The talking machine world (Jan-June 1928)

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Dr. Will Hohner Is New York Visitor Dr. Hohner Comments on Extraordinary Increase in Popularity of the Harmonica Throughout the United States Among the most important visitors to New York's musical merchandise trade last week was Dr. Will Hohner, director of M. Hohner, A. G., Trossingen, Germany, the world's largest manufacturer of harmonicas and accordions. Dr. Hohner arrived Tuesday and was met by William J. Haussler, general manager of M. Hohner, Inc., American distributor of Hohner products. He will make the New York offices his American headquarters during his stay, which will be of several weeks' duration. In a recent interview Dr. Hohner commented upon the marvelous development of the interest in the harmonica in America, and added that this interest was now being reflected in the demand for Hohner products in other countries as well. "The Hohner harmonica is sold in every country on the face of the globe, and in every country sales are growing," he said. "It seems to me that this is a sign of the times, and that people are coming to the realization that the harmonica is a tremendous factor in the development of musical interest, especially in the youth. "Young people have discovered two things. First, that the harmonica is an easy instrument to learn to play, and second, that it leads naturally to the playing of some other instrument. The vital significance of this as a factor in the growth of musical appreciation is manifest in every country, and is coming to the attention of educators and civic leaders. "The Hohner establishments in Trossingen are busily engaged in meeting this world-wide demand, and these vast plants now occupy several city blocks. As the music dealers of America have observed, the Hohner products are constantly being improved, and this is because we have special research laboratories and engineering departments which do nothing but try to improve the product in various ways. "We are deeply appreciative of the interest that America has displayed in the harmonica, and for our part are proud that our efforts seem to have contributed to no little degree in adding to the sum total of musical happiness." Piano-Key Accordions Announced by Hohner M. Hohner, Inc., 114 East Sixteenth street, New York City, recently announced a new line of de luxe piano-key accordions, introduced to meet the popular demand for a highgrade instrument of this type. Samples were recently made by the factory, and it is expected that distributors will soon have an opportunity of inspecting the new products. An announcement recently sent out by William J. Haussler read in part: "Our distributors who are concerned in the sale of piano-key accordions will be interested to know that in the very near future we will have ready for their inspection and consideration an entirely new line that will be most unique and extraordinary. When completed, the assortment will comprise five distinct series, aggregating forty different instruments. "For the past twelve months the research and technical departments of our factory have been diligently occupied in perfecting these--, new piano-key accordions. "The manufacture of Hohner piano-key accordions will be standardized so that-uniform quality, construction and appearance will result, thus providing the trade with instruments that will afford satisfaction to both buyer and seller. "In the line there will be models to satisfy the popular demand, and to meet the exacting requirements of discriminating buyers an exquisite de luxe series will be provided." Musical Instrument Men Hold Conclave The mid-year meeting of the National Association of Musical Instrument and Accessories Manufacturers, held at White Sulphur Springs, W. Va., on Friday and Saturday, March 9 and 10, drew an excellent attendance. The sessions were held at the Greenbriar Hotel, and a number of important problems of the industry were discussed and plans for the coming convention in June were considered. K eep No More Cats '-'than will catch mice WHICH is an indirect way of saying "Don't overstock." But there is another side to the problem. Even though your stock is at a minimum it does you no good unless that stock moves. One cat is too many if it fails to catch mice. King instruments are good order catchers. In the first place they are widely and favorably known. And we are making mighty sure that folks don't forget them. The interest created by this knowledge can be turned into buying desire by putting a King in the prospect's hands. For every instrument in the broad King line is thoroughly good in every part and detail. Two strong points, but there is still a third. Progressiveness means much to you. Constant improvement in instruments, cases and selling co-operation bring easier selling and greater profits. If you feel that your band instrument department is falling short of its possibilities, give us an opportunity to tell you about the White Way to added profits. THE H. N. WHITE CO., 5215-97 Superior Ave., Cleveland, Ohio Makers of BAND INSTRUMENTS 97