Sponsor (July-Dec 1953)

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mm issues. It will appear next 10 August 1953 RADIO C NOTE This data last brought up to date for 30 June issue. SUNDAY MONDAY Nick Carter , .,ibby. McNeill 1st Libby till 7/12 N 8-6:23 L JWT $1850 Bob Considine Mutual of Omaha ■ SON L B&J $1500 Cecil Brown news State Farm Mut'l 479N 6:25-30 L NL&B $500 I Meet the N Squad room mystery N T Listen to Washington Wash L&T American music hall Host: Burgess Meredith Var. 7-9 L&T American music hall 7-9 (cont'd) Guy Lombardo Ainer Tub: lucky strike Treasury 209H Tl varieties rl2:30-lam I Wash Veep T Pre-coronatlon series (17, 24, 31 May) BBDO $3500} Richard Diamondprivate det Rexall Drug: | all drug pr I 21 OH L&T plus 32 CBC stms BBDO $1850 Concert music Canada L Junior Miss H L, My little Margie Philip Morris: )hilip morris cigs 200H r rll:30-12m Biow $4000 Hawaii calls music Enchanted hour music C T Juvenile jury N L We saw tomorrow UN series N L&T Tony Martin RCA: radio, TV »ets, phonographs. records I'.inh l 1-10:30-11 JWT $7,500 Best plays N L&T 8:30-9:30 A Jackson news etropolitan Life ION m-f L Y&R $1250 No network service m-f 6-7 News m-f Headline edition co-op 7:05-15 171N m-f L&T Elmer Davis co-op 206\Vash m-f L Lone Ranger Gen Mis: D-F-S 153D m.w.f L Amer Bakeries 36W m.w.f T TW sl-are $6500 News m-f 7:55-8 L&M: chesterflds C&W 332N $750 TUESDAY You and the world N m-f L No network service m-f Lowell Thomas Kaiser-Frazer L75N m-f L Wm H Weintraub $3750 Keynote Ranch N in f T (part of network) Family Skeleton Toni Co, LB, Manhattan Soap 202H alt das T SB&W $5175 Johnny Mercer show H m-f L&T 7:15-45 Edw R Murrow Amer Oil: amoco Katz share $5000 9SN m-f L Hamm Brewing C-M share $5000 Bobby Benson Kraft Foods ra-5:30 show Bill Stern sports review f m-f L Fulton Lewis Jr co-op 342Wash m-f L This week inside Russia N L G Heattcr; Amer Hm Pr: bisodoit 526Var m,w L SSCB '/4hr $1500 Newsreel; coN m-f 7:45-55 Titus Moody N m-f 7:55-8 T Henry J Taylor Gen Mtrs 159N T Kudner $600 Field & stream N T American concert studio Crime classics H L&T The Falcon** Gen Mis: klx Tatham-Laird R J Reynolds Esty camels Lever: rayve (direct) _. ISDN t Arthur Godfreys! Multi-messg pin Talent Scouts Trios J Lipton: tea. soup mixes 170N L rll:30-12 n Y&R $8500 Hall of fantasy mystery N co-op T No network service No network Ben ice m-f Three star extra Sun Oil: sunoeo 34Var m-f L HOBM $2750 News Parade Pure oil Co 40N.W m-f L LB $3000 No network service m-f M Beatty news Miles: rll:15-30 173Var m-f I Wade $3500 One man's family Miles: rll-11 :J 175H m-f T Wade $6500 Railroad hour Ass'n of Am RR 197H L rll:30-12m B&B $6000 Voice of Firestone Firestone Tire & Rubber Co 156N L S&J $8500 Jackson news Metropolitan Life ■f (see monj Y&R No network service m-f 6-7 News m-f 7-7 :0c Headline editior co-op 7:05-15 171N m-f L&l Elmer Davis co-op 206Wash