Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1962)

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'SPONSOR President and Publisher Norman R. Glenn Executive Vice President Bernard Piatt Secretary-Treasurer Elaine Couper Glenn EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT Editor John E. McMillin News Editor Ben Bodec Managing Editor Mary Lou Ponsell Senior Editor Jo Ranson Chicago Manager Gwen Smart Assistant News Editor He) ward Ehrlich Associate Editors Mrs. Ruth S. Frank Jane Pollak William J. McCuttie Barbara Love Art Editor Maury Kurtz Production Editor Mrs. Lenore Roland Editorial Research Cathy Spencer Special Projects Editor Davia Wisely ADVERTISING General Sales Manager Willard L. Dougherty Southern Sales Manager Herbert M. Martin, Jr. Western Manager John E. Pearson Northeast Sales Manager Edward J. Connor Production Manager Leonice K. Mertz Sales Service Secretary Bette Solomon CIRCULATION Manager Jack Rayman John J. Kelly Mrs. Lydia Martinez Sandra Abramowitz Mrs. Lillian Berkof ADMINISTRATIVE Business Manager C. H. Barrie Assistant to the Publisher Charles Nash Accounting Mrs. Syd Guttman Reader Service Dorothy Van Leuven General Services George Becker Madeline Camarda Michael Crocco Rose Alexander Staff 'SPOT-SCOPE Continued Fringe minutes and 30-second spots are being aimed at a women's audience, with the buying being done out of Benton & Bowles. Clay Briggs is the contact. Hudson Pulp & Paper will push various products in a campaign which kicks off this week, 1 November, in a host of markets. Schedules will run for seven weeks. Time segments: minutes, chainbreaks and I.D.'s, both day and night. The agency is Grey and Jim Hine is doing the buying for Hudson. General Mills is going in for 10 weeks on behalf of various cereals. The campaign will get started on 18 November, with placements set for 10 weeks. Time segments: fringe minutes in day and night. Dancer-Fitzgerald-Sample buys for the account and Jack Cornet is the contact. Warner-Lamber is lining up prime 20's for Listerine Antiseptic. The kick-off date is 12 November and the campaign is of four weeks duration. These are the first placements for Listerine out of J. Walter Thompson, which just got the account from Lambert & Feasley. The buyer on the account at JWT: Florence Gulla. Procter &, Gamble launches a 25-week push next week, 5 November, on behalf of Jif Peanut Butter. It involves some 150 markets. Daytime minutes, scheduled to reach the kiddie audience, are being used. Grey is the agency. The buyers: Hank Hudson, Art Secor, and John Oliver. General Foods Gaines Meal will break out a campaign next week scheduled for a five-week run. Some 200 markets are involved in the action which calls for prime time and fringe nighttime minutes. Agency: Benton & Bowles. Gary Lane is doing the buying. Norwich Pharmacal has renewed its flights for Pepto-Bismal, with termination date set for 8 December. The call was for minutes and 20's. Benton & Bowles is the agency. The buyer: Bob Wilson. Procter & Gamble has issued a renewal for its Cheer with no announcement of termination date. Early and late evening minutes will be used. The agency: Young & Rubicam. Dave Tobis is the buyer. SPOT RADIO BUYS Los Angeles Metrojiolitan Pontiac Dealers Assn. is pouring about $100,000 into a saturation radio campaign. Schedules on some 13 stations come to a total of 522 spots weekly for nine weeks. The buy is out <>l MacManus, John &: Adams. White King Soap has launched an extensive $100,000 western spot radio drive. Frequency is very heavy in most markets with schedules to continue for six weeks. Agency: Fletcher Richards, Calkins & Holden, Los Angeles. 68 SPONSOR/29 October 1962