Sponsor (Jan-Apr 1957)

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NEW NAME From KSWM-TV to KODE-TV. effective January 1. 1957. NEW MANAGEMENT-Now affiliated with The Friendly Group, headed by Jack N. Berkman and John J. Laux of Steubenville, Ohio. New Vice President and General Manager is Harry Burke, former Vice President and General Manager of KFAB, Omaha, Nebraska. HIGHER TOWER 710 ft. above average terrain — 22% higher than any other station in KODE's 4-state coverage area. HIGHER POWER 316.000 watts of designed power 71,000 watts more than any other station in this growing 4-state market. Covering 166.705 TV homes — out of range of "big-city" television. % billion dollar income. f^S HARRY BURKE *SS5? you'll have more luck ivith KODE-TV JOPLIN, MO. CBS-ABC FORMERLY KSWM-TV Harry Burke, Vice President and General Manager A member oj ■•■^"H The Friendly Group WSTV-TV & AM, Steubenville, Ohio • WBMS, Boston, Mass. • KODE-TV & AM, Joplin, Mo. • WPIT, Pittsburgh, Penna. Rod Gibson, National Sales Manager • 720 Fifth Avenue, New York • JUdson 6-5536 SPONSOR 2 FEBRl \K\ 1951 15