Sponsor (Apr-June 1959)

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says Wally McGough, Gen. Mgr. WTVN-TV COLUMBUS, 0. Warner Bros, features are amazing. They never wear out with either audiences or sponsors. According to Wally McGough: "From 9:30 in the morning to well past midnight, there's no hour that we cant program Warner Bros, features and get top results. They've given us fantastic mileage in the three years we've been showing them. Believe me, they pay off!'' Consistently high ratings and enthusiastic sponsor backing have made Warner Bros, features a "hot item" year after year in TV markets everywhere. With big stars in well-known post '48 films, these features offer you an opportunity to fatten ratings and profits. Why not call us right now for information? u.a.a. UNITED ARTISTS ASSOCIATED, inc. NEW YORK, 345 Madison Ave., MUrray Hill 6-2323 CHICAGO, 75 E. Wacker Dr., DEarborn 2-2030 DALLAS, 1511 Bryan St., Riverside 7-8553 LOS ANGELES, 9110 Sunset Blvd., CRestview 6-5886 78 Tv and radio NEWSMAKERS Melvin B. Wright is the new general manager-sales manager of Skyline Advertisers' Sales. Inc.. a tv network consisting of KID-TV, Idaho Falls: KL1X-TV. Twin Falls: KXLF-TV. Butte: KFBB-TV. Great Falls and KOOK-TV. Billings. Headquarters are in the KID huilding. Wright has been station manager of the Hawaiian Broadcasting System. Previously, he was with KSL-AM & TV. Salt Lake City for some 22 years, working in engineering, sales and merchandising. Skyline was started 1 July l'>5!!. John H. Picou will head the newly-created advertising and sales promotion department of the Atlantic Refining Co. — big, long-time users of spot. Picou joined \tlantic in 1951 and has been director of marketing research since 1956. Among his honors and activities: president I in 1957) of the Philadelphia chapter of the WIA: recipient of the University of Pennsylvania's Hess-Doubman Memorial Award lor . — ... r~\ intributions t<> market ing and on Kammer ( '.lie-In the market research committee of \mer. Petroleum Inst. William J. Kennedy was elected a \.p. and associate media director of Ted Bates \ Co. He has been with Bates since L951, coming up from the ranks of timebuyer, t<> his previous position as assistant v. p. and manager of the media department. Prior to "51. Kenned) had been a timebuyer with BBDO. Other v.p."s and associate media directors named at Bates include William • ton Kirchert, Martin Murphy. Vlso named Norman uce Small, to asst. v.p.'s and media supervisors. er, \\ in and lb Bill Stewart has been named to the newl) created post of assistant to the president, Don Burden, of the Star Stations I KOIL, Omaha: KICN, Denvei and KISN, Portland, Ore. i . He was also appointed a \ .p. id the Star Stations Combine. Stewarl spenl the pas! three and one-hall /ears as national dire I I programing for the Storz Stations. Prior to joining Storz, Stewarl held the post ol national programing director for three years with the McLendon Cup. chain, headquartered in Dallas. SPONSOR 27 .li \i L959