Sponsor (1956)

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Mr. Sponsor continued . , 0 HE'S "DOING A FINE JOB" FOR OSCAR MAYER IN CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, and other midwest markets 117 half hour TV films Complete sponsor list and other data on request. 10 E. 44th St., New York 17, Oxford 7-5880 People "vvl^o know stay at the ^nw/ /er///a>7cZf • 3 Minutes from Grand Central • Convenient to 5th Ave. Shops • All Outside Rooms; Tub and Shower • Radio; Television; Circulating Ice-Water • Superb Food at Modest Prices • Newly Decorated Rooms and Suites • Close to All Theatres • One Block from Park Avenue HOME OF THE FAMOUS 'Hawaiian Room' Known For Authentic it ■:,'.!, ki,< Cuisine and Sative Entertainment j« ttnir Until travel agency „r write i; Promotion Dept. l-r Brochure 180. <mte/ /exwaftn LEXINGTON AVE. at 48th ST. NEW YORK CITY, 17 BOSTON — HANCOCK 6-6625 CHICAGO— DEARBORN 2-4432 MIAMI— FRANKLIN 9-8331 Gorman picked Bunny Cooper out of some 200 candidates because she "seemed like a gal who could sit next to the company I 'resident's wife and look good on tv too." Nehi is undergoing an era of modernization and streamlining, according to Gorman. One of the major changes brought about since he became ad manager is a packaging and bottle redesign intended to make the product stand out with more visual appeal in super markets. "The new packaging presents a complicated problem in advertising," says Gorman. "We actually have to make several sets of tv commercials since our bottlers are introducing the new package at different times. With 437 franchised bottling plants, you can imagine that there's a problem in coordination." One of Gorman's major jobs is that of acting as advertising counselor to these bottlers. This means a tremendous amount of travel to trouble spots as well as his frequent trips to New York to consult with the agency. Four kids teach him to be calm "There are times when Cede and the kids treat me like a visitor in my own home because they haven't seen me for a while, he says. But on one of his recent trips, Gorman came to New York with his wife, later remarked ruefully that "It's not the price of the Christmas gifts we bought, it's the chasing after them that killed us." However, Gorman manages to retain a phlegmatic calm seasoned with a sense of humor through murderous travel schedules, business crises and shopping sprees alike. "We've got four kids ranging from two to 13," he says. "You've got to keep calm when you're kneedeep in kids." A general policy of keeping calm makes it possible for Gorman to view with objectivity and optimism the tough competition that Nehi's products face. Actually, the tremendous volume of Pepsi Cola and Coca-Cola advertising helps to build the entire cola market so that a heavy tv effort on Royal Crown Cola is more productive." Showing Nehi's living trademark. Bunny Cooper, in a glamorous gown and a "Royal Crown" throughout 1956, Gorman feels has impressed the public with Royal Crown's qualitv. Next \ ear's t\ commercials and print advertising as well will \ar\ the approach somewhat. "We'll be using Bunnv Cooper."' says Gorman. "But we'll show her in more everyday environments and circumstances so that the consumers can better identif\ themselves with her activities. Another major project for 1957 will be the opening up of a number of new large metropolitan market for Nehi beverages. Tv, radio and print will be important in these initial campaigns to introduce Royal Crown Cola particularly. "We've used radio, with cop) tied in to our tv and print advertising, in several of our established markets. " sa\> Gorman. "It s an excellent supplement to our t\ advertising and serves as a reminder for our message. Nehi's national advertising effort is supplemented 1>\ a co-op advertising plan in which Nehi shares with it bottlers on a 50-50 basis. "On a co-op basis our bottlers use radio and l\ both, with the copj thai we provide for them through Compton, says Gorman. ^ 16 Sl'llNSOU 8 DECEMBER 1()56