Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1962)

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All about time... in 12 hours Involved in time buying? "oadcast sales? Traffic? "W ■ a rep, network, agency o Chances are you've got problems. We've got answers— in the 1962-'( Time Buying and Selling Seminar. The new TB & SS is ''all about time." It's a one-of-its-kind, 12-hour course in the business side of broadcasting, designed to help make your work easier and provide the know-how that can mean faster advancement. <I Curriculum : Covers everything from the basics to the nuances of time buying and selling. Sessions: Eight. 5:30 to 7:00 p.m., every Tuesday starting October 30. Instructors: Industry executives representing advertiser, rep, agency and network operations. 9 Enrollment is limited to 75. So use the coupon below today to reserve your place. (The check you send is tax-deductible. But then it's probably also a step toward a higher tax bracket.) <3! If you prefer to first see a program listing the Seminar subjects, call Claude Barrere, International Radio and Television Society, PL 8-2450. Enroll me Immediately In the 1962-63 IRTS Time Buying and Selling Seminar (Fee: $13) Check enclosed Q Please bill me [] Name. .Firm. Addreji. TIME BUYING AND SELLING SEMINAR • INTERNATIONAL RADIO AND TELEVISION SOCIETY • 444 MADISON AVENUE, NEW YORK 22,N.Y. 64 SPONSOR/ 15 October 1962