Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1962)

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PLACE STAMP MERE ['this side of card is for address1) Dream House VIP Radio 19th & Walnut Philadelphia 3, Pa. The 1,199,000 cent post card The post card above represents the winningentry in wip radio's "Dream House" promotion and brought Mr. Joseph Venuto and family a spanking new home worth $11,990. Even more significant, this post card was just one among an astonishing 113,069 entries received by WIP in just four weeks. Berkeley Shore Estates— the Bayville, New Jersey Home Developer that tied-in with the promotion — puts an equally high dollar-andcents value on this effort. Berkeley Shore Estates had advertised in Philadelphia newspa pers with no noticeable results. Soon after the "Dream House" promotion started on wip, the company observed a sharp increase in prospects from Philadelphia and South New Jersey areas. And now, according to Berkeley Shore Estates' Sales Director, Pat Bosco : "We plan an intensive advertising campaign on wip." You'll find it makes good sense (and dollars) to include WIP in your future selling efforts, and for this reason : nice things happen to people who listen to (and advertise on) WIP— Philadelphia's Pioneer Radio Station. WIP/610, Philadelphia HARVEY L.GLASCOCK, V. P. ANDGEN.MGK. REPRESENTED BY METRO BROADCAST SALES METROPOLITAN BROADC \STING RADIO 'ONSOR/8 October 1962 19