The talking machine world (July-Dec 1924)

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The Talking Machine World, New York, August 15, 1924 Twenty-four Improvements help you sell the MONOTROL REG. U.S. PAT. Of I 1 — 3 stages of tuned radio frequency combined with the advantages of the Inverse Duplex System. 2 — All the selectivity of the hest tuned circuits, yet with only one tuning dial. * 3 — The Sleeper Synchronized Dual Condenser, operating tuning condensers on a single shaft. 4 — Universal operation using any kind of loop, or aerial, or ground wire alone, depending on location. 5 — Operates from either wet or dry cell batteries with either type of tube. 6 — Tremendous power with fewer tubes — rectification, 3 stages of tuned radio frequency and 3 stages of audio amplification from only 4 tubes. 7 — Use of efficient Sleeper Reetiformer in place of the usual noisy detector tube. 8 — Exceptionally pure tone due to new principle of audio amplification with Sleeper Audoflex Transformers. ** 9 — Socket block floating on aeroplane rubber, eliminating microphonic noises. 10 — Recessed coil springs under each leaf contact. 11 — A novel system of stabilizing radio frequency. 12 — A novel in-put circuit, using same binding posts for aerial or loop. 13 — Local-to-Distance Switch, controlling volume without affecting tuning. 14 — New intensity control, saving current from all batteries. 15 — Metal panel and framework, eliminating body capacity effects. 16 — Improved type of filament switch. 17 — Beautiful cabinet of solid inlaid African Mahogany — Sheraton Period. 18 — Natural or 30° eye-to-hand slope, increasing visibility of dial readings and making operation more convenient. 19 — Satin finish panel, etched in oxidized bronze. 20 — Self-containing compartments for "B" batteries and dry cells. 21 — Tuning dial calibrated in wave lengths as well as numbers. 22 — Utilization of common ground, eliminating unnecessary wiring connections. 23 — Improved construction, using the famous Doehler Die Castings throughout. 24 — All battery connection wire coded in color. The Sleeper Floating Socket Block Sleeper Synchronized Dual Condenser