Society of Motion Picture Engineers : incorporation and by-laws (1929)

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10 Trcmsactions of SM.P.E., Vol. XIII, No. 37, 1929 CuMMiNGS, John S. (A). 23 W. 60th St., New York, N.Y. CuRLE, Charles E. (A). 1902 E. 12th St., Chattanooga, Tenn. Crabtree, John I. Eastman Kodak Co., Eesearch Laboratory, Eochester, N.Y. Dabke, Balvant S. {A). Hindoostan Cinema Film Co., 144 A. Girgaon Back Ed., Bombay, India. Dalotel, Maurice {A). Material Cinematographique 111-113 Eue St., Maur, Xle, Paris, France. Dana, Alan S. {A). Kerite Insulated Wire & Cable Co., Seymour, Conn. Danashew, a. W. {A). 34 Cheestey per N6, Apt. 8, Moscow, Soviet Eussia. Dash, C. C. (M). Hertner Elec. Co., 12690 Elmwood Ave., Cleveland, Ohio. Dave, Bhogh^al K. M. (A). Sharda Film Co., Tardeo Ed., Bombay, India. Davee, Lawrence W. (M). Fox Case Corp., 460 W. 54th St., New York, N.Y. DAvrooE, LeEoy Clifford {M). Eoy Davidge Film Laboratories, Hollywood, Calif. Davies, C. Hartley {M). 36 Shaftesbury Ave., London, W. 1., England. Davies, Harry {A). Pathe of France, Ltd., 5 Lisle St., W.C. 2, London, England. Davidson, L. E. {A). Visual Demonstration System Inc., 259 Delaware Ave., Buffalo, N.Y. Debrie, Andr^ (A). Establissements Andre Debrie, 111113 Eue St., Maur, Paris, France, Deforest, Lee (M). DeForest Phonoiilm Inc., 318 E. 48th St., New York, N.Y, DeFrenes, Joseph, Mgr. {M). DeFrenes Company, 60 N. State St., Wilkes-Barre, Pa. Deighton, William {A). Oliver, B.C. Denison, E. J. (If), c/o United Artists, 729-7th Ave., New York, N.Y. Dentlebeck, Charles A. {A). Famous Players Canadian Corp., 61 Albert St., Toronto, Canada. Depue, Burton W. Burton Holmes Lectures Inc., 7510 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. DePue, O. B, DePue & Vance, 7512 N. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111. DeSart, a, W. Box 413 Hollywood Sta., Hollywood, Calif, Devare, Narayanrao G. Kohinoor Film Co., Dadar, Bombay, India, Devaud, Albert J. (1/). General Electric Co., Schenectady, N,Y, DbVault, Ealph P, (M). 104 N, Princeton Ave., Villa Park, 111. DeVry, H. H. {M). DeVry Corp., Ill Center St., Chicago, 111. DeWitt, H. N. {A). 36 Toronto St., Toronto, Canada. Dickinson, Arthur S. {A). 469-5th Ave., New York, N.Y. Dickson, E. B. {A). Pyrene Mfg. Co., 560 Belmont Ave., Newark, N.J. Dickson, Theodore M. (A). Pathe Studios Inc., Culver City, Calif, DiDIEE, L. J, J. (A). Societe Kodak-Pathe, 39 Ave, Montaigne, Paris, France, Dietrich, L, M, (M). 50 Church St., New York, N.Y. Dill, Herbert S. {A). National Theatre Supply Co., 211 Columbus Ave., Boston, Mass. DoBsoN, George (Jf). 494 Dwas Line Ed., Clifton, N.J, Double, Stanley G. (M), British International Pictures Ltd., Elstree, Herts., England. Dov^nes, a, C. (M). National Carbon Co., Box 400, Cleveland, Ohio, Doyle, Edgar D, {A). Leeds & Northrup Co., 4901 Stenton Ave., Germantown, Philadelphia, Pa. Dreher, Carl (M). ECA Photophone, Inc., 411-5th Ave., New York, N.Y. Dreyer, Harry W, (M). ECA Photophone, Inc., 411-5th Ave., New York, N.Y. DuBRAY, Joseph A. (if). Bell & Howell Co., 1803 Larchmont Ave., Chicago, 111,