Sponsor (Nov 1946-Oct 1947)

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BONUS RATES FOR A FULL YEAR Our power will be increased to 5000 watts -day and night, Jan. 1st. All orders received by Dec. 31st 1947 will be accepted for one year at our present rates. THE BEST RADIO BUY IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA ®R "San Diego's Community Station" SAN DIEGO HOTEL SAN DIEGO, CALIF. National representative w. s. grant **•* I JOHN BLAIR 8 L COMPANY ■ IfBtSf NTiNG LIAOiNC RADIO STATIONS Offices in Chicago New Vorti • Detroit Si. Louit * Lot Angetej PIONEERING SINCE 1942 • CLn e&taHidlied claim on the JCan&aA City. Matket • for availabilities write O. R. Wright, Sales Manager Porter Bldg., Kansas City, Mo. • E. U. DILLARD, GENERAL MANAGER 60 AGENCY RESEARCH (Continued from page 47) house" — Daggett & Ramsdell, Lehn and Fink, Pharma'Craft (Ting), Revlon, and Chesebrough — appreciated that the research study was made as guidance for the agency and these five manufacturers in handling future advertising. The same is true of this agency's study of insurance which was made at approximately the time its account, John Hancock, had decided to buy the Boston Symphony through BBD&O against the recommendations of McC-E executives (sponsor September). A number of small agencies feel, as does Stanley Keyes, Jr., of St. Georges and Keyes, that agencies shouldn't have full time research staffs or departments. There is, according to Mr. Keyes, a tendency to keep the research staff busy whether or not there's a real reason for it, since they're on the payroll. Keyes, who was at one time with the research department of Erwin, Wasey, contends that it's wiser to farm out research projects to qualified research organizations, the agency retaining the right to approve the means and methods of each project. As a matter of record, there are very few agencies or clients who do not farm out a sizable portion of their researching. More and more agencies are working with colleges having research courses. BBD&O, for instance, works closely with Syracuse University's Dr. Harry Hepner, who heads up what is known as the Onondaga Panel. They call upon the panel of 1 ,000 families for special project studies but no continuing qualitative studies are being made. There are "listening groups" like the O. P. all over the U.S. One thing is certain, research in some form or other is employed by every agency in the U. S. which has a single account with a billing of over $500,000. It is also true that agency research has won considerable respect from independent researchers and those engaged in "pure research" (i.e., research initiated for the purpose of establishing some economic or sociological truths without regard to the relationship of the end product to sales). Research units at agencies today have two immediate major objectives — first, to sell their own organizations on the efficacy of research, and, second, to remove the onus of existing solely to justify what the agency is doing. After these two objectives are achieved there is research's entire job to do. In radio this includes removing, as far as is humanly possible, guesswork in broadcast programing and broadcast advertising. SPONSOR