Sponsor (July-Dec 1953)

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... / 'ACK' ™ Art Lmklstters 'house party' « 3./S „ JiU POSTERS OUTDOOR BILLBOARDS ADDITIONAL MERCHANDISING SERVICES INCLUDE THE FOLLOWING: "': Window displays Personal calls on retailers, wholesalers, etc. Truck signs Distribution checkups Product exploitation Publicity Mailings to retailers, jobbers, brokers, wholesalers etc. Newspaper advertisements On-the-air promotions Sales meetings for dealers, jobbers, distributor salesmen Car cards Client follow-up reports Promotion consultation service Window streamers House organs Sales bulletins Illuminated billboards Ads in drug and grocery publications Personal appearances by station personalities Easel displays Use of products on give-away shows Booths at fairs Sampling Airplane towing * For further details contact your nearest Storer office STORER BROADCASTING COMPANY — KEYl-TV WSPD-TV — WJBK-TV — WAGA-TV Detroit, Mich. Atlanta, Ga. San Antonio, Texas WWVA — WGBS Toledo, Ohio WMMN — WSPD WJBK WAGA Fairmont, W. Va. Toledo, Ohio Detroit, Mich. Atlanta, Ga. Wheeling, W. Va. M.am., Fla. Cincinnati. Oh.o WSAI NATIONAL SALES HEADQUARTERS: TOM HARKER, V. P.. National Sales Director BOB WOOD, Midwest National Sales Mgr. 118 East 57 Street, New York 22. Eldorado 5-7690 • 230 N. Michigan Ave. Chicago 1. FRonklin 2-4498