The talking machine world (Jan-Dec 1910)

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16 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. FROM OUR LONDON HEADQUARTERS(Continued.) record and these continue to receive strong support from the whole of the trade. The current issues for May are as follows: Standard Records — "Kelly Two-Step" (Murphy), and "The Cooks — Dance Grotesque' (Gabriel-Marie), by National Military Band. "The Old Grey Coat" (Hyson), Billy Williams; "The Green, Green Ribbon" (Mellor, Lawrance & Gifford), Miss Florrie Forde; "You're a .Naughty Boy" (Clifford), Jack Pleasants; "Let's All Go Down the Strand" (Castling & Murphy), Stanley Kirkby; "A Chapter of Incidents" (Albert), Ben Albert; "Impudence Schottische" (Macey), Alex. Prince; "Don't Go Any Further" (Penso), Arthur Osmond; "Oh! What a Surprise" (Formby), Geo. Formby; "The Berlin Reel" (Scott Skinner), J. Scott Skinner; "Narcissus" (Nevin), Sousa's Band; "Christmas Time Seems Years and Years Away" (Snyder), Manuel Romain; "Some Day" (Gabriel), Miss Marvin and Mr. Anthony; "Come to the Land of Bohemia" (Evans), Joe Maxwell; "Just a Little Ring for You" (Morse), Miss Ada Jones and Billy Williams; "Under the Tent" (Daniels), American Standard Orchestra; "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" (Edwards), Miss Ada Jones; and "En Route to Camp March" (Sharpe), New York Military Band. Edison Amberol Records — "Belhegor March" (Brepsant), National Military Band; 'Abide With Me" (Liddee), Miss Violet Oppenshaw; "I Got Married To-day" (Mills and Scott), Jack Lorimer; "Just for To-night" (French), Pike & Kirkby; "Playing the Game" (Kendle & Formby), Geo. Formby; "Les Folies, Polka" (Waldtenfel), Alexander Prince; "For Months and Months and Months" (Tabrar), Arthur Osmond; "Mary (Kind, Kind and Gentle Is She)" (Richardson), Ernest Pike; "The Colliers" (Castling & Godfrey), Billy Williams; "H. M. S. Pinafore" (Sullivan), National Military Band; "The Bonnie Lass o' Bon Accord" (Skinner), J. Scott Skinner; "La Gipsy — Mazurka Ecossaise" (Ganve), Sousa's Band; "I Wish That You Was My Gal, Molly" (Snyder), M. Romain; "The Kiss Waltz" (Arditi), H. Benne Henton; "Beautiful Beckoning Hands" (Bryant), Edison Mixed Quartette; "By the Light of the Silvery Moon" (Edwards), Miss Ada Jones and Male Quartette; "Tho' Your Sins Be as Scarlet" (Doane), Stanley & Gillette; "I'd Like to Be the Fellow That Girl Is Waiting For" (Mills), Joe Maxwell; "To You — Waltz Serenade" (Czibulka), Vienna Instrumental Quartette; "Characteristic Negro Medley," Peerless Quartette; "The Cubanolo Glide" (Von Tilzer), Collins & Harlan, with New York Military Band. The Ideal List Competition. In this month's Gramophone News, which, by the way, is now issued as a public organ at the price of a penny, particulars are given of the recent Ideal list competition inaugurated by the company — a competition which has resulted in a marked increase of sales all over the country. All who have participated, in particular gramophone traders, are unanimous in their praise of the scheme, because the interest aroused in the urer and his ready co-operation lends color to the belief that for a considerable time ahead beneficial effects will be felt in consequence of the generous amount of publicity which the competition has enjoyed. The Gramophone Co., by tneir persistent advertising, duly manifest the necessity of keeping their goods prominently before the public, a condition of trading which spells "success"— ever the essence of progress. It remains for dealers to follow this wise example. Don't let the interest which this competition has awakened pass into oblivion; rather should you make it the basis of some strong local advertising and reap that advantage which follows a systematic and continuous investment in good newspaper space, booklets and other publicity ideas. Mr. Thumens Leaves Symphoniom Co. We understand that Mr. Thumens, for many years managing director of the Symphoniom Co., of Leipsic, has severed connection with the company. The April Gramophone List. Some seasonable impressions figure in the April list of Gramophone records issued in good time before Easter, an advantage which dealers obviously appreciated to the full. The following selections go to make up a list of unusual strength: "Chanson Triste; Chanson Humore.-ke" (Tschaikowsky), "Lubly Lulu," Chopin's "Funeral March," and "Students' Songs," all by the band of H. M. Coldstream Guards; "The Pilgrims of Love" and "I Think," by John Harrison; "Land of the Almond Blossom," by Kennerley Rumford; "A Sergeant of the Line," Harry Dearth; "Arm, Arm, Ye Brave" (Handel), R. Radford; "Entreat Me Not to Leave Thee" (Gounod), Miss Edna Thornton; "0 Memory," trio, Miss Percival Allen, Miss Alice Lakin and John Harrison; "La Czarina," concertina solo by Alex. Prince, and the following six hymns, all beautifully rendered by a mixed church choir: "Jesus Christ Is Risen Today," "Onward, Christian Soldiers," "For Ever with the Lord," "Holy, Holy, Holy," "Days and Moments Quickly Flying," and "Now the Laborer's Task Is O'er." An Interesting Legal Decision. Judge Lumley Smith, K.C., recently had a very contentious case before him in that of Valentine vs. Ault, in which a traveler and commission agent sued a firm of merchants for the sum of £100, commission due after the termination of the agency. As will be seen the case is of much importance to employers and travelers. Plaintiff was engaged to obtain orders on 5 per cent, commission. He worked for defendants over two years and the agency was then terminated by notice. Plaintiff now urged that he was entitled to be paid commission for orders which came in after he left, because they were obtained by his influence. Counsel stated that that would amount to plaintiff receiving a pension for life and the claim was unreasonable. After giving a verdict in favor of defendants the judge said: "To entitle the plaintiff to commission after he had ROYAL APPRECIATION of the $ Gramophone To H. M. the KING OF ITALY BY APPOINTMENT To H. M. the QUEEN To T. M. the KING and QUEEN OF SPAIN HIS MASTER'S VOICE To H. H. the KHEDIVE OF EGYPT THE GRAMOPHONE COMPANY, Ltd. 21 CITY ROAD, LONDON 15 Rue Bleue, PARIS 36 Ritterstrasse, BERLIN 56 Balme«, BARCELONA 139 Belleaghatta Road, CALCUTTA To H. M. the SHAH OF PERSIA