m-f I Starr of space 11 7:30-55 1 L Griffith news Liggett & Myer; C&W m-f 7:55 Three-city by line H.C.N 'J D iscovery C 1 Literary greats N ' You and the world N m-f L No network service m-f Lowell Thomas Kaisei m-f (see mon) Weintraub Family Skeleton Toni Co. LB; Manhattan Soap SB&W alt das Johnny Mercer show N m-f L 7:15-45 Edw R Murrow Amer Oil— Katz (Iamm Brewing— CM People are funny, Amana Refrig: food freezers 206N 1 1-10-10:30 Maury, Lee & Marshall $4500 Mr & Mrs North Colgate: halo, palmolive 204N 1 rll:30-12m $4501 Songs of the B-Bar-B N tu-f L (part of network) Keynote ranch N in I T (part of network) Fulton Lewis Jr co-op 342Wash m-f L Hazel Market co-op Wash ] Gabriel Heatter Credit Union 522N tu only JWT '/4hr $1500 Newsreel: co-op N m-f 7:45-55 T Titus Moody N m-f 7:55-8 T Mickey Splllanc mystery** Gen Mills: kix Tatham-Laird R J Reynolds Esty camels Lever : rayve J73N T Multi-messg plan High adventure co-op N 1 Bill sporti N Three Sun m-f i HOBM New Pure m-f L Bur No News Mil rn I Wade One m Mil m-f Wade Eddi Coca 197N D'Arcj Rosem X.H First H (Opel Walter Winchell (Jruen Watch Co1 325N L McE w/Tv $15,000 T Grant news I" Lorillard: old g] LSN $100 X S 30 9:15 December bride S. Marine band Best plays (cont'd) The adventurer 2 1 (IN L&T Escape Paul Harvey news C co-op L London Column L&T I Chautauqua Story I N T Songs by Fisher T ' Answers for Americans forum N L Lux radio summer theatre Lever Bros : lux soap, flakes 183n 31 CBC stns (return 8/8; show sus in July) Bill Henry news •Tohns-Manvillc bids. ind'I prods 444 W 9-9:05 I. JWT m-f $750 Reporter's r'ndup Var co-op L Telephone hour Bell Tel System 195N L rH 12:00-12:30m Ayer $8000 America's town meeting of the air co-op 26 8N 1 9-9:45 Confession H I, Jan Peerce show N L&T On and off the record co-op N m-f L JWT $15,000 Band of America Cities Service: petroleum prods 115N L Ellington $6500 Monitor & new Chr Sc Publ Sua 30Bost I W-B $35( Robt Q Lewis Waxworks Webster -Chicago:, phonos, record's j equipment 48N Tl London studio melodies N T FSR $1800 Edw P Morgan A 111:30-35 T Listen to Korea X 10:35-45pm John Durr Sports N T Barrie Craigfi Emerson Diug: L& N bromo sitzr Knomai k : esq pol Mogul (see bel) 196N T Tandem : 3 shows per wk $15,000 News of tomorrow Var L Walk a Mile R J Reynolds camel cigs 185N Frank Edwards AF of L 127W m-f I F.F $1750 Virgil Pinkley H m-f I Esty 5.285" X Elton Britt songs m-f L Hollywood showcase*; L Oper Tandem) News of tomorrow Var I Virgil Pinkley H m-f L! Little symphonies Canada T Meet the press Discussion : .Martha Ruuntiee, moderator Wash T $1500 Edwin C Hill Pliilco: 10:30 35 297N m-f L i CI 1 :30-35 Hutchins $2580 Brevard music festival N 10:35-11 T Chas Collingwood N m-f L 10:30-35 C Adams 10:35-45 S uiotone m only Kudner $2000 Eddie Fisher Coca-Cola Co lOON m.th T D'Arcy Clifton Utley 10:30-35 C m-f L Dance orch N 10:45-11 L Dance orchestra