Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1962)

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Rich, rich, southern New England loves the sounds of America on 11131 AMERICANA ■■'.■■•V :\ ! H I fc* M -; A musical and verbal portrait of the United States, past and present ,.....,,..'*.. PROGR AM MING THE REST nFeeeeseeeeeeft6issse6*js<)es€)s FOLK SONGS COUNTRY MUSIC RALLYING SONGS DIXIELAND TIN PAN ALLEY HITS JAZZ SHOW TUNES WESTERN SONGS AMERICAN CLASSICS Andante COMMENTS BY EXPERTS ON History and Customs Prose and Poetry Furniture and Cookery Books and Printing Art and Art Objects Fads and Foibles miiiitmiiiiininiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiim EVERY DAY Monday through Friday 2:05 3:25 p. m. st^ WTICt Radio 50,000 watts HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT REPRESENTED BY HENRY I. CHRISTAL CO. x ;P0NS0R/22 October 1962 51