Sponsor (Apr-June 1959)

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c / ol. 13, Vo. // 4 April 1959 M R THE WEEKLY MAGAZINE TV/RADIO ADVERTISERS USE DIGEST OF ARTICLES Spot: media's paperwork jungle 3X I'"' -' lomplicaii-il. time-consuming medium to buy, spot all but defeats its own sales point of flexibility. How do buyers view the situation? What an account man should know about air media 34 V.p. and account supervisor, Leo Rosenberg of Foote, Cone & Belding gives rundown on what large, >mall agency a.e.'s need to know about tv/radio New life for radio's "dead" hours 36 Post-midnight radio (alreadj a proven -ales medium) has gotten new impetus from direct mail cost increases. Here's how to sell after midnight New light on video's summer dip 38 Some popular notions are bound to be exploded by latest Nielsen study. Shows weekly cume audience in summer is only l'< under winter level ANPA study shot full of holes 41 Bureau of Advertising claims spot radio reaches small part of potential. I IK research director counters with similar charge about newspaper ads The Thinker: P.R. variety 42 SPONSOR spoofs the current tv program furor with an exchange between agency president and his public relations firm of Winken, Blinken & Nod Easy reference "avail" sheet 44 ^'!( Spol Sales refashions its availabilities form to include complete program information, coverage maps, even information about packages How to get mileage out of a tv mistake 44 Flashy, expen-i\e lemoie* seemed a jmml »,» to move merchandise to ibis appliance dealer until he found a steadier, more efficient way to do it sponsor asks: What was your reaction to the NAB convention? 50 ^ ith more membet -tations than ever before brought together at the NAB convention station people report what thej feel was accomplished FEATURES 58 I ilin Si "i" 24 I'M 1 1 and Madison 62 \, ■» S U' i W rap I p 8 Newsm ikei "l the W eek 62 I'ii Inn \\ lap-Up 48 Radio Ri suite 20 Sponsoi Bai i-tage 60 Sponsoi lb ii 13 SpoiiMii Scope 72 SpoiiMii Speak* 28 Spol Buys 72 Ten Second Spots 6 I imebuyers at \\ "ik 70 l\ and Radio Newsmakers 57 Washington Week Editor and Publisher Norman R. Glenn Secretary-Treasurer Elaine Couper Glenn VP— Assistant Publisher Bernard Piatt EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Executive Editor John E. McMillin News Editor Ben Bodoc Special Projects Editor Alfred J. Jaffe Senior Editors Jane Pinkerton W. F. Miksch Midwest Editor (Chicago) Gwen Smart Film Editor Heyward Ehrlich Associate Editors Pete Rankin Jack Lindrup Gloria Florowitz Contributing Editor Joe Csida Art Editor Mauiy Kurtz Production Editor Florence B. Hamsher Vikki Viskniskki, Asst. Readers' Service Barbara Wiqqins ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT Sales Manager James H. Fuller Dorris Bowers, Administrative Mqr. VP-Western Manager Edwin D. Cooper Southern Manager Herb Martin Midwest Manager Roy Meachum Eastern Manager Robert Brokaw Production Manager Jane E. Perry Sandra Lee Oncay, Asst. CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT Seymour Weber Harry B. Fleischman ADMINISTRATIVE DEPT. Laura Oken, Office Mqr. Georqe Becker: Charles Echart; Gilda Gomez; Priscilla Hoffman; Jessie Ritter Member of Business Publications Audit of Circulations Inc. GS1 SPONSOR PUBLICATIONS INC. combined with TV. Executive, Editorial, Circulation and Advertising Offices: 40 E. 49th St. i49 b Madisonl New York 17, N. Y. Telephone: MUrray Hill 8-2772. Chicago Office: 612 N. Michigan Ave Phone: Superior 7-9863. Birmingham Office: Town House. Birmingham. Phone: FAirfax 4-6529. Los Angeles Office: 6087 Sunset Boulevard. Phone: Hollywood 4-8089. Printing Office: 3)10 Elm Ave.. Baltimore 11, Md. Subscriptions: U.S. $8 a year. Canada b other Western Hemisphere Countries $9 a year. Other Foreign Countries $11 per year. Single copies 40c. Printed in U.S.A. Address all correspondence to 40 E. 49th St.. N. Y. 17. N. Y MUrray Hill 8-2772. Published weekly by SPONSOR Publications Inc. 2nd class postage paid at Baltimore, Md. "59 Sponsor Publications Inc.