Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1963)

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WCBSTV NEW YORK Key to the City New York sacliicvciuciits arc trciiKMuloiis. Inevitably, many of its problems are king-size too. By consistently delineating achievements ami problems in proper perspective, a televisiiMi station ot stature aiui perception performs a vital service, creating greater appreciation o{ the city's advantages and understanding of its needs. This is the role WCHS-TV fills. On the iMie hand, highlighting achievements with precedential bri^adcasts ot Shakespeare from Central Park; of the All-City High School Chorus and Orchestra concert trom PhilharmiMiic Hall; of hour-long specials designed to introduce children to the arts. With weekly high-school workshop programs on the history ot the musical theatre, and workshop pn^grams to encourage new talent. With college courses broadcast in cooperation with NYU. Rutgers and Princeton; with bii>graphical portraits of worth-knowing members of the New York-New Jersey-Connecticut community; with in-depth coverage ot legislative hearings. And iM\ the other hand, underscoring problems with b<->ld pictorial investigations of legalized gambling, arrest and seizure laws, the suburban building Uhmii. transp<>rtation, the tinancial needs ot our schools, taxes, the plight of working girls in the big city, and the question of individiul rights in cases of demolition tor public improvements. The record ot significant broadcasts is as varied as the New York community itself. This icnsinvity ~ an J response -to the pulsebcat of the nation's greatest city has made CHS Oxs-ncd WCHS-TV its most rcspci tcil f.iiid most popular) station.