Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1963)

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NEW YORK NEW YORK WCBS-TV Channel 2 Licenske: CBS, Inc. Croup: CBS Owned Stations Network: CBS TV Representative : CBS TV National Sales (General Manager: Norman E. Walt, Jr. Lditohializinc: Intermittent Awards: Emmy (I, 5) HOMELESS CHILDREN WHAT'S GOING ON HERE: PRO FOOTBALL MADNESS WHY CAN'T THEY SETTLE THE NEWSPAPER STRIKE 13-part series, part of Eye on New Yofk, on care and placement of homeless children. Racial and religious barriers to placement uncovered and reported. Sponsor: Chock Full O' Nuts. 30 minutes (8-19 to 11-18-62). Popularity of pro football and resultant madness of fans analyzed with satire and tongue-in-cheek. Sponsors: Marlboro, Hertz, Manhattan Hano\'er Bank. 60 minutes (12-28-62). Both sides in controvers\ brought together to analyze the issues, contributing to public knowledge, and hopefully to earlier solution. Not available for sponsorship. 30 minutes (1-1.3-63). THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT ANTONY AND CLEOPATRA Suburban architecture and developments in mass-constructed dwellings explored in metropolitan area and Cape Cod. Sponsor: Chock Full O' Nuts. .30 minutes (4-24-63). Complete N. Y. Shakespeare Festival production as produced for station and broadcast on opening night in Central Park. Not available for sponsorship. 165 minutes (6-20-63). NEW YORK WNBC-TV Channel 4 Licensee: National Broadcasting Co. (iRoi p: NBC mined tv stations Nktwohk: NBC TV I{eprksentative: NBC Spot Sales General Manager: Theodore H. Ifalworlh, Jr. KinroHiALiziNG: None SEARCHLIGHT DIRECT LINE V. D. TEENAGE TROUBLE THE AMERICAN FUNERAL LEGISLATIVE REPORT On crucial final ilay of negotiations between United Federation of Teachers and Board of Education, a status report. Not sponsored. 30 minutes (9-8-63). Major gubernatorial candidates questioned by viewers by phone, sometimes by League of Women \'oters. Not sponsored. 60 minutes (11-4-62). Report on venereal disease among teenagers showing the increase and exploring reasons, and possible solution. Not sponsored. 30 minutes (4-22-63). Startling discussion of burial customs preceding by many months the much publicized network presentation. Sponsors: Mobil Oil, P. Lorillard, Bowery Savings Bank. 60 minutes (6-9-63). Roimdup from state capital on record of N. Y. State Legislature which had just ended its session. Not a\'ailable for sponsorship. 30 minutes (4-9-63). NEW YORK WNEW-TV Channel 5 Licensee: Metromedia. Inc. Group: Metropolitan Broadcasting Representative: Metro TV Sales Genkhai. Manager: John E. McArdle Kuiturializing: None WHAT'S GOING ON HERE' THE REBIRTH Of JONNY' Satire of world politics, government officials, .socialized medicine, situation in Laos, forerunner of trend in topical humor. Sponsors: participating. 30 minutes (7-11 and 12-63). True stor>' concerning the love of a therapist for a scliizophrenic child. Problems faced by mentally disturbed children. Narrated by Da\id \\'a> ne. Not axailable for sponsorship. 60 miiHitcs (4-7-63). IN THIS CORNER: JOE LOUIS' RACE RELATIONS IN CRISIS* Documentary of fighter's life and times, featuring films of great fights, interviews of friends, and narrated by Louis. Sponsors: participating. 120 minutes (7-21 & 22-63). Divergent viewpoints from Negro spokesmen examined. Malcolm .\. James Fanner, Wvatt Tee \\'alker, joined in program with Richard Heffner. Sponsors: participating. 120 minutes (6-16 & 7-14-63). VNR: THE TRUE STORY OF LOWELL SKINNER* • Made available to other stations. Interview with Korean War veteran who refused to return to the U. S. Non-repatriation discussed with Allen Dulles, Senator Keating, others. Sponsors: participating. 120 minutes (8-18 & 19-63).