LN Stars from Paris 10:35-11 T Edwin C Hill Philco Corp m-f 10:30-35 Hutchins Orchestra Var 10:35-11 I Yours truly, Johnny Dollar Wrigley Co: spearmint gum 194N 1 A Meyerhf $375( Bill Henry news Johns-Manville JWT m-f 9-9:05 Search that never ends science fiction N Martir Unset che; 100H rl2 C&W 21st precinct On and off the record co-op N m-f I Louella Parsons Colgate: lustre ci 184N rl2-12:15 1 L&N $1501 Frank Edwards AF of L 127 Wash m-f L Furman. Feiner Sammy Faye show H Jl Elton Britt songs N m-f Two I P. Loi gold, e I93N Chas Collingwood N m-f 1 10:30-35 C Adams sus tu-f Mp 10:35-45 1 Bands for bonds N L Clift 1C Star Var 1 Dance orch N I Late news L Art & Dotty Todd H L Orchestra | Var L News Fred Collins news N L Ebony & Ivory H m-th L News & analysis co-op N m-f L Baukhage talking co-op Wash m-f L No network service m-f Ebony & Ivory H m-th L News & analysi co-op N m-f I Baukhage talking co-op Wash m-f L Clifton Utley news C L Late sports roundup Detr m-f L News of world Morgan Beatty Var m-f J, Late sports roundup C.Detr m-f L News Morga Var Dance orch i Dance bands Var T News ll:55-12m IX L Orchestra Var 11:30-55 L Dance bands Var ni-f L News 11:55-12 N m-f L Dance orchestra Var m-f L urprise serenade <' L Orchestra Var 11:30-55 L Dance bands Var m-f Dance music Var m-f L Ho Pal News ll:55-12m X m-f L /Voles and explanations to help you use this churt Sponsors listed alphabetically tvith agency and time on air COSTS: cover talent and production only, do not include commercials or time charges. They are gross (include the 15'; agency commission) to the client for one broadcast. All costs weekly unless otherwise designated. TIME: all times, including program repeat times, are Eastern Daylight. CITY ABBREVIATIONS: C, Chicago; Cine, Cincinnati; D, Detr, Detroit; H, Hollywood; Ind. Indianapolis; Mp, Minneapolis; X. New York; Rich, Richmond; St L. St. Louis; W. Wash. Wash ngton. D. C. ; Var, various. OTHER ABBREVIATIONS: alt. alternate; m, midnight; n. noon; pr, products; r, repeat broadcast; E. east coast; SE, southeast; MW. midwest; L, live; T. transcribed; TBA. to he announced; 100N means show is carried on 100 stations and originates in NYC 3 ABC: Betty Crocker; cost ($2900) for 9 programs weekly. M. W, F: 8:55-9 am; 2:30-35 pm; 4:25-30 pin. Breaktast Club. M-F 9-10 am (not listed on chart); sponsors: O'Cedar, Turner Adv. : Philco, Hutchins Agency: Swift, JWT; Toni, Weiss & Geller. 30-min. cost: $4000. * CBS: Godfrey, M-F. 10-11:30 am; simulcast M-Th 10-11 am, sold as simulcast: time plus talent: $1,400,000 annually for 2 TV quarter hours and 2% radio quarter hours per week per advertiser. 11-11:30 am segment is radio only as is entire Friday broadcast; cost: $6500 per quarter hour. 190-205 radio stations, originates NYC. other points: repeat 5:15-0:45 pm. t-owor Plan: W, Th, F 8-8:30 pm (FBI in Peace and War, M-et Millie. Mr. Keen). Cost: SI55IIU per client weekly. Has 3 nartic. sponsors (see chart). Road of Life. Ma Perkins are carried on 24-26 CBC stations. Road of Life, cost ($3250) covers CBS and NBC airings. ** MBS: Capitol Commentary originates Washington. 