Sponsor (July-Sept 1961)

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SPONSOR ASKS [Continued from page 53) the area, here's one any announcer can be proud of. "Look at this modern housewife. . . ."' This sets up a lovely demonstration of almost anything. Now that we're on the subject of demonstrations, here are some favorite lead-ins: "Watch this demonstration," "Just as this powder, capsule, tablet, etc., dissolves, coats, fizzes, etc., in this beaker, so (name of product) works, dissolves, coats, etc., your stomach, hair, house, bathroom floor, etc." — As you can see the possibilities are endkss. A smart ploy is to follow this with, "Independent laboratory surveys reveal . . ." or "Leading medical authorities can tell you . . ." They do have a nice ring don't they? As for the announcer himself, it would be violating one of cliche's cardinal rules not to have the commercial open with his back to the camera. Cigarette in hand, (eliminate for cigar, pipe or lung cancer sponsors) he turns to the camera and says . . . "Oh hello there, I'm Winston Churchill" (your producer will tell you that if the announcer is allowed to identify himself by name, he'll accept scale. I Some random thoughts that come to mind also may be of help, but some of these old whines may need new bottles: "A word of caution, use only as directed." "If pain persists, see your doctor." "Does your I whatever it is) look like this?" "MMMM that's good" I Use your own discretion on the number of M's) "Downright delicious," "Deepdown goodness," "So don't settle for ordinary _'s that only ," "Unlike harsh, ordinary 's that," "Lasts up to 3, 6, 500, 5 million times longer," "The secret's in the " Among many other hardy perennials of special appeal to cliche cultivators in the "Madison Avenue" garden are! "Fast, fast, fast" (Always use in groups of three or the rhythm is spoiled.) A final word: As each of you approaches the "New Frontier" of Clicheland, it might be wise to remember that we are using a potent force. Heed the urgent plea of those who have gone before you — Use this power only for good. . . . ^ 66 ! ^__X ! Herbert D. Strauss, executive v.p., has been elected president of Grey Advertising in a realignment of its executive team. Arthur C. Fatt, who had been president, becomes board chairman and chief executive officer. Lawrence Valenstein, who had been chairman of the executive committee and board chairman, continues to serve as executive committee chairman. Now billing at the rate of $58 million, Grey Advertising has more than 550 employees at its New York headquarters and at branch offices. Thomas Tausig has joined Videotape Productions of New York as director of program sales. He formerly was with Grant Advertising as v.p. in charge of radio/tv. His television experience began at WTOPTV, Washington, where he was producerdirector and then program director. He came to New York seven years ago as tv account supervisor with Y&R and then joined Ted Bates. Before joining Grant he was advertising director with P. Lorillard, where he was involved in network and spot tv. Theodore F. Shaker has been named v.p. and general manager of ABC TV National Station Sales, Inc., a new company to rep the ABC o&o tv stations. In 1948 he joined Lorenz & Thompson (now Shannon) as a I newspaper and radio rep. After a stay at Farm and Ranch magazine and the Katz Agency, Shaker joined CBS TV Spot Sales in • Chicago and was transferred to New York. In 1955 he became general sales manager of WXIX-TV, Milwaukee, and then director of network program sales, CBS TV. Wilford Thunhurst has been appointed radio/tv director for the Pittsburgh office of EWR&R. He formerly served as radio/tv producer for the agency's New York office. For nearly two years, he had been radio/ tv producer for Mc-Cann-Erickson. Prior to that he served in a similar capacity for Benton and Bowles. During 1954-55 Thunhurst was associate producer and director for the DuMont tv network. He was graduated from Carnegie Tech., Pittsburgh, in 1947 and was a fighter pilot in the Army Air Force, SPONSOR 3 july 1961