Sponsor (Nov 1946-Oct 1947)

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THE held oi television research is wide open Stations are using postcards, agencies are using "panels." and i. I. Hooper has tried, for the Louis-t onn "iirmediate recall." The A. C. Nielson organization claims that the audimeter attached to a viewing set is the only answer, while other researchers continue to point out that equipment turned on in the home cannot and will not prove viewing. V W, Ayer searching for the research answer has just commissioned the Hooper organization, the Psychological Corporation, and a third group to study the medium jointly and individually. TV research is still in the area of research under the microscope. Along these lines the C. E. Hooper organization, which has picked up the diary study method of studying listening from CBS and Industrial Surveys, has extended its investigations into the possibilities of using the diary (a special edition I to uncover a viewing pattern. Since there can be no question but that sound alone must compete with sound and pictures, it's essential that FRIDAY MNM ».oo P.M. IliOO MID. m QH0 Midi uvt STATION CALL LETTCM luvmoM •AOIO UiTtiJsb ftZuA -i COMMntTTi mom m ■ TO MR IB ■ 1 i i O-i— Etrir1^---*'-^ i~ »: *?o l □ □ nn TeloTl6lon CuarUrback Getting repetitious week efter week. Jnnes Ee&rd was excel, nt before he got t sponsor. No* only fair "restllng froo Jan/ilca Arena. Tights excellent rlckup. Excellent announcing, 'cry excellent T>erforeenc«. TO i uu DU Ml Ml J uu uu j uu uu Mi LJ uu uu TO ?10 U uu uu uu »M 14 VHBT uu / 1 »0 Lsd wnBT uu uu / t bd irA/jr uu uu 1 Ml k wnsT uu uu 1 IO •V bd WHAT uu uu 1 ♦« k W HIT uu 1 TO k tin to uu uu ; 1 TO k */A8D uu uu 1 / *o° k WN8T uu 1 II 1 ; ♦*J k *N»T uu nn / ■»|J k wU8T uu uu / £L Id wmr uu uu 1 r k •usr uu uu 1 k VH»T uu uu / H u uu uu r'» 1 1 uu uu » ! . uu uu j« ' II uu uu Copyright 194* by C.F.Pconer.Tnc. advertisers in TV not only know who's viewing but what, if anything, is of more importance than television. The first complete diary returned to the Hooper organization covered the period from Thursday, October 3 to Wednesday, •<i 9. It represented the viewing and ling oi a business couple. The man of the family filled in the report, which is, minus the page headings and blank sp. reprinted on these two pages. Friday evening's report is printed without being cut down so that the format can be noted. The diary report starts with Thursday afternoon rather than evening because the crucial Brooklyn-St. Louis baseball game was being telecast, and any baseball fan with a TV receiver was at his receiver. The diary keeper was at his set from 1:30 to 1:30 and he liked what he saw and heard. In the evening, when Mrs. Television Diary Conductor joined her husband, they listened, as they did practically eveiy day, to the music that backed the test pattern (prior to the scanning . enjoyed Lew Lehr's Detect and Collect. (ABC over WARI ), thought Standard Brands Hour Glass (WNBT j only fair, enjoyed the Fight Film, and caught the end of Dennis James in the Carr and Stark production, Cash and Carry, WABD. Friday, with only WABD and WNBT (now WNBC-TYion the air. the diarist tuned and stuck with the NBC station, except for the wrestling on DuMont. The factor of repetition, which has been very nicely ignored by program producers, counted against Television Quarterback and the James Beard cooking series, although the latter's not being good was blamed upon the snaring of a bankroll. Saturday afternoon was the football day m the life of the male member of this family of viewers. Saturday night brought the lady of the family to viewing and the comment on busy telephone lines on participation shows, King's Party Line in particular, is something for builders of telephone shows to weigh. Sunday again brought family viewing from 8 to 10 P. M. with Face to Face getting a "no" because ot monotony. NBC's dramas get a special bow. This week it was the Ed Sobol's production of Benjamin Kaye's "The Curtain Rises" that held the diary family at the receiver. The rest of the week's diary is selfexplanatory. It's printed here without cutting despite the fact that a single diary like a single listener study means nothing. except that a diary does reveal what the member of the panel land in this case his wife feels about TV. This is the first TV diary study. It opens the door to diary television research and all TV research at the source of the viewing the home. Results of excursions into TV research, diary as well as other methods, will be a continuing study of Sponmik 50 SPONSOR