The talking machine world (Jan-June 1928)

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The Talking Machine World, New York, April, 1928 Look at Brunswick — you hear them say Brunswick Record Sales Reach New Peaks ' I SH E tremendous public interest in Brunswick Electrical Records has become the talk of the industry. Ever since last December when Brunswick inaugurated the new oneprice-for-all policy on Brunswick Records, sales have climbed. Gains in the past four months exceed any in Brunswick's history. But Brunswick dealers who are enjoying the profits know why Brunswick Electrical Records are the best buy on the market. Three primary factors in Brunswick's sales policy enter into their success. These are: 1 — Brunswick's recent reduction in prices 2 — Brunswick's special discounts 3 — Brunswick's io% return privilege Mr. Music Dealer, you're missing something if you're not handling Brunswick Electrical Records. In the field of popular music, Brunswick is admittedly without a peer. Brunswick sales policies are up-to-date . . . every advantage of smart merchandising is given the Brunswick dealer. Brunswick advertises in the way the dealer likes . . . NEWSPAPERS THAT YOUR CUSTOMERS READ. No wonder the Brunswick dealer is getting the cream of the record business! Why not drop us a line ? Or let our representative call? You risk nothing . . . and you may gain a lot! Do it today. £7onm$wick THE BRUNSWICK. BALKE-COLLENDER CO., 623 S. WABASH AVE., CHICAGO