The talking machine world (Jan-June 1928)

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USHMAN'S ADIO Service ROFITABLE Yearly Radio Service Plan Holds Trade and Brings in the Cash for New York City Dealer By V. E. Burke THE servicing of radio receivers is a phase of radio merchandising that causes endless worry to many dealers, and a factor that eats into the profits from sales. Dealers who refuse to be stampeded into giving away the services of their men for unlimited periods because the customers expect it or because a competing dealer is offering ruinous service gratis, find that service expenses can be kept within reasonable bounds and if properly handled can be made a profitable source of income. An instance of this is the experience of Cushman & Cushman, Inc., of 1010 Sixth avenue, New York City. This establishment has for the past two years conducted a "Yearly Radio Service," for radio set owners. It consists of $10 yearly for the work. While the amount of money received does not represent a profit, the volume of sales of parts and accessories is profitable. Every one of the clients called upon purchases needed items from us and taking into consideration the scattered area we serve, it is evident that a great amount of this business would never find its way to our store if it were not for the service calls. In addition to these sales, a number of sets have been sold during the past two years through the service men to customers who owned sets which they wished to replace. Seven men comprise the radio service department of Cushman & Cushman, Inc. They are well trained and can render effective service on Yearly Radio Service Plan We can keep it "cured," provided you will take advantage of the golden opportunity now offered you and subscribe to our YEARLY RADIO SERVICE If you could have a specialist look you over once every month, or twelve times a year whenever you wanted him, who would tell you just what was needed to keep your health up to 100 per cent all for the sum of only $10.00, you would say "What an opportunity!" Yet this is exactly what we offer you for your radio's health! Our YEARLY RADIO SERVICE costs $10.00 a year and covers the boroughs of Manhattan and the Bronx. It includes the following: 1. One monthly inspection of radio, including testing of tubes, batteries and thorough checking of set. 2. The privilege of calling upon us in an emergency, if set will not operate. 3. Free installation of new tubes or batteries that may be needed upon any of these inspections, charge being made only for the materials supplied. If set is found to need any new parts, and these are not supplied free under the manufacturer's guarantee, a charge will necessarily be made for same. (Aerial installation is not included in the above.) Give a thought to your radio! Enroll now and be sure your radio physician will be at your service whenever he is needed. the store and the lines it carries by receiving useful little gifts carrying the store's message, hor instance, in December a number of check desk blotters with a celluloid cover on which, in addition to the firm's trade-mark and listing of lines, were printed a calendar for 1928 and a seven-inch ruler were distributed. At other times bridge score pads are sent out; sometimes log cards, and at three-month intervals a small memorandum pad with a calendar of the following three months is mailed. These constant reminders have proved successful in bringing people to the store and to them is attributed a good share of its success. Cushman & Cushman, Inc., feature special programs of wide interest, and on such occasions posters in the store windows inform passers-by for a day or more in advance of the coming event. For prize fights a special window poster has been drawn by an artist with space provided for the names of the contestants, the station broadcasting and, if possible, the name of the announcer. When such programs are broadcast to passers-by from the store door a loud speaker is placed in front and another at a store a few doors away so that assembled crowds can hear without pushing and crowding. Miss Cushman, who takes charge of promotional work, states that store-door broadcasting via the Radiola Above: Provisions of Yearly Service Plan. Right: Subscription Card for Customers twelve monthly inspections by one of the trained servicemen on the Cushman staff and costs $10 for the annual period. The "Yearly Service" is not the outgrowth of a pre-conceived plan, but is rather a logical part of the store's activities. J. B. Konen, manager of the service department, in a recent interview with The Talking Machine World, explained the work of the department and its development. In part he said: "About six months after Cushman & Cushman, Inc., had started in the radio business, one of our customers who had the six monthly inspection calls which comprise the free service which goes with every set sale, asked if there was not some way of continuing the inspection calls, in order that the receiver would continue to function properly as it had been doing. An arrangement was made with him and with several of his friends and other customers. After a time the number of set owners who were receiving monthly visits from the Cushman expert grew to such an extent that the "Yearly Service" became a regular part of the store's activities, contracts were prepared and promotion Work was done to inform more set owners of the plan. "I have heard dealers say that service costs them money, and eats up profits, but we can safely say that our business has been built on service. At the present time 200 owners of radio sets in Manhattan and the Bronx receive inspection calls from our men and each pays CUSHMAN & CUSHMAN, Inc. 1010 Sixth Avenue New York, N. Y. Enclosed find for which send YEARLY RADIO SERVICE to addresses opposite for one year from date named. Sent by Name Address Date Subscription Service YEARLY RADIO SERVICE Consisting of 12 monthly inspections by our expert $10.00 Name Address Date . . Name Address Date . . (Make check payable to Cushman & Cushman, Inc.) all types of sets. Although the "Yearly Radio Service" contract calls for monthly calls, clients can call upon the store in an emergency, al though Mr. Konen states that two calls a month is the limit. Of the 200 who buy the service some arrange for a certain date each month for the inspection; others arrange to have the store telephone at a certain time of the month to see if an inspection is necessary, and still others use the service simply in emergencies. In other words, the latter class telephone the store -and make an appointment for an inspection, at their convenience rather than at stated'interVals. Reproduced herewith are the terms of the "Yearly Radio Service" and what the set owner receives for his payment of $10. The sales and promotional activities of the Cushman establishment are equally worthy of mention. A large mailing list of customers and prospective customers is regularly informed of 10 has been responsible for a number of set sales. The experience of this establishment seems to bear proof of the oft-repeated statement that no one factor is responsible for success in selling radio. A well-defined service policy together with intelligent sales promotional activities and taking advantage of all opportunities are the rules in this instance. Music Week Material Sevefal new pamphlets have been issued by the National Music Week Committee containing material for music promotion in connection wilh. Music Week, which is to be observed May 0 to 12. The new booklets are: "Piano Ensemble Concerts," "Massed Band Concerts," "Music Week in the Churches" and "Home Night in National Music Week."