The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1908)

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THE TALKING INfACHTNE WORLD. 51 FROM OUR EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS(Continued.) The Standard Discocieon. The Standard Discodeon, which has become all the rage now that its excellent speed indicator is seen at its true worth, is winning a large number of good opinions from the trade. Among these the Odeon Co. received from the New Century Phono Co., of Farnworth, a letter glowing with praise of this new model and declaring it to be quite equal to many of twice its price. Important New Records. "The Merry Widow," and its probable successor at Daly's Theatre, "A Waltz Dream" (Waltzertraume") , both figure largely in the fine January list of Odeon records. Robert Evett and Miss Elizabeth Firth, both of whom are at this moment playing in "The Merry Widow," at Daly's Theatre, have made records of two fine duets, "A Dutiful Wife," and "Love in My Heart Awakening," exactly as they themselves sing, them nightly in the play. The complete songs are given, both sides of the disc being used for that purpose. On another disc Robert Evett sings the number for which he is encored at practically every performance, the song called "Home." The "Waltz Dream," which, as we have noted, is named as the successor of "The Merry Widow," is represented Iby a double side Odeon record of selections, and the alluring music is given in excellent style by the Odeon Orchestral Band. How to Win Success. "How shall I win success in life?" the young man asked, whereat, "Have Push" replied the button, "and a purrpuss," said the cat. "Find out the work you're sooted for," the chimney-sweeper said. Just as the match and pin remarked, "and never lose your head." "Aspire to grater, finer things," the nutmeg cried; the hoe said, "Don't fly off the handle," and the snail remarked, "go slow." "Be deaf to all that's told ycu," said the adder, " 'mid the strife, I've found it best," remarked the heart, "to beat my way through life," "Select some proper task and then stick to it," said the glue. "Lx)ok pleasant," said the camera, "and tied-y," said the shoe. "Have nerve," exclaimed the tooth; the hill remarked, "put up a bluff," "And keep cool," said the ice; whereat the young man cried, "Enough." Fire Did But Little Dannage. At the premises of the well-known South London talking machine manufacturers — Cycledom Ltd. in Blackfriar road, a Are broke out just after Christmas, fortunately without very serious consequence. It originated in the Riding School, which was rather considerably damaged, but after half an hour's fighting the flames were extinguished. The damage was covered by in We Want Manufacturers' Accounts We handle large amounts of imported novelties and staples for vvfhich we are the sole agents, and we would be glad to hear from any manufacturer in regard to handling his account. We finance our own accounts and have a regular line of trade to which we send monthly bulletins of all the new merchandise and novelties we handle. Our system has enabled us to give bigger returns than any other house doing a similar business. Manufacturers will find that they will receive bigger returns through our hands than any other connection they could make. We would be glad to hear from any one who is looking for selling agencies. New York & Lima Trading Co. llliV surance, and we understand vsrill soon be made good. Issue New Catalog. Mr. St. Dyktor, sole concessionaire for the Italian Talking Machine Co., has just issued his season 1908 catalog, which contains detailed particulars of the various "Simp" models with illustrations, and full terms of trading. A useful little guide for the trade. Latest List of Clarion Records Interesting. The latest list of "Clarion" gold-molded records covers a large variety of pleasing selections — all apparently of good selling merit, since the Premier Co. have found it necessary to run their factory night and day for some weeks past, and although a double plant is running, supply is still behind the demand. The nine-penny Cylinder is indeed the season's sensation! Disagreeable Factors Overcome. To those who have followed with more or less attention the events of the past year, the mere mention of the following factors will conjure up its financial history in such fashion as to present it at a glance: American crisis; seven per cent, bank rate; consols on three per cent, basis; cotton industry dispute; railway alliances; international struggle for gold; labor and socialistic agitation; threatened railway strike; shipbuilding crisis; slackening of trade boom. These are not favorable factors, but their adversity has in several instances bsen overcome, and as a consequence it is not too much to say, that the outlook for 1908 appears much brighter than the retrospect of 1907. Clever Columbia Window. An attractive novelty in window display was that of the Columbia Phonograph Co.'s Cardiff Branch in the shape of a Christmas tableau. The idea possessed such merit and proved such a great attraction — enormous crowds gathering from time to time — as to be worthy of a somewhat detailed description. A third of the window space represented the interior of a room, rendered cosy by a stove illuminated by an electric lamp in such a way as to suggest a cheerful fire. Many of the appointments of the room were ingeniously constructed from talking machine goods. For example, the mantel was built of record boxes. On a couch in this apartment was the figure of a sleeping girl apparently dreaming of the delights which would be hers if she possesed a graphophonie, to judge by the Columbia catalog which had fallen from her hand on to the floor. Meanwhile unexpected preparations were going on "outside" for fulfilling her dream. The remainder of the window was hung with light blue muslin to suggest the open sky. In midair was a noble airship constructed of horns and records, with a graphophone for the car, in which the up-to-date Santa Claus was making his annual tour. He was accompanied on his mission by a fairy sprite seen in the act of descending a rope ladder from the aeroplane and placing on a table before the sleeping girl a "Trump" graphophone. To admit of the sprite's entrance to the room, the dividing curtain was drawn aside by a commanding figure of Columbia, the exact counterpart of the wellknown illustration on the Columbia Co.'s show cards and record boxes. "Columbia" thus appropriately formed the centerpiece of the display. A descriptive card in the forefront gave point to the whole exhibit with its inscriptions: "The Airship Santa Claus. A Dream of Columbia Christmas Joys. Why not Realize this in Your Home?" Some Columbia Notes. The first batch of disc records of the Accordian, for which the famous player, Peter Tryper, is under exclusive contract with the Columbia Co., have been issued. The renowned Dowlais. Prize male voice choir have been secured by the Columbia people, and some splendid chorus records (10c.) are now on sale. New Seymour Reproducer The new model (1908) of the Seymour Reproducer is just out, and has made quite a mark already in the trade. It is very loud, while being beautifully mellow, and has a deep, firm tone, more like the disc reproduction, but having finer The "World's" Register of British Manufacturers and Factors The following are leading firms in the United Kingdom who will gladly mail Catalogues and Price Lists upon request RPDTITTTD 68 Basinghall St., . rKlH/UlV London, E.G., Eng. EVERY WHOLESALE JOBBER should get my export prices for Best French PHONO REPROS., RECORDERS, BLANKS and all Phono Accessories. Lists free. I am prepared to consider sole representation of manufacturers of SPECIALTIES of all kinds for Phono and Talking Machine Trades. IF YOU WANT TO OPEN HERE write us at once and submit samples and prices. Highest Bank References. Correspondence invited — English or French. For Profitable and SOUND Business handle the IMPERIAL DISC RECORDS Supplied by GILBERT KIMPTON & CO. Peninsular House, Monument Street, London, England THE SEYMOUR REPRODUCER NEW 1908 MODEL Enormously Improved. Absolutely the finest phonograph reproducer on the market. Price, 12/6. Graphophone Carrier Arms for Edison machines to adopt same, with special soundtight joint, from 10 6 to 12 6. Send for illustrated lists of above and other up-to-date accessories. THE MICROPHONOGRAPH COMPANY 291 Goswell Road, London, England