The talking machine world (July-Dec 1924)

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August 15, 1924 THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD 13 HONEST QUAKER Afazn Sjo rind's arte/ Repair Materials BUSINESS 'Ow BUSINESS — — %Ve$ Lasting ' Business is Founded on the Solid Rock q/ OUR CREED: Never shall any item be illustrated in our catalogue unless we are in a position to fill your orders promptly. Never shall any of our merchandise be other than exactly as illustrated, and never shall anyone in our organization be authorized to make any statement that is not authentic, consistent with proper and good business dealings and such as we would expect from you. REPLACEMENT PARTS FOR EVERY Never Claiming Perfection but forever seeking it we offer a Service to the Phonograph Industry that is used by successful merchants in every part of the world. MOTOR, TONE ARM and REPRODUCER