The talking machine world (Jan-Mar 1921)

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102 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD March is, 1921 THE TRADE IN BOSTON AND NEW ENGLAND — (Continued from page 101 I MUSIC CABINETS See Display Ad in This Issue Peerless Record AWbw See Display Ad in This Issue SPECIAL I am prepared to ship all orders on either line promptly. Send your orders for both these lines to L.W.HOL'GH, 20 Sudbury St., Boston, Mass. New England Representative taining his son, Horace Silliman, who is now in business in London, England, and who came over for a few weeks, sailing toward the middle of February. Mr. and Mrs. Silliman, it may be recalled, visited their son in London last Summer. President Silliman says that he sees a constant improvement in the Edison business, and in the New England field he has added a few dealers in the State of Maine. Changes on Staff of Steinert House Several changes were scheduled to take place within the ranks of the Steinert Boston house beginning on March 1. The new member of the Victor staff is Mr. Bothwell, who has been out of the talking machine business for a couple of years, but who now becomes retail manager at the Boylston street store of the company. He succeeds G. Frank Baldelli, who has been transferred to the Arch street store to take the place of Guy L. Foote as retail manager. Mr. Foote has been with Steinert's fourteen years and his experience has been such that the house feels warranted in advancing him to be wholesale representative with New Hampshire and Vermont as his territory. Features Al Jolson's Records Manager Arthur Erisman, of the Grafonola Co. of New England, had a very attractive win-' dow in his Tremont street store the middle of February in which Al Jolson was featured. There was a tall pasteboard figure of this Comedian in the center and grouped around were the records of this popular entertainer. Manager Erisman's other shop around the corner in Boylston street is constantly proving itself an admirable location because of the popularity of this street, which is much traveled all through the day. Fitzgerald to Open in Framingham William Fitzgerald, who has a well-appointed Victor headquarters in the Studio Building at the corner of Tremont and Bromfield streets, is branching out, and about the middle of March he will open up a new shop in Framingham, which is twenty miles out of the city. He has taken a large floor space and basement at 59 Concord street, which is centrally located, and he is fitting the place up in a most attractive style. He will have an electric sign on the outside and he will carry a full line of Victor machines and records. The store will be in charge of "Billy"' Fitzgerald's nephew, William J. McCarthy, who under his uncle has had a thorough and valuable training in handling the Victor product. ACCEPT 25 PER CENT ON CLAIMS Unsecured Creditors of New England Piano & Phonograph Co. Meet and Adjust Affairs Bostox, Mass., March 2.— There was an informal meeting last evening of the unsecured creditors of the New England Piano & Phonograph Co. at the warerooms, 405 Boylston street, and of the seventy-fi\ e or so creditors thirty-two were in attendance. J. W. Connolly was present to represent the W. W. Kimball Co., of Chicago, which is the largest creditor, and he also represented the New England's interests. Charles G. Faux, the head of the company, was present and he answered such questions as were put to him regarding the Your Guarantee Mr. Dealer LANSING KHAKI COVERS For All Phonographs Unqualified Endorsement of Biggest Manufacturers and Dealers Factory Representatives: L. A. SCHWARZ. 1265 Broadway. New York City. BRUNSWICK-BALKE-COLLENDER CO., 623-633 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. ALL-IN-ONE PHONOGRAPH CORP., 21 East Van Buren St., Chicago, III. WALTER S. GRAY CO.. 942 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. Eliot and Warrenton Sts. BOSTON, 11, MASS. company's business. There were a number present who were willing, apparently, to accept twenty-five per cent on their claims and to-day there was filed with the United States Court of Bankruptcy an offer of composition by Mr. Connolly. The total liabilities of the New England have been placed at $225,000, this being divided between the secured creditors ($150,000 and the secured creditors ($75,000). It is understood that the assets amount to about $210,000. Some of the largest creditors are the W. W. Kimball Co., of Chicago, $11,000; a local trust company, $12,500; Biddle Piano Co., $3,212; Empire Talking Machine Co., $1,385. Several of the Boston daily papers are in the list with good-sized claims for advertising. "Nameplates With a Personality" For Manufacturers and Dealers of Talking Machine*, Phonographs, Musical Instruments, etc. E. V. YEUELL CO., Maiden, Mass. When You'll Think of Nameplatet Yoa'll Think of Yeaetl. The "Perfection" Universal Bali-Bearing Tone Arm No. 6 With New Pur-i-tone Reproducer (attached) Set in position for playing "lateral" cut records Set in position for playing "hill and dale" records with diaphragm facing front of machine The "Perfection" Universal Bail-Bearing Tone Arm No. 6 with New Pur-i-tone Reproducer attached plays Victor, Columbia and all other makes of disc records on all types of Edison Disc Machines, producing with clarity and volume of tone excelled by no other attachment. This attachment is manufactured in Gold, Nickel and Oxidized finish (William & Mary) with the best of India Mica Discs. WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE CATALOG AND PRICES Manufactured by New England Talking Machine Co. 16-18 BEACH STREET BOSTON, 11, MASS. CALIFORNIA San Francisco— Walter S. Gray Co. COLORADO Denver — Denver Dry Goods Co. GEORGIA Atlanta— Phonographs, Inc. IOWA Des Moinea— ■Harger & Blish MASSACHUSETTS Boston— J>«rtee«Elleirber«er Co. DISTRIBUTORS i MISSOURI St. Louis— Silverstone Music Co. NEBRASKA Omaha— 'Shultz Bros. NEW YORK Albany — American Phonograph Co. New York — The Phonograph Corp. of Manhattan OHIO Cleveland— The Phonograph Co. PENNSYLVANIA Pittsburgh— Buehn Phono. Co. Philadelphia — Girard Phono. Co. UTAH Ogden — Proudfit Sporting Goods Co. VIRGINIA Richmond — C. B. Haynes Co.. Inc. Factory Representative — Louis A. Schwarz 1265 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, N. Y.