The talking machine world (Jan-June 1928)

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Maintaining Sales Enthusiasm Sales Manager Is Responsible for the Efficiency of the Organization ri^HE concern of the sales manager is not only to keep his organization intact, but also to keep each individual working at the highest point of efficiency. That, of course, is where the real worth of the sales manager is proved in a manner leaving no room for doubt. To keep the enthusiasm of the organization up to the highest point of efficiency there should be a short, snappy, ten or fifteen minute sales meeting every morning. There should never be any deviation from this rule and attendance should be compulsory. You can help to create interest in these meetings by making them brief and by giving the organization at each one some new idea or selling argument. The sales manager should point out the outstanding programs on the air that evening so that the salesmen may go out and talk about these events to their prospects and create desire for radios or combinations. There should also be described and played at least a part of some outstanding record, so that the salesmen may become more familiar with the recorded music, and thus be in a better position to sell the record idea. Getting the Salesmen Out Early I believe that this early morning meeting is the most important part in the successful handling of a large organization — for if your men all report in a body at this meeting you are sure that they are ready to go to work — whereas if you do not require such a meeting ofttimes the less energetic salesman will be sleeping through the morning hours when he should be working. Of course, he may telephone to you at about 8.30 that he must go direct to a prospect's home before coming to the store. In many cases said salesman, after hanging up the telephone receiver, crawls right back into bed and finishes his sleep. I know these things to be so, because I, too, was a phonograph salesman for a number of years. By Clarence H. Mansfield Fitzgerald Music Co., Los Angeles Of course, you will have a difficult time getting 100 per cent attendance on time at these morning meetings, particularly at first, but roll C. H. Mansfield should be called each morning and a record kept. Some reward should be held up for the salesmen who are punctual regularly to give them an incentive. In our organization we have four men on the floor each day — these floor days are valuable — so they are given to the salesmen each week who are highest in point of sales volume for the preceding week, the high est man getting first choice, next highest man mm i iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiliiiii i mini minium mi iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiii i mum nil iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmj . i M.>4el A Dealers ! Understand this — The Hyatt Utility receiver is not competing with your line of larger receivers. Your best prospects for Hyatts are those to whom you have sold larger sets. A Hyatt six will provide — bed-time stories for children in the nursery — a lecture for father in his study — genuine entertainment for those confined by illness in their bedrooms. Sell Hyatt on this basis to old customers and, when price or home conditions are a factor, sell Hyatts to new customers. imiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiniiniiiiiHiinniinnnnninnnnnnniinnii nnnnHnnnniiiiiininniiiiiinimiuiiiiiniiiiinnn iiiiiHniiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiimiiiiiiii innnnnmniniinnnn minimum 22 second choice, etc. However, if there are, out of the organization of 25 salesmen, only twelve or fourteen men who have accomplished business the preceding week, then the balance of floor positions are distributed or rather drawn for by the men who were "on time" at every morning meeting the previous week. Thus a salesman, who has earned a floor day through business consummated, has an opportunity of getting an additional day on the floor, provided he has been punctual every morning during the week and the man who has not been fortunate enough to consummate business also has an opportunity to win a floor day. Thus interest in punctuality is greatly increased. Keeping up the Enthusiasm Creating and keeping up enthusiasm among the salesmen is entirely up to the sales manager. He must continually praise and enthuse over the merchandise. At the morning meeting, especially, is the time to do this, when the minds of all are fresh. These meetings do more to eliminate turnover of salesmen than any other one thing. Salesmen realize they are actually part of an organization. They are made to feel a greater sense of responsibility and loyalty. No meeting should last over fifteen minutesotherwise it loses much of its effect. A longdrawn-out meeting takes too much of the salesman's valuable time and puts him in a bad humor. The importance of keeping him in a good humor is great. A disgruntled salesman never can sell as efficiently as when he is in good humor, so it is a matter of good business to keep him as happy as possible. Most men get up in the morning in a bad humor. By creating a cheerful atmosphere at the morning meeting—with a funny story— or the unbounded enthusiasm of the sales manager, or a pat on the back either actually or verbally— the salesman is put in the proper frame of mind. This all helps build up that valuable asset to an organization— "Esprit de corps." Encouragement Helps All men are more or less vain. All of us like applause. The average salesman is probably more that way than anyone else, in any other line of endeavor with the possible exception of actors. So when he puts over a good deal — when he accomplishes an unusual amount of business — or does anything else outstanding — compliment him in front of the entire organization. You'll be surprised to see how this will encourage him to do better work, and the desire for this appreciation and applause will also spur the other men to greater efforts. Here is a suggested outline for the regular morning meeting as used in our organization. 8. IS. Roll call. Sales manager points out high lights of evening radio programs. Sales manager plays and describes some outstanding record. Honorable mention for those who consummated business day before. Sales manager gives three-minute enthusiastic talk on merchandise and its advantages or gives some selling idea or argument. Adjourn. Weekly General Meetings In addition to morning meetings there should be held once a week, regularly, a general sales meeting lasting from one to one and a half hours. The merchandise, sales promotion plans, (Continued on baae 241 | 8.17. | 8.20. f 8.25. | | 8.28. 1 3.30.