Sponsor (Oct-Dec 1964)

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THE CHANGING SCENE Election of Officers Highlights Board Meeting The election of officers and a review of sales objectives for the coming year were principal topics of the first annual meeting of the board of directors of Mountain States Television (MSTV), held in New York City. The results of the meeting were announced by Dan Snyder, newly elected president of Mountain States Television and president and general manager of KRTV Great Falls, Mont, and KULR-TV Billings, Mont. Elected vice president of MSTV was James Brady, president and general manager of KIFI-TV Idaho Falls, Idaho. Elected MSTV secretary was Dale Moore, president and general manager of KMSO-TV Missoula, Mont. The chief objective for MSTV in the coming year, according to Snyder, will be to present the Mountain State area as a total television market that agencies should consider along with television buys in Salt Lake City, Utah and Spokane, Wash. Attending the MSTV board meeting was David B. Mcblin, manager Pacific Coast Television for Avery-Knodel, Inc., national sales representative for Mountain States Television. Tv Spot Commercials Shown by Wolverine A five-minute "catalog" of five television spot commercials for retailer use is being shown at national and regional shows by Wolverine Shoe & Tanning Corp. Four films for Hush Puppies casuals and one for Wolverine brand sports and service footwear are shown on an automatic projector, such as those used for Hush Puppies informational movies in stores. Some of the films are based on those presented for Hush Puppies shoes on National Broadcasting Co. network television programs, including Tonight, Today and Sunday. KGO-TV WINS AWARDS pillllllllllllllllllllllllllinilllllllllllNIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII^ I 'SPORTS NOTEBOOK' WINS HONORS I I KCBS Radio's sports director Don Klein Is congratulated by Robert larkin, a repre | 1 sentative of his "Sports Notebook" sponsor, the Borgermeister Brewing Corp. (cen f 1 ter), and Les Mullins, vice president and general manager of the Post-Keyes-Gardner g 1 Agency (right), for winning top honors at the California State Fair. Klein was awarded 1 1 the coveted gold medal for his "Sports Notebook," heard Monday through Friday | i at 5:30 p.m. on KCBS Radio, San Francisco. 1 liiimniniiimiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ KGO-TV San Francisco recently won more awards than any other tv or radio station in the West in the 1964 Advertising Assn. of the West Advertising Art competition. The three awards were one first place and two second position honors for transit and newspaper advertising. Shown above with the six awards (two plaques for each placement) are G. Dean Smith (r), designer and George T. Rodman, director of advertising, promotion and press information of KGO-TV, copywriter. General Foods Buys NBC-Tv Sponsorship General Foods Corp. has purchased sponsorship in six NBCTV Monday-through-Friday daytime programs for 1964-65, and \ half-sponsorship of the 10:55 a.m. EDT NBC News Morning Report. The six other programs are Concentration, Say When, Truth or ' Consequences, The Loretta Young Show, The Doctors and You Don't Say. The General Foods order was placed through Young and Rubicam. Swanson 'Tv' Dinner Has 'Home Style Touch' Swanson "Tv" Brand Fried Chicken Dinner, is the most recent to be introduced nationally with a "home style touch" — apple and peach slices in an added fourth compartment of the tray. Introduction and support during the year of the new Swanson Fried Chicken Dinner will be provided by a schedule of specially prepared commercials on the Lassie and Donna Reed nighttime network television programs and on the daytime ABC, CBS and NBC television networks. 50 SPONSOR