Swing (Jan-Dec 1945)

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ZJung^-Xju-^Lu — Oil From T rees Thanks to the Chinese — Tung Oil is Dolling Up America. by ELLA ALLISON TUNG oil, produced in China as tung'yu'shu, is as slick for paint or varnish as an oily tongue is in politics or at a peace conference. The Chinese, inventors of gunpowder that is used to settle wars — and what will salesmen do with it after all wars are settled? — evolved a peace industry before Marco Polo's time, one that is also useful in war: get' ting oil from trees. The Chinese sent us tung oil bc' fore the present war. The trees, which grew in the region of the Yang-Tse River, bear nuts. The oil comes from the grown-up nuts, when crushed. The trees did not stay in i China exclusively. Americans found out about them, notably William H. Raynes of Tallahassee. Bailey F. Williamson, national authority on Uung oil, had the foresight to promote their growth in Florida for commercial purposes. Wilhamson enlisted others for experimentation. He held tung-blossom festivals during tourist seasons. Almost any tourist has a patch of land on which small trees are slowly growing larger. There are now four mil ilion bearing trees in the United •States. The trees grow in various kinds of soil, acid not lime, with proper drainage. Potash, phosphorus, and nitrogen are needed as for other plant life. The hulls from the fruit and the residue after pressing should be put back around the trees. A bit of zinc is helpful. An orchard of mature trees may be used for a cattle pasture. The leaves repel livestock and insects. The tree does not have diseases, and requires no spraying. The government, until recently, has taken over all of the oil that is produced, and uses it in many ways. Ocean cables are insulated with tung oil. It is the best electrical insulation. It is used as a water-proofing finish for boats. The yacht that won all the races across the Atlantic, and from Palm Beach to Nassau, was finished with a tung-oil coating. It resists the tropical sun and salt air. Gainesville furnishes all of the seed used in Texas, Africa, and South America for increased production of wood oil. Experiments continue, and many by-products are possible when capitalists decide the nuts are nuggets of gold, or that they contain liquid gold. Peace time uses of tung oil for varnishes have been demonstrated by Bailey Williamson with his lectures.