Sponsor (Jan-June 1950)

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si mmiAiiKi: i SPONSOR: Bonnie Bee AGENCY: Direct ( VPS1 IK CASE HISTORY: A special Armour promo tion including a beauty queen demonstrator (Miss Wisconsin Cheese) had previously been staged with little or no radio. Bonnie Bee Supermarket decided to use radio as a principal promotion with other media supplementary. In one day, sales of Miss Wisconsin Cheese totalled 1,120 pounds, exceeding by almost 200 pounds the previous national record set in a store jar larger than Bonnie lice. Armour was so impressed, they've bought a regular schedule of three programs weekly. WBEL. Beloit, Wisconsin PROGRAM: Announcements RADIO RESULTS DEPARTMENT STORE SPONSOR: Daly's AGENCY: Direct CAPSULE CASE HISTORY: Rain, snow and near flood conditions in January brought almost all retail business in Eureka, California, to a standstill. Daly's decided on an experiment. For two days, saturation coverage — 30 announcements per day — was purchased. Cost of campaign ivas approximately $120. The result was the biggest January day in the history of the store, and a Saturday that equalled tfie Saturday before Christmas. Equal newspaper coverage, says the store manager, would have cost $600 at local rales. KHUM, Eureka, California PROGRAM: Announcements ROME INSULATION SPONSOR: The Yancey Co. AGENCY: Direct CAPSULE CASE HISTORY: This company sells home insulation and roofing and began to use a participating spot on The Emerson Smith Show. The sponsor wanted to talk to the houseivife about insulation instead of concentrating on the male audience, even though the average job runs as high as $120. Within a month, one salesman reported three home insulation sales. In addition, when salesmen call they're greeted with: "Oh, yes — yours is the firm that advertises on the radio." KDYL, Salt Lake City PROGRAM: Parlicipation llll Mid SPONSOR: Theatre Guild AGENCY: Blaine Thompson i VPSI I 1. CASE HISTORY: The program featured in terviews with Theatre Guild stars and also offered listeners a special service. Tickets to any of four Theatre Guild hits could be purchased via phone, eliminating the filling in of mail order blanks or standing in line at the box office. The response was excellent. During the first ten days of the program, $4,719.80 ivas taken in — many of the calls coming long distance. The Theatre Guild now runs three quarter-hour programs a day. \\ MCA, New York PROGRAM: Radio Box Office I OIK ACCOM VI \U MY: 1 1 • I [oge SPONSOR: Walk Frank < U>SULE CASE HISTORY: The company offered a package <>j six imported pipes worth $22 for only $3.95 plus mailing charges. The offer was made on eight I ~>minute newscasts and the pipes were sent. C.O.D. The offers on these eight newscasts drew 5,899 phone and mail orders producing a total oj $23,301 in sales. And this at a cost of $3,368 for the entire campaign including radio. telephone sel I lee. (leiieul expenses, etc. WOK. New York PKOCKAM: News FARM CATALOG I K SPONSOR: Montgomery Ward AGENCY: Direct CAPSULE CASE HISTORY : Montgomery Ward decid ed to use a single announcement on Grady Cole Time to introduce their farm catalogue. This was after results with other media had proven unsuccessful. Grady Cole made the free offer. In the first three days, 1.417 requests were received. That wasn't the end of it. From this one announcement, mail continued to arrive for the next six weeks. And. at the end of this period. Montgomery Ward had distributed 3,729 catalogues. WBT. Charlotte, N. C. PROGRAM: Vnnouncement Pit TIRE SHOP SPONSOR: Pearl Davey AGENCY: Direct CAPSULE CASE HISTORY: This sponsor owns a small picture shop in u suburban shopping district. After a store fire, Miss Davey remodeled the place and featured a group of religious pictures for sale. In spite of a driving ruin. $700 in pictures were sold all accreditahle to that single announcement. As a sideline, she sells atui repairs lamps. Two announcements featuring these lamps again resulted in $700 in lump business alone. KOH . Omaha PROGR VM: Vnnouncemenl