Television digest with AM-FM reports (Jan-Dec 1951)

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NOTE: This reprint from Aug. 5 St. Louis Post-Dispaick, is such a fine example of a TV station’s cooperation with local dealers and distributors toward helping them move inventory, and at same time such good station promotion, that the Editors of Television Digest deemed it worth reproduction — and possibly worthy of emulation in other areas. IVow there are more than THKEE HIIIVDRED THOUSAND homes and public places throughout the K.SD-TV area with television receivers. lV<»w more than half the homes in this area are equipped with "front r«»w seats'^ fora complete variety of entertainment features, starring the most famous names in show business. Now more than 52% of the families in this area are experiencing across -the -table intimacy with the most n«»table pers«»nages of our time. At this time last year there were only 150,000 television homes in the KSD-TV area— and TWO years ago there were only 33.000. The number of television homes in this area has DOUBLED during the past twelve months— increased nine-fold during the past 24 months. This remarkable acceptance clearly reflects television's consistent and unprecedented impact as a source of entertainment, information and public service. IHany television dealers throughout the KSD-TV area are offering especially attractive values to purchasers of new television receivers, so that tens of thousands 3IOKE families in this area may enjoy the thrills and advantages of having television in their OWN homes. If You Do ^ot Yet Have a Television Set, See Your Television Dealer Soon! KSD-TV THE ST. LOUIS POST-DISPATCH TELEVISION STATION CHANNEL 5 FIRST IN ST. LOUIS