Sponsor (Nov 1947-Oct 1948)

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• •• one year in This rr|)orl deals l)ri('flv willi llu' ainaz]ii4<^ acceplaiice accorded one trade magazine dnring its first year. It presents facts. Frankly, it is designed to liel|) yon eyalnate SPONSOR'S place in yonr 1948 trade-paper promotion. Colil fads: SPONSOR, in its first year, publislu'd 165 editorial pages geared 1<M)% to sponsors, prospective sponsors, and llieir advertising agencies. \d\ertising pages totaled llT'). Knll-tiine persoruiel increased 100% (from 6 to 12). A Chicago branch ollice was added. Sales representatives >vere appointed for Los Angeles and San Francisco. Paid circulation (at $5 a vear) was achie\ed in hundreds of nationalh -important firms. E<ni«»riaIIv : SI*()\SOK sta\ed glued to its policy of designing and writing every word of editorial content for liiivers of broadcast advertising. U ith a single exception, every article was staff-researched and staffwritten. \o puff-stuff was permitted. I'he average issue contained more than 20 subjects, ranging from "'IVen-age. Sales" to the "After-midnight \udicnce." from "Are Timebuyers \pf»reciated" to "How Esso I ses News Spots." from "TV J)iar)" to "Station Mcprex iilati\e Study." Contests on the air. radio bv indu>-tr\ categories, business and persomiel changes relating to radio, Network COMPAK AGKAPII were researched and charted month after month. The em phasis was on solid usable facts, on giving advertisers an«l agencies an appn-ciation and working knowledge of spot, network. TV. KM. FAX. i he pa \ off came in the form of reader response too good to believe. Hut before long station representatives noted the same phencjmena. Lnexpectedh. reports of agency -advertiser enthusiasm came to us from Lew Avery of Avery-knodel. Gene Katz of the Katz Agency. Hill Handa of )\ eed &. Comf)anv. Kd Shurick of Free <!( Peters. Wells Harnett of John lilair «.K Companv. Don Cooke of Donald (]ookc inc.. n()war<l StanlcN of Radio Sales. Said (me. "The\"re calling SPONSOR 'the trade pap«'r click of 1947.'" Unique format: Hitting the bullseye editorially was the big reason, we felt, for this oNcrwhelming acceptance. Hut wt' w<-ren't forgetting the importance of our unicpie. attractive format. \\ c"d designed SPONSOR to be the pictorial standout of the advertising trade paper field. All through our first \ear we stressed pictures, pictures, and more pictures. \^ e kept textmatter brief and meaningftd. SPONSOR. «'dited for busy radio buyers, was pleasant, itnportant reading. "Wi lia\f found it (.SPONSOR) to conlain so many down-to-earth articles thill I slioiild like lo secure a full set of l»;i«-k i^ucs (rum I lo ".*' — I.ouis K. WollT. kciuial! Miiiiuracturiii^ <;<>.. Lawrcn<c, Ma->.. * ♦ * "Hj (J. W . Frazcr) would apprcrialc il il mmi \wiiiM <'lian^c Ills iiiailini.' addi'c>>. ><> llial In >«ill r««ii\c SI'ONsOU at his N«->»p<irl. I{. I., siiiiiiiicr rcsi<l<>iice.'' — Kruiii K. Ily. S«Ti«>lary loj. W . Frazcr. Kaiscr-Fra/.cr (orp., W illou Kuii. Mich. • • • •• This ..liui I nolr is |u cy press my enthusiasm for your magazine SI'ONSOU. Kudosed is .SIO for two fiifl sultscriplions." Joseph >A . Ful<:luim. The ('.oea-('ola (!o., Ne« > ork City • * • "It js ^nU pleasure ihiti we renew our suhseriplion. SPONSOK has heen a soinee of inlereslin;: readin;: and il (ills a nuieh iM-eileil ^.'ap in llu reporlinir of liroadcasl aelivilies." Win. II. ilainillon. Itadio Manay<'r. F. I. ihi I'onl d«NenHiurs. W ilinin<zlon ' • ' ••|.ookiny <>\er llie magazines in | lio field. >» e decided that SPONSOK lops the li;.!. Plcasi start our sul>scriplion ininie<liatcly and please let us know if there is any way we can actiiiire back issues." — Mary Elizaheth <iaynor. Ra<lio nire«-lor. W oo<lard iV Fris Inc.. \lhany. N. ^ . * * * "SPONsOK is d<iin<: a •:oo<l joh proxidini: ad>erlisin(; a:;cncies like oiirsel\es wilh ideas thai are usefnl in the planning and purchasing; of radio spots." Richard Jor;;cnscn. I<ichar<l ,Jorj:«-ns«-n \«l\erlisin;;. San Francis<-o ' * * ••This teller