Swing (Jan-Dec 1953)

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TWICE-T Even a Stradivarius needs tuning occasionally. A Reasoning with a child is fine, if you can reach the child's reason without destroying your own. ▲ A vacation usually starts several days before you leave your job and lasts several days after you get back. A The next best thing to a really good woman is a really good natured one. ▲ Love making hasn't changed much in 2500 years. Greek maidens too used to sit alf evening and listen to a lyre. A IT MAKES SCENTS Why reeks the goat on yonder hill Who seems to dote on chlorophyll? A Campaigning against profanity, the vicar of Pendeen, England, wrote in his parish magazine that one mother in his flock told him: "My child swears, but I don't know where the hell he gets it from." A If the Russians were really proud of their Communist experiment, instead of an Iron Curtain they would put in a Plate Glass Show Window. A As an experienced executive recently put it, "A conference is the confusion of one man, multiplied by the number present." A Paternity is a career that is imposed upon a man one fine morning without any inquiry as to his fitness for it. That is why there are so many fathers who have children, but very few children who have fathers. A This was an exasperated wife's advice to her erring husband: "The night before last you came home yesterday and last night you came home today. If you come home this afternoon tomorrow, I'll go home to Mother." A You have to be little to belittle. ,D TALES 6.5 It is especially important in these times to know how to get along with people, because you just have to get along without money. A When you get rid of the idea that your mission is to regulate other people, you are in a position to improve yourself. ▲ Sweet are the uses of publicity. It builds prestige and inflates the ego. When the time comes for the meek to inherit the earth, the taxes will probably be so high they won't want it. A If a man takes off his hat in an elevator, it means he has manners and hair. A It is twice as hard to crush a halftruth as a whole lie. A In their own way and at their own levels, executives are as ardently in quest of security as any other class. A Patience is often simply not being able to think of anything to do. "But why go on and on? Not only are you unable to sell them — you can't even give them away!!"