The Billboard 1924-09-27: Vol 36 Iss 39 (1924-09-27)

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—— wee The Billboard SEPTEMBER 27, 1924 approved by the U nderw niters. i Cost: $2,200.00 for locomotive, three cars and plans for installation of track. Cost of Track: $1.50 per lineal foot. for pamphlet. DAYTON FUN HOUSE & RIDING DEVICE MFG. CO., DAYTON, 0. Representatives: Miller & Baker, Inc., 3041 Grand Central Terminal, New York City. John A. Miller, 7200 Jefferson onan East, Detroit, Michigan. WANTED— LIVE WIRE REPRESENTATIVES FOR WESTERN COAST AND MID-WEST STATES. { THE LATEST PARK ATTRACTION FOR 1925 THE THIRD RAIL ELECTRIC MINIATURE RAILWAY Grossed $2,000.00 in six days at the Wisconsin State Fair. Third Rail insulation Also practical as a transportation facility. Prenar ond REVERS Ohos (ConTROU SPEED TRiNGrneweR | owe oe Cy DP ME operenes aannu aid wa SAND fe alee —- Successful Season Closes at Kennywood Work Commenced on Improvements for Season of 1925 Pittsburg, Sept 16.—Sunday marked the Closing of the silver anniversary and most successful season of Kennywood Park. A large crowd was on hand for the finale. Lieut. T. J. Vastine’s concert band rendered the closing concert, assisted by Hannah Collins, a local vocalist. Immediately following the closing of the park the management gtarted to work out plans for the 1925 season and soon a crew of skilled amusement craftsmen will commence work erecting new features for next year. It is announced that every permanent device in the park will be completely overhauled and paint will be lavishly applied. The park's officials promise a major feature involving the expenditure of several hundred thousand dollars. Kennywood will reopen next April. It is announced that a large number of picnicg and outings have already been bocked HANEY ON THE ROAD Kansas City, Sept. 17.—R. E. has the tumble bug. caterpillar other riding devices at Fairyland Park, informs the local oftice of The Billboard that he has all bis rides stored away for the winter and is leaving Kansas (ity to call on many carnival companies in the Midwest in the interest of Haney, who and several the Traver Engineering Company, which Mr. Haney represents 2 Mr. Haney visited the Wortham Shows at the Kansas Free Fair, Topeka. Additional Fair News BIGGEST FAIR IN EAST IS HAVING ITS BIGGEST YEAR (Continued from page 78) epace in the new Ind wstrial Arts Building. This building contains Sov units of space, eac approximately 12 by 15 feet The main aisles Makes BIG MONEY $118 Per Week One man reports this return on a Single Box Ball Alley BOX BALL BOWLING is a clean, gutomatic. portable bowling game, easy to play and extremely fascina*ing to young and old No pin boys or help needed. Each alley has an earning capac ty of $2.50 per hour. Box Ball alleys can be operated in any ordinary store space or under a tent. Many are cleaning | up £100 @ week with two single alleys running only a few hours daily. You ca as well. proposi ACT ye me at once for { he Big Don't HOLCOMB & HOKE 913 Van Buren St., INDIANAPOLIS, IND. ate 15 feet wide, with no roof supports or columns in the war The building has fifteen entrances, large clubrooms for men and women exhibitors, commodious restrooms for visitors and service departments for suppying exhibitors with sign work. gas, water. electrical connections and various items of equipment. Attractive posts and rails to enclose exhibition spaces are provided without cost by the management This is easily one of the largest and finest structures of its kind in America and only the highest grade industrial concerns and educational institutions are permitted to exhibit in it. The cost of the building, entirely equipped, is $225,000. A total of $96,000 is premiums this year. list is figure. All of the features that have made the Eastern States Exposition notable in past years have been retained. Chief among these are the fruit and vegetable shows. witb separate group being awarded in The poultry show prize $2,500, which is considered a liberal exhibits by the Connecticut Valley Tobacco Growers’ Association; the Students’ Intercollegiate Judging Contests in general live stock, dairy cattle and dairy products; exhibit, the live-stock exhibits, and the annual Springfield Horse Show, which has come to be considered a national society event. The many new buildings, ny departments and the extensive changes and additions to plant and equipment has made it necessary to change the general layout of the exposition plant. An increased area has been set aside for the exhibition of heavier pieces of farm and industrial machinery A new automobile parking section with bigger and better accommodations for cars has been laid out, while additional streets and landscaping increase the attractive. the machinery ness of the grounds. To meet the demand for an ever-increasing horse show, the former machinery building has been remodeled into a horse barn with a stall capacity for and the former cattle and horse capacity for 1.100 head of devoted exclusively to cattle. For the entertainment of the crowds a stupendous evening program has been arranged. It starts out with a concert by the 104th Infantry Band and is followed by boy scout demonstrations, offerings by junior musical organizations, auto polo played with Fords, Wild-West exhibition, acrobatic act by the Three Melvins and the Five Pitleys, Johnny Agee’s Trained Horses, acrobatics by the Five Jansleys and the Eight Sutcliffes, a rodeo by Leonard Stroud’s Cowboys and Cowgirls, John Robinson’s Elephants, Cliff Curran and Captain Jack Payne in pole balancing and shallow-water diving, trick and fancy riding by_a troupe of Rough Riders, aerial feats by the Flying Floyds and a brilliant fireworks spectacle, entitled “Tokyo”, put on by the Thearle-Duffield Fireworks Com pant. In addition to this the afternoon programs at the grand stand comprise light harness racing, automobile racing, with many a nt drivers as entrants. and plenty 