Sponsor (July-Dec 1952)

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■J0\ New England's J* fastest growing area is Eastern Conn . . . Served best by its largest city *N0RWICH thru Some of Eastern Connecticut's big installations include DOW CHEMICAL (Six miles from Norwich) ELECTRIC BOAT CO. (Submarines) SUB BASE, GROTON (Ten miles, nearly 15,000 people) PHIZER CHEMICAL AMERICAN SCREW CO. U. S. FINISHING CO. AMERICAN THERMOS CO. and hundreds more. Here Is the #1 Hooper station with the best local Music and News programming and NOW one LOW RATE 6:00 AM -10:15 PM Major Salw force of ' fatten Conn, Norwich contact John Deme, Mgr. •Norwich 37,633 New London 30,367 REPORT TO SPONSORS for 29 December 1952 (Continued from page 2) General Mills, Toni cancel film commercial plans General Mills and Toni have cancelled plans to make TV film commercials under interim SAG agreement through Producer Roland Reed in Hollywood. At SPONSOR'S presstime status of strike which actor's guild called against TV commercial producers in New York 1 December was as follows: Hollywood Alliance of Television Producers has not acted on SAG's bid to open negotiations by presenting any counter proposals. New York producers are looking to SAG to resume negotiations with them in January so they can offer certain concessions agencies are willing to make to SAG, such as reuse payment for film commercials used on network over 4 weeks. SAG has indicated willingness to lump all reuses including spot in single category, with actors and announcers getting reuse fee every 4 weeks. Meanwhile all film commercial production is at complete standstill. Oakite will be in 23 markets with radio and TV in January Oakite Products reports its radio-TV spot operations in January 1953 will entail 13 different TV programs and 48 different radio programs. The number of cities so far is 23. Frank A. Conolly is Oakite 's executive on this air media operation. (See "Radio-TV help Oakite win the battle of the shelves," SPONSOR, 25 August 1952). CBS not convening TV affiliates with new compensation plan CBS has no plans for calling meeting of TV station affiliates to discuss revised plan for compensation or allocation of network commercial hours. CBS explained its periodically making such changes, pending on the market. NBC presented such plan for revision at meeting with affiliates in Chicago 16 December. Both sides toasted each other over acceptability of plan. CBS board holding next quarterly meeting in Hollywood CBS, Inc., has set Hollywood — 12 January — as next place of quarterly board of directors meeting. Profit statement for 1952 issued then is expected to be percentage point or two either way in profit difference as compared to 1951. Books hadn't been closed at time SPONSOR went to press but indications were that point or two margin would be on profit side. Hollywood meeting will afford all non-executive members on board to see for first time CBS' TV plant, which opened in November. 1^ SPONSOR