484 stations live. Multi-Message Plan: M F 8-8:30 pm. Cost: $1500 per participation per sponsor based on minimum purchase of 3 a week. 8. C. Johnson, 5 news strips: sold as package, time and talent $23,000 a week. '! NBC: Operation Tandem: Hollywood Showcase. M 10:15-30 pm; First Nighter. To 8:30-9 pm; Scarlet Pimpernel, W 10-10:30 pm : Judy Canova, Th 111 10-30 pm ; Bob and Ray. F 9:30-10 pm. Cost: $3S5i; per participation per sponsor; Just Plain Bill. M-F 5-5:15 pm, Whitehall, ait basis. M. W. K one wk. T. Th next; Carter. Th on. wk, M. 1 next. Oris. NYC 150 stations live. Front ''age Farrell. M-F 5:15-30 pm. Amer. Home Prods., alt days. Rest sustaining, t Other products In addition to those mentioned are plugged on this program. AFofL. Furman. Feiner; MBS. M-F 10-10:15 pm Allis-Chalmers, B. S. Gittins: NBC. Sat 1-1:30 pm Amana Refrig.. Maury. Lee & Marshall: CBS, Tu 8-8:30 pm Amer. Bakeries, Tucker Wayne: ABC. M, W, F 7:30-55 pm Amer. Home Prods.. John F. Murray: CBS. M-F 12:30-1 pm; NBC. MBS. M. W 7:30-45 pm ; alt days 5-5:30 pm Amer. Oil Co.. Jos. Katz: CBS, M-F 7:45-8 pm Amor. Tob. Co., BBDO: CBS, Sun 7-7:30 pm; CBS. Th 10-10:30 pm Animal Fdtn., Moser. Cotins: CBS. Sat 10-10:15 am Armour & Co.. FC&B: NBC. M-F 2:30-45 pm Armstrong Cork, BBDO: CBS. Sat 12-12:30 pm Ass'n of Amer. RR. B&B: NBC. M 8-8:30 pm Bell Telephone, Ayer: NBC. M 9-9:30 pm Billy Graham. W. F. Bennett: ABC. Sun 3:30-4 pm Campana Sales Co.. Wallace-Ferry-Hanly: CBS, Sat 11-11:05 am Campbell Soup Co., Ward Wheelock: ABC. M -F 11:30-55 am Cannon Mills. Y&R: CBS, Sat 11:30-12 n Carnation, Erwin. Wasey: CBS. Sat 12:30-1 pm Carter Prods.. Bates. NBC. Th 5-5:15 pm alt wks; M. F 5-5:15 pm alt wks; SSCB: CBS, Sat 1:30-55 pm Chesebrough Mfg.. McCann-Erkkaon: CBS, W 8:30-9 pm Christian Ref. Church, Glenn-Jordan-Stoe MBS. Sun 9:30-10 Christian Sc. Monitor, Walton-Butterfield: J Tu 9:45-10 pm Church of Christ. R. Roy: ABC. Sun 1-1:30 r Cities Service, Ellington: NBC, M 9:30-10 pi Clinton Foods (Snow Crop). Maxon: CBS. M-F 10:15 am (alt days) Club Aluminum, Buchen: ABC. Sat ' Coca-Cola. D'Arcy: NBC, Tu. F 8-8:15 pm; X; M. Th 10:30-45 pro Colgate-Palm. -Peet. Sherman & Manr Tu 8:30-9 pm; L&N: CBS. Tu 10 Est* ; NBC, M-F 11-11 :45 an Continental Bkg.. Bates: CBS. M-F Corn Prods.. C. L. Miller: CBS Cream of Wheat: BBDO: CBS. Sat 11 Credit Union. JWT: MBS Tu " Dawn Bible Students. Wm Ql< 11-11:15 am DeSoto Motor. BBDO: NBC. W Dr. T. Wyatt. Century: ABC, Electric Cos.. Aver: ABC. F <• 30-10 pm Emerson Drug. L&N: NBC. Sun 10-] 8:30-9 pm; Th 10-10:30 pm Eno-Scott & Bowne, Atherton & C Tier: CBS. Th, F 8-8:30 pm (Power Plan) Ex-Lax. Inc., Warwick & Legle: : 5:45-6 pm