerth Miss url ae xterity as District Fair, held at Bethany S ‘ r 2 >t t and Adai An exceptic ly good entertain. tr rs a. leser to b was provided by the fal: tie ‘ . of odeavor All year. It included Al Sweet's : i. ied: Gi ld F Flying Fishers, aerialists S ~~ f 1 Et R horizontal bar; Lester, Bell an | : , > “India icrobats; ‘ 2e Jol tones, b i : pe tod i ' le-D ld Fireworks Co., Vins, acrobats, and a Thearle eworks t cw a , 1 “ lous production, display. On the midway were Gold Medal lendidls taced 1d m red vy Walter C. Showa Duley. Duley was f aes e for his sterful : The Danbury (Conn.) F tir, Oct ber 6-11, will I ve r al Y have the following fre« t Hornbrook's (ounty I ‘Cheyenne ~~ . Jessie . ‘ichols’ high&. r school horses, 1d Snyder, Black and Comy ’ it = clists; Five P tleys, sting act: ¢ o and ! i 8 d a dazzling C quillo and Winifred Gilraine Sextet. a iV r r t d sh nts riding ce és vices i S. hi » feet »f : eo . fronta , ndr ds J. W. Pursel’s Do oo ,Pony and Monkey Circus, of ba ; : ows fea ituring Peter Pat 1, the educated Exmoor pony, of St Mo. v h nleasure furnished two of the 4 acts at the Ottawa pon . ; » of (han ”) Fair. m , w rnd des The Saginaw ; t 1 of the fact that, the Be ureny Heer ant they FAIR NOTES : wish” s Secr a cok Ts AND) COMMENT proved If to i ¢ ! ffic ial ! should be d of t s t te sur I ded f wit In M Ww d b Now that Don Moore ha: bas chalked up another bas a m K , ary — : or sixcessful fair we su ippose he'll relax a t man Vv . u oe wage from hi nerous 4d ut not for long Visitor g t f Sa : As secretary f ‘ ternational Asseciation were M le I Mi nd ( a of Fair ind Expositions ‘lh soon be up to H. m 1, D. ud _ * lis neck in preparations for the annual meeting iv le os Ww SOTT v oO +?) Ss Ara ke < At cle item the me two months Bees Saginaw Fair ts 6 ple ndid! Another week and ‘‘Strip’’ will be starting the high standard mark that wi i Southeastern Exposition at Atlanta, Ga. This keep it stling another | te exert, . is always one of the big fairs of the South splendid institution and a credit not only ¢ and it promises to be fully up to the mark this t comty of Saginaw but to the State Of \.4,° (R. M. Striplin bas proved himself an Michigan, Among the Free Acts The Mt. Vernon Fair, aos Vernon, I., is being held September 23It is offering the fr<t $1,000 races ever } id in Southern Llinois 1 on all e fair is offering purses of $7,525, program is varied, consisting Rumble’s swings acts furnished The entertainment ef Hoagland’s Hippodrome, aud rides and a, number of free by the World Amusement Service Association. — “The invesion of the East of the House of Haenkiosen this year has, so far, exceeded our fon lest expectations says Earl Newberry. r ception of aute races and auto polo on *Middtet town, Rowe and Herkimer, N. Y., able fair secretary. —w The scandalmonger that has been broadcasting unsavory rumors anent certain fair secretaries (no names mentioned) is finding its des; eens method of attack is acting as a boomerang E. F. Edwards. secretary of the Rochester Exposition, Rochester, N. Y., seems to have been at outs with the weather man this year, but in spite of this fact the fair beat last (Continued on page 121) Additional Fair News on Pages 82 and 83 AT THE FAIRS The man who will do the most business fs the man ling Airo uneqUalled quality balloona Why ‘man? > is har not be that UNEQUALLED QUALITY BALLOONS — 4 Patented. AIRO JR. GAS APPARATUS “Built Scientifically Correct’* A TIME AND GAS SAVER. $10.00. Full Directions with Each Apparatus, SWIVEL ADAPTER TO FIT ALL TANKS, $1.50, GAS BALLOON _ for PRICE LIST U.S.A. Code No. Per Gross. ACE...70——Plain, Sem?-Trams....ccccccsseceee $27 BOY. .70—Printed, Semi-Trans....ccccccccevsee S CAB...70—Plain, Transparent......cccccccccces BOO BOG. ..70—-Pridtel, TRB. ccoccecceaceeceecsan ae PAL... 70—Plain Silver ....--...scccsece sees. 3.50 SY...70—Printed, Silver, ‘Bird Design........ 3.75 VES... SOP, GOO ccnccccaccscthecece «. 3.50 WIN. 70—Printed, Gold and Bird Design... . 3.75 EAR.. 70—Printed,Paneled ..,....... eoeun ae FAN. ..70—Patriotic, Two-Coler, ‘Printed... 75 HAT. .70—Chink, .Semi-Trans cocee 4.50 INK... 70—tndian, SemiTrane... eseeccces 6.50 JUG 13—Plain, Semi-Trans, Airship.. 2.75 KID 13—Printed, Semi-Trans. Airship 3.00 LAD. .113—Plain, Trans. Airship ... 3.59 MAN. 1i3—Printed Trans. Airship . 375 NED. .1i4—Plain, Trans, Airship ...........4.. 9.00 OWL .150—Piain, Trans, Giant Balloon........ 9.00 TERMS: 50°, With Order, Balance C. 0. D. : AGENCIES FILL * THEst Aled GAS ORDERS M. K. BRODY SHRYOCK-TODD 1120 SO. HALSTED ST. NOTION CO. % CHICAGO 822 NO EIGHTH ST. ST. LOUIS NOVELTY SUPPLY C9. 208 WOOD ST. veemeee ~“senee) %& PITTSBURGH 816 WYANDOTTE ST. GLOBE NOVELTY CO. KANSAS CITY 1206 FARNAM ST. H.SILBERMAN & OMAHA, NEB. SONS : 328 THIRD ST. WM. J. MALLOY & CO. te MILWAUKEE 145 W. LARNED ST. OPTICAN BROTHERS DETROIT, MICH. 119 NO. THIRD ST. BRAZEL NOVELTY %& ST. JOSEPH, MO. MFG. CO. AIRO BALLOON CORP. 1710 ELLA ST. 603 THIRD AVE. * CINCINNATS x NEW YORK ANNULNUYUUIUCU4GS0LL mm | H Mangels Chair-O-Plane Three-Abreast, strictly portable, easily handled. Fine flash for Fairs. W.F. Mangels Co. Coney Island, N. Y. sd LUTION TUUUUAVUTUCUONGNTHLOQUONASGOLANLL LEED WANTED Concessions and Shows Midway, $2.00 Front Foot. A million population within a radius of 50 miles and the best auto roads in the U. S. All lead to FREDERICK FAIR October 21, 22, 23, 24. H. M. CRAMER, Mgr. Concessions, Frederick, Md. SHOWS WANTED ‘© play Colored Fair in Anderson, S. C., November 0-18. Address &. C. PERRY, Sec’y, » &. c : 5 UUAUADUUESSOOUQSQGOOUUAUETOO ALLO Two and