Universal Weekly (1924-1936)

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a»outh "Receivinjf very satisfactory results under complete Service Contract, Commend arrangements to other exhibitors." says H. A. Johnson, Tellico Plains. Tenn. — "Have made the best purchase since I have been in the business." says Palace Theatre. Omaha. Tex. — "Looks too good to be real. Best in the 15 'years I have been in tlte business," 'says — Patriot Theatre. DeKalb. Tex. — "The Complete Service Contract alone has kept my house open. It has been a Godsend to my theatre," says Manbar Theatre. Manbar, W. Va. — Complete Service Plan by far the best buy I ever made." says Y. M. C. A.. Ducktown, Tenn. — "Your Complete Service Contract a wonderful Proposition." says G. J. Brown. Tunneltown. W. Va. — "A wonderful proposition. Wish I could thank you personally." says Edison Theatre. FoUonsb^e. W. Va. — "Greatest contract I signed in years. Advise every exhibitor to get in on it." says Princess Theatre. Elmgrove. W. Va. — "Complete Service Contract a real businessbuilder. Anyone will profit by this plan." says I. O. O. F. Theatre. So. Greenfield. Mo. — "Congratu ) East '*Was wondering how I was to pull thru the season. Complete Service Contract solved my problem." says Opera House. Winber. Pa. — "Any man who turns down this is not doing himself a good turn. I highly prize my contract." says Palace Theatre. Washington. N. Y. — "Complete Service Contract is the best buy of any film product today." says Mathers Theatre. Mathers. Pa. — "Have been using it for several weeks and thank you for assisting the exhibitor who needs assistance." says Cameo Theatre, Rochester. N. Y. — "It is the only saviour for the small exhibitor." says Ritz Theatre. Sharon. Pa.— "Only able to reopen my theatre thru your Complete Service Plan." says Black's Theatre. Rice's Landing. Pa. — "The fairest and most liberal contract ever given us." says S. O. U. Hall. Barker. N. Y.^ "Will surely cut down our worries. Your unique idea of great assistance to exhibitors who are trying to compete with radio, gas buggies and daylight saving time." says Garvey's Movies. Clinton. N. Y.— "It is the best thing I have ever had offered me." says Fulton Theatre. McConnelsburff. Pa. — "Comolete Blankets the Countftf/^ Pocomoke City. Md. — ■"Vour Complete Ser\ice Plan is a wonderful proposition. Keep up the good work." says Allen Theatre. Sarepta. La. — "Your Complete Service Contract is a wonderful thing for small towns the size of ours. We hope to be able to continue to use them instead of closing down each winter when the roads and weather get bad," says Fairway , Theatre, Fortesque, Mo. — "Your Complete Service Contract is a sure winner especially for small exhibitors." says The Palace, Powersville, Mo.— "Your Complete Service Contract is O. K. It is the best proposition I ever had," says Galax Theatre, Galax, Va. — "The fairest and most equitable contract I have ever put my signature to," says Liberty Bell Theatre, Flemingtcn, W. Va.— "Sometime ago closed for Compplete Service Contract. Am very well pleased as it allows us to get our share of patronage each night." ■ — Casino Theatre. Hebronville. Tex. — "Complete Service Contract is best chance ever given small exhibitor to make money," says Oasis Theatre. La Grange, N. C. — "Your Complete Service Contract is very fair and will be a great boon for my business," says Ulman's } COMPLETE the variety Contract is fairest and most equitable I ever signed. Thanks for the privilege." says Reese B. Harrington. Harrington. Del. — " YourComplete Service Contract was designed tofulfillrequestofmypatrons. Business is good due to this contract," says Getner Theatre. Silver Creek. N. Y. — "Signed Complete Service Contract for my three theatres. Hope all exhibitors grasp this rare opportunity." says Parkersburg. Manheim 6? Quarryville Theatres. Lancaster. Pa. — ^"It is one of the fairest propositions ever offered to an exhibitor and one of the best in my experience." says Lyceum Theatre. Waterville. N. Y. — "Was compelled to close Tuesdays. Your Complete Service Contract enabled me to reopen and operate with profit," says Star Theatre, Youngsville. Pa.— "Couldn't wait till I got my name on the dotted line." says Seven Stars Theatre. Phillipsburg. Pa. — "A wonderful proposition for the small town." says Grand Theatre. Westfield. Pa. — "Greatest help to small exhibitor in history of the Motion Picture business." says Grsni Theatre. Geneseo. N. Y. — "The more I consider this service the better it looks, says Green Lantern Theatre. Wilmington. Dt-I. II SERVICE, because your house needs!