Talking Screen (Jan-Aug 1930)

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Press Time Topics FTER a long period of constant denials that they wetc engaged, Alice White has finally admitted her bethrothal ro Sidney Bartlett, who was brought from the New York stage several months ago for talking pictures. She is vague as to the date of the wedding, saying that it will take place some time after the first of the year. GEORGE BANCROFT has just signed a new long-term contract with Paramount, a contract which means his continued appearance in talkies as a star. It is further reported that most of his pictures under the new contract will be of the underworld type to which he has brought such distinction CECIL B. De MILLE is busy with plans for the production of an elaborate musical comedy to be titled Mme. Satan, which reminds us that his last stage work before entering mo tion pictures was the producing of operettas. VICTOR M( LAGLEN and Fifi Dorsay are to be co-fearured in a forthcoming Fox feature directed by Raoul Walsh. The picture will also have George Fawcett m the role of a hard-boiled sea captain. 1EWIS STONE was recently /granted a speedy divorce from his actress-wife, Florence Oakley. Charging various abuses, he declared that he had become so nervous he could hardly hold a pen to sign his name ro contracts. AY FRANCIS returned from a recent three-weeks vacation in Hawaii, and has been called to begin work soon on the Paramount lot, although details of her next picture are not available at the moment. 'ILL ROGERS' next picture will be called By the W^ay, Bill, and famous Ben Ames Williams has been called in to write the story. The story will be based on Rogers' life. millionaire Wall Street operator, Frank Stuart. The latter's name has been frequently associated with Miss Gray's, and friends of both are expecting romantic developments when her divorce decree becomes final early next year. J the Evelyn Brent and Harry Edwards, her husband, on board the Aquitania as they arrived in New York City from a recent trip to Europe. She is scheduled to hurry off to Hollvwood to resume talkie activity. OAN BENNETT is soon to start work on her fifth talkie, The Play Boy, in which she will have the feminine lead opposite Harry Richman. The story is from the pen of John Considine, Jr., and will have eight new songs composed by Irving Berlin. GARY COOPER'S next picture after Medals will be a talkie based on Zane Grey's novel. Fighting Caravans, a story concerned with the hazards and hardships of the covered wagons of pioneer days. ITA GREY CHAPLIN is soon to wed Phi! Baker, the famous revue and vaudeville star. REHEARSALS on Anna Cbiislie have started, even before the complete cast selection has been made. It is this picture that will present Greta Garbo to the talking screen, an event of keen interest to mul titudes. George Marion is to play the role of Anna's father Greta has just returned from a vacation tour through Northern California and Yellowstone Park. 1ILLIAN GISH has come back to the J cinema capital after an extended absence, and is preparing to go into the talkies. If her plans develop, it will mark the return to the screen of the pet and darling of the highest-browed critics. EDDIE NUGENT has been assigned an important part in Dance Hall, to be directed by Melville Brown. Olive Borden and Arthur Lake are to have the leading roles. N explosion, followed by a devastating fire whose loss _ _ was first estimated at $50,000,000, recently took place in the laboratory in Hollywood operated by the Eastman Kodak Company and serving about seventy-five per cent of the producing companies. The master films of many unreleased fearure pictures are reported to have been destroyed. GILDA GRAY'S recent party at her Long Island home was one of the gayest gatherings of film notables in a long while. Among those attending were Harold Lloyd, Lenore Ulric. Sidney Blackmer, Herbert Cruikshank, and the JEANETTE LOFF has been granted a divorce from Harry Roseboom, on the grounds of cruelty. It seems that the lovely Jeanette's husband flew into a jealous rage on viewing her screen kisses. ICHARD ARLEN'S next picture, as yet untitled, will be a race track story in which he will play a jockey. N expedition is scheduled to set forth soon from New York for Africa, its object being to bring the jungle to the talking screen. The party will include Mr. and Mrs. Martin Johnson, who are responsible for many appearances of African animal life on the silent screen. 4