300 horses, barns. with a stock, are now of mus The second annual Barnyard Golf tournament also is going on. All in all, the 1924 Eastern States Exposition is the most ‘extensive and pretentious yet offered to exhibitors and public. It is different from most fairs in that it refuses to have any carnival shows, midway concessions or games of any kind. <A caterpillar, whip, Big Eli wheel and merry-go-round, bunched together on one side of the grounds, are the only purely amusement features to be seen outside the grand stand. The gravel walks thruout the grounds are oiled to keep the dust down and diligent attention is paid to keeping things clean The designation follows: Sunday, nors’ and Children’s Day; Wednesday, Dairy Cattle . Producers’ Day: Friday, Manufacturers’, Dealers’ and Jobbers’ Day; Saturday. Hampden County and Automobile Day, Those chiefly responsible for the excellence of this year’s exposition are Joshua L. Brooks, eg Harry G. Fisk, Wilson H. Lee. John ©. Simpson and W. I. Cummings. vice-presidents: Charles B. Whitney, treasurer: George E, Williamson, assistant treasurer: Charles A. Nash, general manager, and Miiton Danziger, assistant general manager. of the Saetese days is as Musie Day: Monday, GoverTuesday, State Day; Day: Thursday,’ Meat One thing was overlooked—the opportunity for the Eastern States Exposition to tie up with the *‘Boost New England Week”’ being observed from September 15 to 20. It would have proven of great mutual advantage. New Park Is Planned by Alabama State Fair Assn. Birmingham, Ala., Sept. 18.—Directors of the Alabama State Fair Association held a meeting last Thursday at which time technical details of the transfer of the stock and bonds necessary to the reorganization of the association were handled. President Robert A. Brown presided. There was no discussion as to whether a fair would be held next year or when work on the permanent roe provements would start, the directors handli only the financial matters, it was stated. If is announced that the association owners will provide at Fairview a permanent amusement park. The owners announced that it is probable a fair will be held in 1925 and that an annual State fair or exposition would be provided for in the operation of the properties, Contemplated improvements include permanent buildings, which would be in keeping with modern ideas of construction, and there will be provided the latest amusement features. It is understood that the officials desire to expedite execution of their plan and that later meetings will be held to work ont the details. It is generally understood that the proposal has met with the approval of the officals of the Tennessee Coal and Iron Railroad as the location is central to all its properties and would be the means of providing the vast army of company employees with a recreation center without the necessity of traveling a great distance away from home. Plenty of Attractions at Virginia State Fair Richmond, Va., Sept. 18.—The annual Virginia State Fair will open October 6, extending thru one week. While the new anti-gamoling law, which was made so stringent and farreaching by the last General Assembly that church fairs and bazaars are forbidden to operate wheels, will necessarily eliminate one popular feature of the amusement branch of the fair, there will be ample entertainment for the big crowds expected this year. A blanket concession covering the midway has been secured by the Greater Sheesley Shows. The ‘reform group” in the legislature failed to get thru a section that would have inter fered with racing on fair grounds tracks, hence there will be abundant sport for horse lovers at the coming fair. The State fair association announces four days of racing and a strong card for each day, commencing October 7. Purses aggregating $10,000 are offered. The officers of the State fair association this year are: W. P. Wood, president; H. M. Luttreell, T’. Gilbert Wood and 8S. H. Marshall, vice-presidents; John C. White, treasurer, and W. Conway Saunders, secretary. There is a free-act program of especial ex cellence, this including John Agee's great brewery horse act; Cliff Curran, acrobat; the Five Jansleys, risley act, tumbling, ete.; the Ernie Young revue, ‘“‘Passing Parade of 1924''; the Lomas Troupe, comedy, and Lucille Ander son and her diving nymphs. Music for the grand stand will be furnished by Cervone’s Military Band. Aerial stunts will be per formed by Mabel Cody’s Flying Circus. General Manager W. Conway Saunders has without doubt arranged the best program the State fair has ever had. Mr. Saunders is now in = West looking over some of the “big shows” The Timonium (Md.) Fair attracted large crowds this year. All previous. records were broken on September 4, when more than 50,000 persons visited the grounds. The presence of Governor Ritchie and several ambassadors from South America and a fine race program drew the record crowd. ERRR EERE ee SOUTHERN RESORT PARK FOR SALE (ne of the fin est an i larg est Tes ort the yutl offer hes 1 illy laid out his proper me Ten Oe monI r for years, i is inereasing i t I ent ow terprise the pr é w an be into a A t € has al , t duct ‘an a t pr position val Y this size, i quest to 8. M. BROOKS. ‘gio. Boyle Bidg., Little Rock, Arkansas, ALL ALUMINUM PEANUT AND POPCORN MACHINE Make polished, aiuminun corn and pea chine. Light e, mpact, ganiy work of linary mattle holds Sacks A ul poneyWrive us to BIG MONEY MAKER \ rf maker, Make big momey with a Krispy Be independent Be your own boss $7.00 worth of raw popcorn, ket tle popped with a Krispy sells for $80. No other process works faster or WRITE FOR gets as many bags of de licious popeorn per pound FREE CATALOG o raw material. on a Krispy fo bi rofits Read what users Sen ¥ for ae. woriees say. See all and easy terms. Write tomodels with exday. 10 for ata KRISPY MACHINE CO. > Dost Crounse Bldg., om win do. Omaha, Nebraska. Advertise in The Billboard—You'll be satisfied with results,